I have already posted about this little lake in the middle of a forest on a ridge north of lake Wörthersee, which serves as a water reservoir for a power plant down at the lake Wörthersee. They have dried the lake for maintenance work, so no nice reflection photos are possible, but such wasn't my intention on this morning anyway ...

Hiking around the dry Lake Forstsee
I have finished my nightshift on Saturday morning at 7:30 am and instead of going home I rode on my motorbike to the lake Forstsee, because I wanted to see how fit I still am after doing nothing in months.
My backpack weighed about 10 kilos (22 pounds), which is about two thirds or half the weight I usually would carry on longer hikes, but soon I realized that I need to do a lot of training to be fit enough for real hikes in the mountains. Conclusion after 2 hours: I am not fit enough anymore 😅
At the beginning of the path around the lake you have this view across the lake (looks better when it's not dry) with the Karawanks mountain range and the Mittagskogel mountain behind the forest.
Because I have used a telephoto lens, the lake looks much smaller than it actually is, as well as the mountains seem to be very close behind, although they are more than 20 kilometers (12 miles) as the crow flies away. The hike, or better said the walk around the lake takes about 1 3/4 hours.
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I don't know why I have taken this photo - maybe because the moss was illuminated nicely from the left by the morning light or maybe just because I have been walking half an hour without taking any photo ... no idea, honestly ;)
I should have cleaned up the area before taking the photo - can you see all the mess, small and large branches laying around?
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This birch tree stands right beside the path and I wonder why I haven't noticed this kind of heart shaped knothole before when I've been here.
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Mossy beech trees wherever you look, but there's such a mess around in this forest and I couldn't see anything pictureworthy in this mess.
I took this photo because the tree stump and the beech tree behind looked somehow interesting to me. Woodland photography is certainly not my speciality, as you can see, but it's something I definitely want to practice a lot more in future ... maybe then I might see a motif in the chaos.
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It looks quite dry down there on the ground of the lake and most parts of the bottom are certainly walkable, but I wouldn't want to try it without rubber boots. Maybe next time I'll take a few close-up images of the dry mud - looks cool somehow.
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Last but not least, my favourite photo of that morning: The green boat in the muddy puddle. Somewhere left of the dry mud in the photo above there's a little mini lake. It isn't much larger than you can see in the image and I have no idea whatfor they might use that boat.
I would have preferred the boat to swim in the middle of the puddle, because the bow of the boat of it is already on the bank and I didn't want that dirty mud in the image. The image is quite "different" and it certainly contradicts common photography rules, but I kind of like it :)
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Well, that's all for today my friends - I hope that you enjoyed my post a little bit.
I'm working day and night on this cloudy but quite nice Spring Sunday, just as I did on Friday, but because there's not that much to do on weekends in the office where I am today, I managed to make this post ... to not get forgotten 😁
All photos were taken with the Canon EOS R and the Sigma 100-400mm F5-6,3 DG OS HSM C lens.
If you are interested in the image data, I leave all EXIF and IPTC information stored in the pictures.
If you like my work I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or maybe you want to share my post on your blog 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so that you never miss a post from me.
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take care, stay safe and stay healthy,
Photos and Text: @johannpiber | Johann Piber | All rights reserved - do not use without my permission
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[//]:# (!pinmapple 46.631774 lat 14.070311 long 20210411-Forstsee-Hike d3scr)
#hive5 from Austria 🖐️
Now I see that heart shape in the trunk of that tree as mother nature welcoming you back after your hiatus Hannes.
I think you know that used to fish a lot before I got my first camera and whenever we had serious droughts here, some of the dams would dry up.
As now in your photos of the dry bed here, the first thing that I searched for was the deep spots as when the lake is full, that's where one can find the big fish.
Lovely photos here of that distant mountain with a tree skirt and the moss covered trees.
All of that "chaos" in nature has a special purpose, not only to feed the trees in Spring, but also to feed all of the insects.
A lovely post as usual my friend.
Cheers and blessings!
There's a fishing club right at the lake with club house and boats. I have no idea about fishing, so I have to believe you, but I wouldn't remember these spots when th elake is full again ;)
Thank you very much kindly, my friend, I always like to read your nice comments 🤗
Cheers and !BEER
Good morning Hannes,
Hahaha, one has to mark the deep spots. You can cross reference it by the trees as markers on the opposite banks, so when the lake is full you will know exactly where the deep spots are.
My pleasure as you always post high quality stuff.
