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RE: Hiking around the dry Lake Forstsee

in GEMS4 years ago

There's a fishing club right at the lake with club house and boats. I have no idea about fishing, so I have to believe you, but I wouldn't remember these spots when th elake is full again ;)

Thank you very much kindly, my friend, I always like to read your nice comments 🤗

Cheers and !BEER


Good morning Hannes,

Hahaha, one has to mark the deep spots. You can cross reference it by the trees as markers on the opposite banks, so when the lake is full you will know exactly where the deep spots are.

My pleasure as you always post high quality stuff.


Good morning Zac,

I'll try to reply to as many comments as possible - after a short night followed a busy Monday.

So then I would have to remember trees which all look the same and I can't mark them because they belong to someone else. You know I don't go fishing, but I think if I did I would just count on my luck because I'm sure I would never remember these spots 🤣

Cheers and !BEER

Hi Hannes,

I said good morning a few posts ago and glad that you could at least get some rest in.

Ha, no we don't matk the trees physically, instead we count from the first tree in the opposite line of trees and then arrive at the number of the tree directly opposite the deep part.
So for instance, when the lake is full, I will launch my canoe from the same spot where I did the counting and head halfway to tree number 13, or whatever the number is.
Then I will know that I am exactly in the middle of the deep spot.

An old trick but after a few practices it works like a bomb.

Cheers and thanks.

Yep, but it's already good afternoon here when I make my reply 😉

That's certainly a good thing to remember the spots, but I think it's still too complicated for me - I will carry on buying my fish on the market where I can select the fish I like to eat 🤣

Cheers and !BEER

Easy to solve, simply put in ear plugs, then you will not hear the couch calling 🤣

Hahaha, I never ate the fish, as it was a sport called "Catch and release", so I will catch a big one, weigh it, check it's health and then release it again.

I only eat Kingklip which is a sea fish and salmon, but it is frightening expensive here.

Cheers and thanks.

But I love it when the couch calls for me, and even more I like the call from my bed 🤣

That's nice - maybe the fish had some fun playing that game with you too ;)

Cheers and !BEER

Yep, it seems that you also still have an addiction my friend 🤣
I think that it's called sleep 🤣

Yeah, I think that the fish holds a meeting to draw straws under the water and the one that draws the shortest straw takes my bait 🤣

Cheers and thanks.

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