Is Obsession With Something Including A Mental Disorder?

in GEMS4 years ago


This morning when scrolling through Twitter I found a tweet that said "I'm not ashamed to be told that I have a mental disorder just because I always have an interest in dealing with middle-aged women" I wondered if it was true that this was a mental disorder.

I remember several years ago when I was still living in Malang, East Java - Indonesia. I have a neighbor who can be said to be a bit strange because every time someone comes to his house, that person will immediately wipe the seat and mop the floor where the guest passes. At first I noticed that it was a normal thing but it was a thing that was repeated when someone visited her house. I became labeled that my neighbor was obsessed with cleanliness.

But is it true that people who are overly obsessed with something can be said to be a mental personality disorder?

Behavior that is excessive, compulsive and makes sufferers have negative feelings such as excessive worry, fear and often restless and obsessive. It causes sufferers to have no self-control over their negative thoughts refers to psychological disorders OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). But it needs to be distinguished from Obsessive Compulsive personality disorder. They both sound the same and have almost the same characteristics, but are actually different.


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is more of a form of anxiety disorder, a person is unable to exercise self-control over anxieties, what they does and what they thinks, even though they are fully aware. This anxiety will obsess them and encourage them to do certain activities repeatedly (compulsively) in order to relieve anxiety in them. OCD is more common in one behavior, such as hygiene problems wiping several times, checking doors and windows more than three times before going outside, arranging items by color, arranging item by sizes, etc. Some of the characteristics of OCD include liking order, fear of being dirty, and fear of being wrong and being blamed, always overthinking, excessive fear of things that are actually considered trivial by others.

Meanwhile Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) is a condition in which the sufferer has a very perfectionist personality and is obsessed with perfection in all aspects of their life. Tend to be rigid, find it very difficult to work with other people, and always think that their opinion is the most correct. OCPD controls all aspects of their life.

I was reminded of several thriller films about psychopaths, whose behavior is always related to OCD even though the "repetitive / compulsive" trait is always attached to each character. Like obsessing over cleanliness, sorting colors according to suitable gradations, etc. Psychopathy refers to a more serious disorder, linked to genetic traits that produce an individual harm to others and to themselves. Most sufferers realize that the activities they do don't make sense. However, they couldn't stop it. Symptoms can come and go and subside or get worse over time.


The cause of OCD is not certain, but in general it is usually due to heredity / genes. However, this cause is still not fully researched and requires further observation. Past trauma such as violence, sexual harassment, bullying, etc. is also a trigger for OCD, and stress conditions can make the sufferer's condition worse.

Like physical illnesses, psychological disorders also need treatment. OCD disorders that are left alone will disturb others and even themselves. Self-awareness is needed to conduct an intense examination to find out the symptoms and the right treatment methods to reduce or even eliminate the OCD disorder.[]





This is a great post, and I'll be sure to get you badge this month for #mentalhealthawareness!

Some one I know used to be a lab technician, and she was super stressed over a failing relationship. The more stressed she got, the more OCD she got, to the point that the only thing she could eat was kit kats and bananas - because they were wrapped, and thus safe to eat.

It's a way of controlling their world I think.

Posted on

It's truly sad story, many stress can trigger anything, the most important thing is to manage the stress itself so that it does not become a more fatal boomerang.Thankyou so much for the appreciation @riverflows.