Good morning Zac,
I'll try to reply to as many comments as possible - after a short night followed a busy Monday.
So then I would have to remember trees which all look the same and I can't mark them because they belong to someone else. You know I don't go fishing, but I think if I did I would just count on my luck because I'm sure I would never remember these spots 🤣
Cheers and !BEER
Hi Hannes,
I said good morning a few posts ago and glad that you could at least get some rest in.
Ha, no we don't matk the trees physically, instead we count from the first tree in the opposite line of trees and then arrive at the number of the tree directly opposite the deep part.
So for instance, when the lake is full, I will launch my canoe from the same spot where I did the counting and head halfway to tree number 13, or whatever the number is.
Then I will know that I am exactly in the middle of the deep spot.
An old trick but after a few practices it works like a bomb.
Cheers and thanks.
Yep, but it's already good afternoon here when I make my reply 😉
That's certainly a good thing to remember the spots, but I think it's still too complicated for me - I will carry on buying my fish on the market where I can select the fish I like to eat 🤣
Cheers and !BEER
Easy to solve, simply put in ear plugs, then you will not hear the couch calling 🤣
Hahaha, I never ate the fish, as it was a sport called "Catch and release", so I will catch a big one, weigh it, check it's health and then release it again.
I only eat Kingklip which is a sea fish and salmon, but it is frightening expensive here.
Cheers and thanks.
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.Your photos from my perspective are most enjoyable to view, as always. But, it is so different from the photographer's perspective, we are much more critical of ourselves and what effect we want.
Reading your post brought in the many memories of my long distance walking adventures. It is such a great way to spend a day or a couple of weeks. Regard Angie 🙏
I have never made a long distance hike, at least my hikes didn't take more than a day, but I want to change that this year and spend 2 or three days in the mountains, but I'll see how the worldwide situation develops in the next months ... and how my fitness evolves ;)
Thank you very much kindly for your nice and encouraging words, @AngieMitchell, you made my new week's start happier and I hope your new week will be wonderful 🌞😃
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @angiemitchell, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Ah! First of all, I'll not forget you, for sure!
I'm glad to see your post again... The view is beautiful with magnificent mountains, although the lake looks smaller than it actually is due to the telephoto lens, as you said.
"The moss was illuminated nicely", I absolutely agree with you. And you were lucky to find the "heart shaped knothole" Very lovely!
Your last photo of the "green boat in the muddy puddle" is amazing.
Great capture!
Last but not least, walking around the lake for about 1 3/4 hours. with your backpack weighed about 10 kilos. I think "you are very fit"...... 🤩🤩
Good morning my friend,
as always, I thank you so much for your nice words. It really makes me happy to read such nice compliments about my photos 😃
The hike was easy and more of a walk through the woods, to be honest, and my normal hikes go up on the mountains with food and water in the backpack. Believe me, I am in a very bad condition, the laziness in the past months wasn't good and now I have to sweat ;) lol
I hope you had a great start in a wonderful new week, my friend @tangmo 🌞
Cheers and !BEER
You are much welcome!
Ah! If your recent hike made you feel like that, I do hope that you will be back to normal very soon.....
Take care and have a pleasant day, my friend! ;))
Once more I thank you very much kindly, my friend.
Times will get better soon and also our all lifes, as well as my fitness 😀
Cheers and !BEER
My pleasure! ;))
Well said! I totally agree with you. Stay safe and healthy, my friend! ;))
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @tangmo, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.You went for a hike after your midnight shift? I would have went straight home to my bed. 😊 Maybe that was why you don't feel as fit as you used to. You should be in bed, instead of hiking. 😊
Have a great week ahead. 😊
Oh well, that's kind of what I normally do - going home, having breakfast and a lazy morning, but after months of doing literally nothing I needed to force myself to go out and do something. And I do hope that I don't fall back in laziness again ;)
Thank you very much kindly for your nice words, my friend @vincent, I hope your new week has started well and will be wonderful 🌞
Cheers and !BEER
Thank you for your kind wishes. I wish you a great week ahead ! 😊👍
Cheers and !BEER
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Good evening @johannpiber ✨🤗
Good thing you managed to insert one post .. I like the first photo, why I don't know 🤭
I hope you rested this weekend ...
