
Sadly I suspect its going to be a year or so of a new reality and everyone will have to adjust, but time will tell we just have to hope for the best

A year is a very optimistic thinking in my eyes, but there are so many meanings around, and yes, let's hope for the best for all of us.

Yeah I agree trying to be optimistic and positive, but its harder these days

We have our families which we love and who love us (I'm not so sure about mine though ;) and that's more than many others have. That should make it all easier, at least at home :)

Ohh yes very true even though I am sure I drive y family crazy at times, we have to focus on what we have at these times and not on what we don't have

That's true, especially in these times, but easier said than done. One has to be the sensible one - in your family it's you ... and in my family it's my wife ;)

Me sensible, my wife may well disagree with you LOL

I got sick of being stuck indoors so Popped out into the back graned for a shower while today even through the pollen count was high