Holo from polo, artichokephilics, how are we? how are we doing?
Today I wanted to make a post with the bases and basic concepts of Rising Star, since I see through different discords that there are some doubts about certain sections of the game or that they are misunderstood.
First let me tell you that every Thursday we are live at 19:00 UTC raffling EVERYTHING I farm that day of Starbits between 25k and 40k a day e.e
To be able to help new players and that they have that impulse in their accounts.What is Rising Star? That would be the first thing to clarify, it is a play to ear game, interface type, in which we will win its own Cryptocurrency, the StarBits, here you do not control a character nor is it a card game, this time we will have to manage different statistics such as the ego, and the skill (concepts that we will explain below), we will have to set a path and strategies, because although it seems at first glance that it is a very simple game, you have many possibilities to achieve the progress you want, this is the beauty of Rising Star.
We are going to review the main statistics of the game, I say review because we already saw them in this post, where we talk about how to buy cheaper cards and what to look for when buying: https://hive.blog/hive-148441 /@engi/how-to-buy-the-cheapest-rising-star-cards.
Rising Star Stats
- The ego
We are going to talk a lot about the ego in this post, basically it is the difference between, Fans given by cards + Drunk Fans + permanent ego that we get at the end of a mission and the Skill that we have, if the ego is higher we will have a penalty in the StarBits that we earn and we will have less benefit from each mission.
This stat starts to appear when you have more than 1000 fans or have reached lvl 15
- The fans
Fans are awarded by cards and increase the StarBits reward per mission.
- The Skill
The skill makes the ego not penalize us.
- The Drunken Fans
Drunk fans is one of the best statistics in the game and especially for newcomers and it is one of the most common failures I see, these are fans that the game can give you, when you finish a mission, free fans the more you have the more StarBits they will give you the missions, my record of drunk fans is 12k it is like having a legendary one of the greats for free, here I leave you a video talking more about the subject
- Luck
The luck has two functions: give us more drunk Fans and give us more skills in the music missions.
- IM
The IM only serves to position you in the Ranking so for the moment we will leave it aside
- Energy
In Rising Star we are limited when it comes to doing missions, this bar is spent every time we start a mission and it regenerates over time, it can be a problem at first, but it can be solved with Pizza boxes or Cold Pizza (We'll talk about them later)
Mission Types
In Rising Star we have different types of mission and each one has a different utility, we are going to take a look at them and see if we can clarify any doubts.
- Missions
We are going to explain first the missions box and the information it gives us, we are going to give as an example the first mission that we can do.
- The fans
The first information they give us is the requirements to do the mission, how many fans do we have to have, in this case 10 fans, yes, we don't have them, we can't do the mission.
- Level
Here we can see the level necessary to do the mission, in this case as it is the first one, it asks us for level 1.
- Time
Here it will be reflected how long the mission lasts, it will always be marked in minutes.
- Battery or Power
It is the % of energy that it will cost us to do the mission, if we have less we will not be able to start it:
- Recompensas
En este caso, al finalizar la misión nos dará entre 1 a 1188 StarBits, pero como veremos a continuación nos pueden dar otro tipo de recompensas.
- XP
Debajo de las recompensas tenemos la XP que ganaremos de esa misión, en el caso de esta estadÃstica no es variable siempre nos da la misma XP, aunque tenemos cartas para aumentar la xp que nos dan ( hablaremos más adelante en este post de ellas)
- Ego
Esta estadÃstica es la que mas odiamos, es cierto que no esta en todos los tipos de misión, pero en este casi si, este Ego es PERMANENTE asà que tendremos que apalearlo con cartas de habilidad o con lecciones de música, la cual es la mejor forma a corto, medio y largo plazo, cada vez que finalicemos una misión esta subirá el ego que da, reiniciándose a las 00:00 UTC
- Misiones de Star Bits
Estas son las misiones que hemos tomado de referencia antes, estas misiones están separadas por islas y cada una tiene unos requisitos para desbloquearlas, a medida que progreséis en el juego conseguiréis mas islas, ProTip: las mas rentables son las de 5 min dan mas StarBist por minuto y mas XP por minuto, Tener cuidado de no repetir mucho una misión ya que la recompensa va bajando y el Ego que te da va subiendo (Esto se reincida a las 00:00 UTC)
En algunos casos necesitarán requisitos extra como una carta en concreto que os saldrá en la parte inferior donde sale toda la información de vuestra actividad, o el logo que veis a continuación:
Eso significa que necesitáis latas de gasolina, solo tenis que tenerlas no se gastas, estas se compran en el mercado y las vende RisingStar a un precio fijo de 5.000 StarBits en la sección de Otros.