And yes, the green boat is great for me 😊
It agrees with the rest of the post, the green moss ... 😉
I wish you a nice evening 🌌
Good evening @Suzana72,
I didn't like the first photo at all because I know the beautiful view with water in the lake, but I gave it a try and while editing it I started to like the image somehow ;)
I have been working on Friday day/night and also today. But the day was easy, so I could Hive a little bit 😉 Hopefully the night will be easy too, because tomorrow will be another busy day.
Thank you so much for your kind comment, dear @Suzana72, I hope you have also had a nice Sunday and you will have a wonderful week ahead 🌞
Cheers and !BEER
Sunday was really busy for me, ie I flirted with my friends more than usual and I was barely able to post 🥺
I believe that your first photo is unusual because you know that look as you say from better days ... but here's another eye of our beauty in that 😉
You are maintaining that pace of work well, the season is just beginning for me ... 🤭
Most welcome dear @johannpiber🤗
I hope it will be a beautiful week, but they are announcing snow and rain for tomorrow ....
Thank you very much..
I wish you a quiet week with less work 😊
Have a nice evening ✨🌌
Good morning @Suzana72,
again, I thank you very much for your nice words :)
Now, that doesn't sound bad to me - flirting with friends ... seems you have had a real nice day 😀
It is snowing here but it's getting warmer and I think this will have been the last try of Winter to stay longer ;)
I wish you also a very nice and not so busy week 🤗🔆
Cheers with !BEER and !WINE
Good morning @johannpiber 🤗
You're welcome...🌼
Yes, it was really nice, and I really enjoyed it, although there were hard sections ....☀️
Unfortunately, it is already cloudy and raining today, and they are also announcing snow ... 🥺
Winter does not give up ... And fruit trees in bloom..
Thank you very much ☀️🤗
Have a nice day ☀️
Thank you very much @Suzana72 and you have a very nice day too 🔆
It has stopped snowing a couple of hours ago and all the white stuff is already gone - now the Winter has gone, hopefully, and the trees can begin to bloom 😀
Cheers and !BEER
You're welcome@johannpiber ☀️
The day was rainy and hardworking and cold ... it was still good 😊☀️
I hope that this ends the cold weather ...
I have nice evening @johannpiber 🌌✨..... And a sunny day tomorrow☀️
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Hey @suzana72, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.I really like your mossy pictures. You have a great eye for composure.
I'd keen to see it after some good rains. Birch tree bark is always beautiful.
Thank you for sharing with us 🌸
Thank you very much for your kind compliments, @andrastia 😀
Soon after the maintenance works are finished the lake will be full of water again. As soon as the lake is full I will post new photos and you will be able to see a beautiful little lake surrounded by a forest :)
Cheers and !BEER
I can't wait. We live in semi arid countryside, so lake views make me happy 😊 enjoy your adventures and keep up the hiking, you'll be tip top in no time.
😀 thank you 😊
... I'll do my best to train and take more photos of lakes and waterfalls, which I like most ;)
Cheers and !BEER
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.I do wonder why you are posting very often! You must be very busy!
Take care.
Yep, I am very busy at the moment and don't feel like posting when I come home tired, and most times I'm just not motivated although I would have time.
But times will change and my work should get easier in a few weeks (or months) and I will have more time as well as my motivation will certainly come back :)
Thank you very much, dear @kaminchan, you take care too and have a wonderful weekend 🤗🔆
Cheers with !BEER and !WINE and a !PIZZA makes the dinner perfect ;)
I wonder if the !invest_vote is working again.
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Hey @kaminchan, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.It's good to see your posts, loved the photography. Hope you become more fit soon and go on longer hikes and click some amazing pictures and memories🙂✌.
Thank you so much for your nice words, my friend, I love it when my photos are liked 😊
In the past months of lockdown following by lockdown and tons of work in the office I have become quite lazy and demotivated, but I'm working on it and hope with the warmth of the Spring my motivation will come back to me 😁
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @uzairk, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Interesting to learn they drain the lake, with ice melt soon it will fill again with fresh water is the only reason I could come up with.
Cracked mud normally an indicator it has dried out in the sun, walking there should not pose a problem, however you found moss on trees to enjoy.
Muddied water with small bright green little boat makes a very different photograph, although the first is still most eye catching with dried out lake and mountains in the background telling the story about when the dam runs dry.
Good morning Joan,
I have a little coffee break 😎☕
They are doing a lot of renovation work and as you say, it should be filled with water soon again after they finished this work. There's no dam - it is an artificial lake with an outlet from which the water flows in a huge tube down to the power plant at the lake Wörthersee.
