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RE: Torn Flags, Torn Hearts and Bodies

in GEMSlast year

Half a million dead?! That is shocking!

The conflict in The Ukraine has been nothing but a money-making and money-laundering false flag for the west. I wish we would mind our own business. Far fewer people would be dead now, but human lives mean nothing to these bastards, nothing. That they are defending the people of the Ukraine is a lie. I am so ashamed of my government, which continues to push the false narrative that we are defending Democracy and the people there. NATO is a criminal organization, a front for the international war machine.


I heard this was an estimation for both sides. It's heartbreaking to see so many people just not questioning the narrative or don't even want to give peace a chance because of "principles"

We love war. A great many of us work for the war machine, many of us without even knowing it, so jobs would be lost if war were to end, and stocks would plummet if those businesses were to go under for lack of murderous impulses. It's absurd, like much of what we believe, do and say these days.