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RE: Challenge - Stay home, share 3 travel photos (day 11) Killarney Mountain Lodge, Ontario Canada

in GEMS5 years ago

We had black bear in MI back when I was young and we Summered 'up north' as they say, here on Cape Cod, we haven't any bears but two Summers back a small bear WAS spotted. Now it was never really discovered how he got there as Cape Cod is an island with a heavy current canal and only two bridges to access it (as you know, having holidayed here) so IF it did swim the canal, WOW , but some think it might have got in one of the train cars that come in and out to remove our trash. I think it was darted and brought to a zoo or something.
I hope you are well @offgridlife


Yeah, it’s a mystery sometimes how bears end up in certain places. Maybe they hitch a ride in someone’s trailer ? It’s been known to happen. They get into places and slip out when nobody’s looking .... or maybe they can drive ? I am well.... trying to get lots of steps in the back yard .... 21,000 yesterday with Lola our Golden Retriever puppy. Thanks for asking. I hope you are well also. We can’t wait to get back to South Yarmouth and Nantucket ... maybe by August ? I am hoping ModeRNA has the Vaccine now.