On places the mud looks kind of wet, so I wouldn't step on there ;)
Thank you very much for your kind comment, have a wonderful day ... it has been snowing here in the morning, but in the afternoon all that white stuff which we don't need anymore will be gone, I believe :)
Cheers with !BEER and !WINE
Weather is taking it's time to make up it's mind here too, feels like 31 deg C today although only 28....
For an artificial lake it is substantially large, obviously not excessively deep unless using a gorge.
Sounds like a large swimming pool being drained before summer guests arrive to make sure it's clean... Well clomping around in mud would get you into trouble, so rather avoid the fun messy stuff!
Have a great day, !BEER later possibly !WINE if there is one in the fridge 😌
Yes, it's a beautiful little swimming pool in Summer, but I prefer it in Winter or bad weather because in nice weather there are so many people walking and swimming - loud and annoying noisy 🙁
The snow from this morning is already gone and the forecast says it's getting warmer each day.
I don't count the !WINE anymore, I just try and hope 😉
Cheers and !BEER
Your "big" swimming pool sounds similar too ours, noisy music blaring, cars revved, just too many people planted in one place at any given time.... for the quiet life!
When snow clears you have your bike to take you out of town to enjoy the scenery which no doubt is in abundance!
Enjoy the rest of your day!
Well, no cars here and no electricity means no music but the rest is the same.
Many nudists are there in Summer. That's one more reason for me to not go there - holding a camera might be misunderstood and could be dangerous 🤣 lol
Now it's rainy and we wait for better and dry weather 🌞
Cheers and !BEER
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I'm also not so good at woodland photography, but it is so beautiful in the woods that you just want to share it, right? Practice, I guess. I really like the boat photo too. The contrast in colors, and the detail of the brown oars that connect with the water, makes the photo, I think. The composition is not about alignment of elements, so much, but something more intangible or abstract. I like it.
I love to be outdoors and in the woods and have enjoyed being there after staying almost always indoors for quite a while. And sharing my experiences and views with the Hive community whenever I find time, is what I love to do too :)Yep, "abstract" is the word that suits the boat image, thank you so much for this word and also for your kind comment, @cliffagreen 😀
There's such a chaos in most forests and as you say, practice is all you need to see the beauty in the chaos.
Thanks again and have a great day and week 🔆
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @cliffagreen, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.A beautiful photo with the mountain range in the background Hannes. These are interesting photos of the dry lake. I don’t think I’ve seen a lake that has been drained before.
Love the shot of the hairy heart on the tree. Mother Nature gets messy sometimes but all her fallen tree branches will naturally decay into the ground over time.
I’m glad the weather is improving and you can start your bike excursions dear Hannes. ☀️🤗
Have a wonderful week!
Hi Jo,
thank you so much for your nice comment and for the goodies 😃
They have dried the lake last year for maintenance and now again to do more work. This time I didn't go down to the "ground" because it's full of little shells and doesn't smell very good, although I still can't smell a lot 😉
Mother Nature always knows what she does - people often just don't let her.
It is rainy today and for tomorrow they predict snow again. Winter doesn't want to leave 😉
Cheers and !BEER
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.Thank you so much for rehiving my post, dear @pixresteemer, much appreciated, have a great week ahead 😊
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.Daily Travel Digest #1170.
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Hiya, @ybanezkim26 here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Your post has been manually curated by the @pinmapple team. If you like what we're doing, please drop by to check out all the rest of today's great posts and consider supporting other authors like yourself and us so we can keep the project going!Good morning and thank you so much kindld, @ybanezkim26 / @pinmapple, I really appreciate your support 😃
Cheers and !BEER
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Stay creative & hive on!
That is very kind of you - thank you so much for your great support @hafizullah / @diyhub, I really appreciate it a lot 😀
Cheers and !BEER
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Hey @diyhub, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Your photography is always a pleasure to see! I love the mossy trees and stump and the photo with the green boat is a work of art. The rich brown color of the water frames the brilliant green color of the boat perfectly.
I hope you had a good start into the new week and everything's fine 🔆Thank you so much for this lovely compliment, @melinda010100, your nice comment has brought a smile on my face and now this Monday isn't that bad anymore 😊
Cheers with !BEER and !WINE
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Hey @melinda010100, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Good evening. As always, your photos are informative and of high quality. The wildlife looks impressive. It is always a great pleasure for me to see your work. I wish you creative success and good health. Many thanks.
