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RE: Tour Challenge Redfish Rally - 100 week 2 (bilingual) / Reto Tour Redfish Rally - 100 semana 2 (bilingüe)

in GEMS5 years ago

Hi @yessgutierrez. Beautiful scenery in Chauo. And to get there, we will have to travel through a National Park. How wonderful. All the sights and places I like. And the beach at sunset. I love the water, waterfalls, and of course festivals. The mural is striking. This would be a very relaxing vacation for me near the water. I know all the Terminal staff would love to visit. But no phone!

Did you visit there and are those your photos?
If so, please indicate so in your footer. If not, then indicate the source.

I see Pinmapple visited you, and added your location for Chauo in your post on the map.

Thanks for your participation in the Tour Challenge.