Appearances can really be deceiving, something that I find curious is people's ability to assume something. When I emigrated I was quite thin because I came from a country with a very strong economic crisis, so my diet was a bit bad at that time, by then I weighed 51 kilos, after emigrating after a whole year I decided it was time to weigh my body because I began to notice myself more swollen in every way and my abdomen was slowly stopping being flat, that seemed strange to me I had never seen myself like that in my entire life, when I weighed myself and discovered that my current weight was 68.70 kilos, I was quite surprised because that increase could mean the beginning of obesity, at that moment I decided to do something about it, I examined what I was eating and it was not healthy at all, so at that time I simply cut out fried foods and sodas, without really planning a diet and without doing exercises, I remember that was the moment where I decided that I was going to marry water, yes I admit that I stopped drinking juices and any other drink that was not water, in that I did get strict. In 6 months I saw changes, since then my weight is 62 kilos, there have been no variations over the years.
I used to do physical activities in my home country but when I moved that was put aside, once I tried and I got injured, the issue where I want to get to is that when I took preventive measures I did not do it with the intention of feeling thin but with the intention of avoiding reaching a weight where it is considered obesity and putting my health at risk, however, as I am a tall person it was never noticed that I was slowly becoming slightly overweight. And in fact people used to ask if I had had surgery on my butt, which was often rude but now for 2 years now that I have been in more contact with people in person and my work takes me from one place to another, people do not avoid asking me very directly what exercises I do to have my body like that, they have even asked me if I use waist girdles every night to be able to look like that, many times I was left with a surprised face because the audacity is big. I usually answer truthfully, that I wasn't currently exercising but I was watching what I eat and drink, not rigidly but consciously... And people in this country don't believe me, they usually point to an acquaintance who did "something."
I do exercise now but it's recent, there are some women who think I've been training for a while, today two girls were talking about me while I was doing an exercise that was nothing special, assisted dips, but they said they wanted to look like that doing exercises, I listened to them but inside I was saying GIRL, I'm not even lifting any weight here. On this occasion I didn't feel bad, in fact, flattered but it led me to reflect again on how people assume things about others, and I'm not exaggerating, it's something that they don't even give themselves the benefit of the doubt, they quickly jump to assume something, and I've come to think that it's something cultural here because of how recurrent it has been.
Realmente las apariencias engañan, algo que me parece curioso es la capacidad de las personas para asumir algo. Cuando yo emigré estaba bastante delgada porque venía de un país con una crisis económica muy fuerte, por lo que mi alimentación era un poco mala en ese tiempo, para ese entonces pesaba 51 kilos, después de emigrar al pasar un año entero decido que es momento de pesar mi cuerpo porque empecé a notarme más hinchada en todos los sentidos y el abdomen lentamente iba dejando de ser plano, eso me pareció extraño nunca en toda mi vida me había visto así, cuando yo me peso y descubro que mi peso actual era de 68.70 kilos, yo quedé bastante sorprendida porque ese aumento podría significar el inicio de obesidad, en ese momento decidí hacer algo al respecto, examiné lo que estaba comiendo y no era nada sano, así que en ese entonces simplemente corté las frituras y las sodas, sin necesidad de realmente planificar una dieta y sin hacer ejercicios, recuerdo que ese fue el momento donde decidí que me iba a casar con el agua, sí admito que dejé de tomar jugos y cualquier otra bebida que no fuera agua, en eso si me puse estricta. En 6 meses ví cambios, desde ese entonces mi peso es 62 kilos, no hubo variaciones a lo largo de los años.
Yo sí solía hacer actividades físicas en mi país natal pero al mudarme eso quedó de lado, una vez lo intenté y me lesioné, el tema a dónde quiero llegar, es que cuando yo tomé medidas preventivas no lo hice con la intención de sentirme delgada sino con la intención de evitar llegar a un peso dónde se considere obesidad y de poner mi salud en riesgo, sin embargo, como soy una persona alta nunca se notó que lentamente estaba teniendo ligero sobrepeso. Y de hecho la gente solía preguntar si me había operado el trasero, lo cual muchas veces era grosero pero ahora desde hace 2 años que estoy en más contacto con personas de forma presencial y mi trabajo me lleva de un lugar a otro, las personas no evitan preguntarme de forma muy directa que ejercicios hago para tener el cuerpo así, incluso me han preguntado si uso fajas en la cintura todas las noches para poder verme así, muchas veces me quedé con una cara de sorprendida porque la audacia es muy grande. Generalmente suelo responder con la verdad, que actualmente no estaba haciendo ejercicios pero si mirando lo que como y bebo, no de forma rígida pero si consciente... Y las personas en este país no me creen, suelen señalar a algún conocido que se hizo "algo".
Ahora sí hago ejercicios pero es reciente, hay algunas mujeres que creen que tengo tiempo entrenando, hoy dos chicas hablaban sobre mi mientras estaba haciendo un ejercicio que no tenía nada del otro mundo dip asistidas, pero ellas decían que querían verse así haciendo ejercicios, yo las escuché pero por dentro de mí estaba diciendo GIRL, ni siquiera estoy cargando algún peso aquí. En esta ocasión no me sentí mal, de hecho, halagada pero me llevó de nuevo a reflexionar sobre como las personas asumen cosas de otros, y no estoy exagerando, es algo que ni siquiera se dan el beneficio de la duda, rápidamente saltan a asumir algo, y he llegado a pensar que es algo cultural aquí por lo recurrente que ha sido.

How tall are you Josehany? I'm glad you're eating healthy... and I hope you're feeling more comfortable at the gym and the gossiping ladies aren't being annoying. Hope your knees are doing a lot better.
I'm currently 72kgs, but I've been as high as 78kgs. I tend to hover around 70kg if I'm not working out much.
Hi Adam... My height is 1.75cm and well honestly, I'm going to another branch of the same gym because it's less crowded. Yes, fortunately my knees are doing well, and I'm extra careful. This month I decided to hire the services of a personal trainer and I told him about everything that had happened to me. Thank God I'm recovered, but now I'm extra careful both when lifting weights and with the positions.
Oh, you are tall, definitely taller than average. I'm just a smidge taller than you but I'm pretty much average height for a guy.
I'm so glad you've got a personal trainer, he can definitely help you pick out good exercises for you and make sure you're doing everything correctly, that's awesome.
I'm so pleased for your progress... it's always nice to see fun people doing well.
Hey there, @josehany! Just keep doing your thing—you’ve got an amazing body figure! Everyone has their unique physique, and it’s important not to compare ourselves to others. Don’t let anyone bring you down. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Girl, you look great ❤️ I saw in the comment that you're tall - 175cm and that you weighed 68kg, which is normal for your height. So long you're happy, how you look doesn't matter what others say. You know how the girls are; they need to comment if you're skinnier than others. I lost a lot of weight because of my health problems, and I was not satisfied. Now that I've gained a few kilos, I feel better. Working out also helped a lot. But women still commenting on my "flat ass" and my "small" boobs 😂 my answer is, hey girl, I will never have back problems 😂 Can I ask where are you initially from? ☺️