Good evening @yuriy4,
thank you very much for your nice comment, I appreciate the kind compliment 😊
Have a great week ahead and take care 🌞
Cheers and !BEER
@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
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Hey @yuriy4, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Nope, you won't be forgotten. If anything this post is a stark reminder of what Hive has been missing while you were away. The photos, yes. That goes without saying. But for me, as I believe is the same for most, I miss most the personality and character behind those pictures. You have always been a good and supportive friend to everyone. And besides, you're the only person I know with a Harley. Who could forget?
Welcome back and looking forward to more posts from you.
I'm not back yet, but I try to 😉 - I'm at work already and as you can see, I take advantage of every minute to Hive 😁
Thank you so much my friend, your kind words are good for my soul and I appreciate your comment a lot 😀
At the moment my work keeps me so busy that off work I'm nothing but tired, but I have the hope that in a few weeks it's getting better ... never give up hope ;)
Yeah, my little Baby Harley is waiting at home for me, but as long as there's still ice on the windshields of the cars in the morning, it's freezing too cold to ride to work ❄️
Thank you very much again, @gems.and.cookies, I hope you have a great day and a wonderful weekend ahead 😊🔆
Cheers with !BEER and !WINE
Sorry for late reply. Been busy finalizing my income tax returns and was out of Hive for a couple of days. Anyway thanks for the tokens. Appreciate them very much.
I understand about your situation and of course work comes before anything else. You are indeed blessed that you find yourself busy with work in spite of the pandemic. Most others cannot say as much. Just take your time and any chance you get to Hive please do so. You are always remembered my friend.
Stay safe and healthy and may you and family have a blessed weekend ahead.
Never mind my friend, I know what it means to be busy 😉
I know I should feel blessed and I am very happy that we still have work, but things are happening which make me think it doesn't need to be that way we are doing it... but that's only my own humble opinion and shouldn't bother anyone else ;) ... and I am glad that my family and I and also all our friends are well and healthy :)
I hope everything is fine with you and your family, my friend, take care and stay healthy too.
Have a wonderful weekend 🔆
!PIZZA with !BEER or with !WINE - perfect dinner :)
Thanks for the pizza and beer. This is one of the best combination meals I ever had the pleasure to enjoy over and over again.
Well, then you might like to have a !BEER and a !PIZZA for tomorrow, just in case your wife cooks something you don't like 😉
... and of course, this reply deserves !ENGAGE 30 too 👍
$PIZZA@gems.and.cookies! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @johannpiber.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza
@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
tokens.View or trade
Hey @gems.and.cookies, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.$PIZZA@gems.and.cookies! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @johannpiber.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza
tokens.@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
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Hey @gems.and.cookies, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
tokens.View or trade
Hey @gems.and.cookies, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Pictures of interesting woodlands are very nice friend. The trees are very old and very beautiful. It's like a heartbreaking scene.👍👌👍
Thank you very much kindly, I appreciate your nice comment, @jaster 😀
Do you like your !PIZZA with !BEER or !WINE ?
$PIZZA@jaster! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @johannpiber.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza
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Hey @jaster, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thank you 😁
Congratulations, your post has been added to Pinmapple! 🎉🥳🍍
Did you know you have your own profile map?
And every post has their own map too!
Want to have your post on the map too?
Thank you very much @pinmapple - have a !BEER from me for adding my post to the map 😊
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Hey @pinmapple, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Yay! 🤗
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Thank you very much 😀
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Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @redheadpei for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
tokens.A nice come back with a enjoyable hike even though you not fit enough anymore you still managed to impress us with your amazing nature photography. You really need to get out of that office a bit more often look at what your missing out on with all this beautiful nature around you.
You are very right my friend, but at the moment work is even getting more and it's exhausting.
Thank you so much for the nice words, @kohsamui99, they mean a lot to me 😊
Times will get better in a couple of weeks and I think in mid May I will have more time for other things than work 😀
Cheers and !BEER
Well i really hope things ease of on you a bit more so you can enjoy life a better way 👍
Oh yes, I hope so too 😁😉
I hope you have had a nice day my friend 😊
Cheers and !BEER
Was a great busy day and looking forward rolling into the weekend.
You have a good to my friend 😊
Busy days go fast, that's the positive thing about them 🙂
Have a wonderful weekend my friend 😊🌞
Cheers and !BEER
Tell me about and we are just getting older...lol 😐
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Hey @kohsamui99, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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Hey @kohsamui99, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
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