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RE: Positive thinking : Catch a Rainbow

in GEMS โ€ข 5 years ago

Yes, I'm at home now and I'm dry because my wife drove me ๐Ÿ™‚
This week I have got some additional hand clamps from Amazon too, but I think I'll rather make it a lazy rainy afternoon today, and I'm curious on your ideas :)

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glad you got home dry, I used to have those clamps in my tool kit when I was a telecom Tech they were so handy for soldering at times, but haven't had them here so looking forward to them coming, , then will sneak out looking for dandelions and other weeds and maybe flowers to try for some shots, and then will play around with whatever I can find in the house lOL

As said, I am curious and looking forward to your photos which will be quite different from your usual photos ;)
I just have got up from the couch and on my way to the bedroom I stopped at the computer to make some votes and comments :)

Ohh yeah I am more a walk around photographer, not a studio or setup one at all, and I have learnt I need to be more patient and take my time planning and getting shots but its bene fun trying a few, not sure when this will come in a post, but here is a sneak peak of one that will be ina future post, just having fun

1 1 Bahbahra abalone4.jpg

Oh she's so lovely and the shiny glitter bokeh behind adds to her beauty. But it seems to me that Bahbahra is looking a bit shy, or maybe she's not used of studio photography and the flash light blinded her ;)

LOl My wife didn't like these ones because of Bahbahras yee, this is a different Bahbahra than the one I carry in my camera bag, and I did not notice at the time that one of her eyes was closed up, but I will go with them anyway

I should have noticed that it's a different Bahbahra, but she looks very cute too, maybe even a little bit innocent with that closed eye. Maybe she is the good sister ๐Ÿ˜‰

I actually have three of her, I got one the first time and then when I started taking photos of her, my next trip back to NZ I picked up a couple more, that was maybe 10 years ago, well maybe 15