Yes @juanvegetarian ...
"In a way, the Covid-19 pandemic uprooted all of us, from our ideas and worldviews of the world and the so-called leaders you were talking about. We have to take note and hold them accountable when the right time comes."
... if any of us retain enough of our historic liberty to do so. The economic disruption suffered by all of us is already well underway. As the reality of what it represents continues to unfold, we'll all find out soon enough what the response to the resulting "cries for help" requires ...
Thank you for your well wishes, my friend, and stopping by to add value to this post!
You're welcome @roleerob, I haven't been posting more than I should as I have been busy with other things also. Good point you made, the U.S. should be casting ballots in November, which is less than five months away so we will be able to see the results before the year ends. Here in my country, it's still two years away and bad actors will have time to prepare but I believe that liberty and democracy are not empty ideals we hold in society and the people still have a say in what happens in government. It will be interesting to see how everything turns out in the political-economic sphere.
It is interesting to me, my friend ...
... that you would know this about America. In reverse, I do not know when your elections there will be held. I wonder about what this represents.
If it is an indication of the importance you and others place on what happens here, then I will tell you there is great concern about this coming election. The word "unprecedented" has been used so many times over the last 3 months (since the "lockdown" began ...) that we are starting to become desensitized to it. Synonyms for it are not readily available either ...
Anyway, it is "unprecedented" in the view of this American, to experience the "war" on the Truth currently underway. In our long lives, my beloved and I have never seen anything remotely close to it. We have grave concerns, mostly for our children and grandchildren, about what it represents.
No, they most certainly are not empty, but ... There is a vital aspect to this foundation of all we have known which many do not acknowledge. And what is that? The responsibilities associated with preserving liberty. Far too many of my countrymen "abandoned the field" long ago. I wrote about this in my Memorial Day post of 2018 - Liberty: Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.
That's enough out of me, as the sun rises 🌄 on a new day ... Until next time, I hope you and your loved ones have a good day "over there" @juanvegetarian! 👋
It's not unusual to see what's happening in the world these days @roleerob. With the prevalence of social media and the news channel's 24-hour news cycle, we have come to live with an avalanche of information, some of which are the opposite of truth.
I think that the elections in America will have far reaching effects around the world, especially here in the Philippines. For example, if the next U.S. president decides to shift where it will buy raw materials and goods to say Africa rather than Asia will be felt by the ordinary folks here. We also have tens of thousands of people working in the U.S. so they will be affected by the immigration and other policies that the American government will put in place. Not to mention the security situation in the West Philippine Sea, which is an important trading route in Asia and can be affected by the U.S. Navy's presence, as well as many other examples that I can offer as to why the election in America will greatly affect my country.
I agree with you, there is also that side of the internet and social media that lends itself to bad actors, trolls and fake news which is, in essence, a war against 'Truth' and really concerning since media ads can be bought and do influence politics and the economy.
So, I guess we can only pray for good things in the coming months and years and do our part in preserving the great ideals which has been borne out of the blood, sweat and tears of our ancestors.
Good day and keep safe @roleerob.
Thank you @juanvegetarian, for providing some detail as to what the election of 2020 means to you there.
Obviously a biased American view, but I do not see any nation on earth able to help America, once it begins "to go down." We think that is underway and the primary source of our concern ...
Yes, no question of that. And "some"? ... 😐 Hard to know with any certainty, of course, but part of the "war" on the Truth is the suppression of some information and the "trumpeting" of other information. Who is "behind the curtain" making these decisions? To what end? I have thought about writing a post on this topic, but so far have not found the time or motivation ...
Yes, as followers of Christ, that is where we settle the matter ourselves.
Good engagement, my friend. I hope you are finding your "journey" here on the Hive blockchain to be mostly one of encouragement. If nothing else, like our exchange here, at least you get the opportunity to interact directly with others all over the world.
Yes, thanks @roleerob. My HIVE journey has been a welcome surprise. It's great to connect with people online since we cannot socialize in person as much as we want to. I am encouraged by the interaction and sharing that goes on here. Keep safe and stay healthy my friend. :)