
Thank you, but I was actually petrified.

I don't know if it comes through in my writing, but I get a lot of anxiety in stressful situations and usually my fight or flight response always kicks in to flight-mode, before I even know what's happening, which has gotten me into a lot of trouble. So, I'm not sure how I pulled this off, but I was definitely sweating bullets.

Do you also think that Meatloaf was talking about not wanting to put stuff in his butt and his girl really wanted to get something in there or do you have another theory?

Your stress didn't really come through in the writing, maybe if I was in person with you when you're talking about it I would see it. I get anxious even reading letters from so-called 'authority', and hate being in the vicinity of anyone in those scary costumes!

As for Meatloaf...that's the soundest theory I've heard yet for that song!

I just read back over it and you're right, I was trying to keep the story fast paced and in the editing process Sarah helped me cut the story down from four pages down to two, but with that, I inadvertently turned myself into a bad-ass. Not good... lol