Lock Down Day 13 - Keeping the Body Fit is a Priority !

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

The fact is during this isolation and lock down we cannot neglect our Mind and Body. So keeping in with the good spirit of exercise I did a dumbbell workout earlier today on the back porch.

Getting my weightlifting gloves securely on. I use to NOT wear these babies and got big ole ugly callouses as a result. So I now wear them religiously !

Grabbing my Golds Weightlifting belt to make sure I do not pull any back or stomach muscles.

I work out with 30lb dumbbells. Not too heavy and not too light. Just right ;)

I reach down to start off with curls.

I worked out for about 40 minutes in total. I did the whole gamut of body parts : Arms, shoulders, chest, back, legs , abs, and calves.

I also did a cardio of quick clean and jerks at the end to get my heart rate a pumping and breathing way up there.

Like I said it's crucial to get some type of walking or exercise when you are in a pandemic lock down. Depression can set in and other mental illnesses ( as well as physical too) that can really play havoc on your Health if you neglect this !

Be safe and stay healthy,
Robert Andre


Hello Robert

I appreciate your posting of this essential knowledge for those in Lockdown. It is crucial for mind and body to stay active

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Thanks so much @russellstockley for the kind words and the upvote :)

Nice workout. Did the same thing today. Took the kids for a walk too and it was good for them. They are getting restless.

Walks are really essential right now. Good for you @dkid14 :)

Good luck staying fit! I've packed on a couple of pounds over the past 2 months already.

I know @charcoalbuffet it's tough to keep the weight off during this time

yes yes yes keep body fit! you got 0.001 rmsfitness token, burn more at myworkoutarena.org

Bro, I got the same gloves haha

With a good diet, exercise, and extra nutrients we can build resistance to illnesses like viruses @robertandrew

Staying fit is the key

I have been trying to keep doing my daily exercise besides the walks with my wife that I have been doing each day. I try to do weights with my resistance tubes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The other days I do aerobic walking for a mile or two.

weight-lifting gloves are a game changer. After i started to use them I started thinking "where have you been my whole life!" Some of the better ones also work pretty well as bike-riding gloves too.

It is more difficult to get exercise in during these times. I also think I am eating substantially more than I normally would :(

Presently where I live, I don't know when the lockdown will end

i was looking for your face mask in the pic