- Misiones Especiales
Dentro de este apartado tendremos diferentes misiones con diferentes funciones como las siguientes:
La misión del millonario, la cual necesita tener holdeando 1.000.000 StarBits y llegar al lv 50, esta se pude hacer una vez al dÃa, te dar 10.000 StarBits, es una de las mejores inversiones de RisingStar sobre todo al principio, bueno mas o menos al principio cuando se llega al lvl 50, la duración de esta misión es de media hora.
Del Promote FanClub poco se sabe, son misiones que cuestan muy poco StarPro y que por logros te dan cartas, es decir cuando llegas a x cantidad de misiones realizadas te dan una carta, lo puedes ver en el apartado de logros, pero promete tener mas funciones en un futuro.
Las misiones estacionales estar realmente bien, como dice el nombre estas misiones van cambiando segun la estacion y no siempre estan activas, cuando estas misiones estan activas, en los sobres puede tocarte la carta de evento, en este caso es Pascala, con esta carta en tu poder puedes repetir esta misión cuantas veces quieras, cuando acabas de hacer esta misión tienes un 10% de posibilidades de que te toque un instrumento de este evento, al tener 1o los puedes fusionar y tener uno mejor, todas las cartas de este evento nunca mas se van a volver a perder conseguir.
Celebraciones, actualmente estamos de celebración, Rising Star cumple 2 años y lo celebra con pastel para todos, eso si para quien se lo pueda permitir, en este caso pagando 30.000 StarBits podremos empezar la misión al finalizarla nos dar un pastel, hace el mismo efecto que la pizza frÃa ( El cual explicaremos despues ) pero se recarga en 12h y no en 24h además una vez pase el evento no volverá a esta tarta.
Colaboraciones, en este caso ahora no tenemos ninguna activa, pero en ocasiones nos ponen misiones a nuestros amigos de RisingStar, con requisitos que varÃan para recibir otros tokens de otros proyectos como pizza o beer por poner un ejemplo
- Promotor musical
Bienvenidos al reino de Wagginston y Foxon pues esto es algo parecido a un rey de la colina.
In this case we will bet StarBits on the missions that we want, as long as our bet is above each time a mission ends we will win StarPro, but you are not alone, anyone can bet again and take your prize, especially Foxon and Wagginston, soon and for video material I'll get 100k to see what we can do, as always I'll also do a post talking about it and my experiences, because in the past I've already done it with 10k but it wasn't anything significant.
- The Custom Shop
Here we can make our own instruments, unfortunately there are not all the categories, there are only the following; Percussion, Guitar and production.
For 1,000 StarBits we can start a 5-minute mission, in which we can get instrument parts, depending on the mi son we do, these parts have rarities and depending on the rarity of the parts the instrument will give more or less luck, you can mix golden parts that are the best quality with any quality, it is not that you have to have 4 golden to make a card or 4 white to make a card, they can be mixed, in my case I make one a day, I leave you a video where I I spend 27,000 StarBits on this feature:

- Music Lessons
This section is easy and simple.
In the event that you have an Ego, you must go to these missions to gain more Skill and that your ego does not affect you, I recommend you to have a lot more Skill than Ego, so you can take advantage of the trick that I have left you in the first video shared in this post .
Remember that musical instruments are separated by groups, we have to focus on a specific type of instrument, to produce more luck.
###-Festival World Tour
In this case I do not have much experience and it is something more advanced and deep, I do not want to talk about something that I do not control almost 100% at least 80% hehehehe So we leave this function for another post when it separates much more from the subject.
Last point, The most interesting Cards
- Cold pizza allows us to regenerate 100% energy every 24 hours, very important
- The Pizza box is for when we finish a mission and they drop us a pizza, do not eat it all at once, this means that we do not consume a pizza that regenerates you up to 100% of the energy when we have 80% and so we can wait until we have 0% to use it
__________________ These two letters above are essential_______________________
- Millionaire's letter, as I mentioned before, gives us access to the millionaire's mission, which gives us 10,000 StarBits every day in a 30-minute mission, to request it you will have to go to the official discord: https://discord.gg/ QVRdcvvW and request it in the corresponding section, you will have to have 1,000,000 StarBits in your wallet that will not be spent and lvl 50 in the event that they give it to you later and you lower than 1,000,000 StarBits in your wallet you will not be able to carry out the mission and DO NOT SELL OR BUY THIS CARD.
xp boost cards
These cards make you advance a lot, I tell you from my own experience, they make each mission give you more simple xp.
Now note that Fan cards like 10 fans or Skill cards like 10 Skill do not work like that, they only give that Skill if you have the card and it is not a bonus.
And this would be all the Basics that you have to know, I hope you like this type of content and that it does not weigh you down, in that case I could make a post of each section, so that it would be more enjoyable to read. Without further ado, I say goodbye, a kiss on the ass and until next time deeeeewww
(This Post has been Inspired by my video
but re-manufactured from scratch)
This post has been manually curated by Rising Star Game
The NFT based music career game built on HIVE