Hello There!
Nice to see you! It's just last night that I glanced at your profile and saw that you were last here, June I believe. It's nice to see you back.
there is always a new rock bottom to reach
It's not nice to be there, but these are the times when we learn, grow, and become more resilient!
I hope that you're at a good place now, and all good wishes:)))
Hello ! I am glad to see you stop by, I did indeed had to take a longer break than I thought.
Rock bottoms are my new high. I learned so much in the last 2 months, I feel actually better about myself as a person knowing I can be resilient and push through any hurdle. Leaving my country and going solo is not easy, I did it alone and yet I survived lol. I will have a lot of tales to tell to my kids that is for sure.
Hugs 🤗