Good day our brother. Forgive us if we have done that you dislike. Our real intention to preach and spread the words of God in the bible by any means as soon as possible. We are already in very dangerous times that I may never know if I will still be breathing tomorrow. This message is to encourage everyone to open their bible and read it. May God bless us all
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Sure, I understand what you want, to win souls, but don't you think that the way you do your marketing is too aggressive? I really wonder what the book says about aggressive invasions of other peoples lives. Keep in mind, nobody knows if your God exists are not. Sure, you believe so. And maybe you even feel he (or she) is real. But feelings can be deceptive. And believing: Well we can also believe that the moon doesn't exist, our neighbours likes us very much, or whatever we want to believe. I choose to believe your book is a collection of stories that may have helped (and maybe still does) people to survive in life, but too me these are just stories, like a story book full of nice (and not so nice) stories that mostly are made up by creative writing minds. Nothing more than that.
Hahaha, yeah I understand where you're coming from and I know all of this. BUT, in my book, this all is coincidence. And what we don't know, eg if matter really exist? if we are connected on some higher level? if we formed matter by 'higher' connected energies? even if the big bang is true or not? All of this may be out of our reach to proof the right or wrong and it could be that there is a concept of god, ie something that we can't explain but some 'higher' forces are at play, in my opinion it is for sure no book of stories is providing the truth. Many book of stories are out in the field, and why would one of them contain the truth, while the others are not? Without any proof? Only circumstantial 'proof' based on thought of complexity of life? But how complex is life when eg it turns out all matter in our universe doesn't exists at all and we live in a gigantic hologram? That is something I like to believe, no matter is real, this is just a 'dream' we are in, an anomaly in the homogenous fabric of the universe. But I respect you, thinking otherwise :)