Torn Flags, Torn Hearts and Bodies

in GEMSlast year

Maybe you have noticed the Ukrainian flags outside

In Europe there are quite a few hanging at institutions, schools, but also near houses. But upon closer examination they are often torn, broken into many pieces and scattered in the wind. These flags clearly weren't meant for continuous exposure to the weather and/or were cheaply produced in e.g. China. Yet people don't really take them down and replace them. At least I have seen quite a few over the last months that would suggest this. Instead what remains is highly symbolic for the Ukrainian state and its people as it so clearly shows how their hearts and bodies are now torn into pieces after almost 2 years of war.



I don't want to make this into a political post. But I do want to make this statement: the lives of people seem to be worth almost nothing. Perhaps this is a universal statement for all of human history. Have lives ever been worth something? Countless millions and billions (?) of lives have been lost throughout history through war. I always thought that we had had become a bit less barbaric, especially after the 2nd World War. But looking at today's conflicts that does not really seem to be the case.

Already around half a million (!) lives have been lost in this war. It's such a big number that we cannot really comprehend it. Imagine a major city just wiped away... I can't. But so little seem to care. Especially the politicians that are screaming for more weapons and lives to get sacrificed in this madness. What happened to diplomacy? What happened to peace? Why are the people calling for such looked at as if they were cold and heartless? I feel much is turned on its head these days. Perhaps we really do already live in what Orwell coined "doublespeak". Right is wrong and lies are truths.

When the means to an end become justified, human lives are worth little more than the pebbles on a beach. To uphold a state is to justify the slaughter of hundreds of thousands and millions. Who gives these orders? Who brings these thoughts into this world? Surely not the men, women and children that are directly effected by war. It's the people in illusory power. Just like the Kings of the past have given these orders, governments command them and corporations empower them by producing the weapons of war.




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The exclusive elites want war and depopulation so their stooges and slaves in disguise as politicians will do their biddings. They don’t respect ‘life’ so they are bent on the road of destruction. More people need to wake up and stop going along with their bloody games.

The cabal? Are you aware that "the Cabal" is a anti-semitic dog whistle term? If your intention is not to say that a conspiracy of a powerful Jewish clique is behind "everything", I suggest you use a different term.

Half a million dead?! That is shocking!

The conflict in The Ukraine has been nothing but a money-making and money-laundering false flag for the west. I wish we would mind our own business. Far fewer people would be dead now, but human lives mean nothing to these bastards, nothing. That they are defending the people of the Ukraine is a lie. I am so ashamed of my government, which continues to push the false narrative that we are defending Democracy and the people there. NATO is a criminal organization, a front for the international war machine.

I heard this was an estimation for both sides. It's heartbreaking to see so many people just not questioning the narrative or don't even want to give peace a chance because of "principles"

We love war. A great many of us work for the war machine, many of us without even knowing it, so jobs would be lost if war were to end, and stocks would plummet if those businesses were to go under for lack of murderous impulses. It's absurd, like much of what we believe, do and say these days.

"The state will treat you like a milk cow... until it treats you like a beef cow."

Yeah I think the western world has crossed from being milk cows to beef cows and we're just waking up to that reality. (sharp rise in death rates due to vaccines).

The Ukraine operation was a tragedy. The military industrial complex and the politicians who promoted the war are making billions of dollars on the deaths of Ukraine men, and many Russian men too.

I think that the 500,000 death toll for Ukraine soldiers is quite possible. It's disgusting how populations can be so easily fooled to support the narratives on the propaganda channels.

It's the weak minded who willingly march to war under flags. RIP

Couldn't have said it better

The above comment you're commenting on is, frankly speaking, an idiotic take. The total bullshit like the comment you're replying is an attempt at trying to divert attention from the fact that Russia is the aggressor in Russia's war on Ukraine.

When there is an enemy at the gates trying to invade your home and kill and rape your women and children you fight. Period. You do that regardless of the risk of death you take. If the Ukrainians stop defending against the Russians, the horrors that are taking place in the occupied regions will come to the rest of the country. Afterwards, the Russians will destroy everything that is left of their culture and identity and ultimately make the country and its people a weapon against other countries. This is precisely how Russia has always operated. It invades, conquers, Russifies and turns its conquered peoples into cannon fodder and their lands into resources.

By the way, Ukrainian military casualties are almost certainly less than Russian because the Russians have always placed zero value on the lives of their soldiers and because their organizational culture, including military, is so rife with incompetence, negligence and corruption. They've been used in meat wave attacks particularly near Bakhmut last winter. In particular, the men conscripted by the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics have been used in an extremely wasteful manner. Also, in the spring of 2022 the Russians suffered very large casualties owing to their flawed strategy that rested on the assumption that Ukrainians wouldn't resist. That's why they were stuck in very long mechanized columns ambushed from all sides.

That said, the Ukrainian military casualties are considerable, too. However, the Ukrainians seem to want to continue their counteroffensive because they know that the long-term viability of Ukraine requires that the sea lanes in northwestern Black Sea remain safe. Letting Russia keep the areas still under its control in Ukraine would mean that Putin benefited from his invasion. The best possible outcome for Ukraine and all of Europe would be degrading the Russian military and its economy further.

You are absolutely right that Russia is the aggressor. No doubt about it. But we have to see the bigger picture here; the assault on Ukraine seems to have been provoked by the ongoing NATO expansion. There is objectively no doubt that NATO has expanded eastwards against the deals made with Russia in the 90s. Is that the actual reason for Putin's motivations? Who knows, but it certainly makes sense that they would not want to allow Ukraine to become part of that alliance and station rockets and nukes (?) there. Does that justify the war? No! But the "west" is not even interested in diplomacy; all attempts have been thwarted. That is what I am criticizing in this post. There is no will for peace on (both?) sides. It's clear that the strategy of sanctioning Russia has not only failed but backfired. NATO is not weakening Russia with this; it is now only costing lives by the hundreds of thousands(!). It is staggering that we are justifying so many people's lives for ulterior motives.
