COVID-19: Uprooted ...

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

Have you ever considered what it takes to uproot a tree? Particularly an older, well-established tree? Whatever your answer, dear reader, I think we can both agree it takes a major event to bring it down.

Source: Creator tassilo111 on Pixabay

This morning, my beloved life-mate and I are waking to the reality of a nearby family member being "gone," as they have had to move away against their wishes. For many years, we have greatly enjoyed them being part of our lives. That ended Friday morning, when they left with all of their earthly possessions for another state.


The growing collateral damage suffered as a consequence of the "Almighty" State's response to COVID-19 and the "war" on this so-called "invisible enemy" ...


As I have already written extensively (see listing at the end) in other posts, about my personal view of the global response to COVID-19, I will not be attempting to add much to it here in this one.

Source: Creator Tumisu on Pixabay

From my "black-and-white" perspective on life in this world, from day one I thought the response was simply wrong. Based on a false promise that far too much of the world seemed to accept without even a hint of protest. At least initially ...

Of course, like you dear reader, my thoughts on the matter were never asked for nor does it make any difference, at the "end of the day." We are left, each of us in our own ways, to simply deal with the consequences, as well as we can.

For the member of my family for whom this is being written, they quickly found themselves unable to pay for their home. While there were complicating factors preceding the "onslaught" of the "war" on COVID-19, the breadwinner's livelihood was tied to the oil and gas industry. Which was devastated more than most, by the global response ...

Bottom line: They had to sell their home and staying in the area is prohibitively expense, without any prospect of employment.


  • Among the various aspects of what I have already written about on COVID-19, is the incredible disruption to almost everything we have known. Does anyone else find it incredible this family member's home sold in 48 hours?

    In a "bidding war," with the accepted offer being well above asking price! In our crazy, "new normal" world, based on what prospect for the future?

    While I do not know, I would suggest at least these two points:

    1. With the accelerating destruction of the value of our currency ("death" by printing press ...), the resulting anticipation of inflation of home prices.

    2. The "unprecedented" intervention in the markets of the Federal Reserve, resulting in the lowest mortgage rates on record.

While they were obviously pleased with this outcome, given their foreboding sense of what might have been, there remains the small matter of now what? Against the backdrop of not wanting to sell their home, in the first place ...

Their temporary answer is to take refuge in a remote mountainous area on a property owned by extended family. While they wait on the "next chapter" to be written, starting with where they can gain adequate employment ...


So ...

This family's stability has been uprooted in ways they would never have thought possible only a short time ago. Their prospects for the future systematically "chopped down," as a result of all that is still in the early stages of unfolding, in response to the global reaction to COVID-19 ...

Source: Creator tassilo111 on Pixabay

In the midst of whatever is coming, we are grateful for strong family bonds. We anticipate them becoming more important than ever, as we are going to need them in ways unimaginable before now.

Source: Creator enriquelopezgarre on Pixabay


In closing, I think it is safe to say people around the world likely have a much deeper appreciation now for what their "fearless leaders" have done to them in response to COVID-19. Compared to what they were told in the beginning they should expect. As one of the countless consequences, you have now read one story of an uprooted family.

Are we alone?

Of course we are not alone. Compared to many, in spite of how we may be feeling, I am sure we have actually gotten off "pretty light."

At least for now ...

I personally believe, though, we are still in the fairly early stages of finding out what the final outcome of this madness is going to be on us all. It will not be good.

How does the cold, hard reality of what you are currently experiencing, dear reader, compare to what you were led to believe in the beginning of the global response to COVID-19? I’d love to hear any feedback you may be inspired to provide.


🐝 🍯 🐝


P.S. With this now written, dear reader, those interested now have some idea why I have not been as active lately. For us, supporting family in the "real world" will always override anything here in this "virtual world" ...


Posted using PeakD and “immutably enshrined in the Hive blockchain” on Sunday, 21 June 2020!

Interested in reading more of my related posts?

Lead Image Title, Link, & Summary
Day 1: COVID-19: Out of the News, Into our Lives at Home ...

With alarming speed, COVID-19, went from the news in China to a pandemic here at home. What are the implications of our response to it?

● Impact at Home ● Question of "Proportionality"
● Unprecedented Disruption ● Unintended (?) Consequences

Day 6: COVID-19: Pandemic Defense and "Helicopter Money"

How many times can a writer use the word unprecedented? Covers trillions of $$$s promised, up to and including "helicopter money!"

● Manna from Heaven ● Off to War! ● "Too big too fail!" Right?
● "Financial Distancing"

Day 8: COVID-19: Gathering Storm of Looming Financial "Armageddon"

On Day 8, under a scenario described as a Perfect Storm, covers "unprecedented" consequences of the actions of the "Almighty" State.

● War and "Collateral Damage" ● Personal Impact

Day 30: COVID-19: "Post-COVID World," Losses Mount, and now "Phase Four?"

With the growing references to a ""new normal" in a "post-COVID" world, looked at the growing consequences of "what we did to ourselves."

● Financial Consequences ● Supply Chain Consequences
● Global Consequences ● Personal Impact

Day 48: COVID-19: Liberty vs. Safety and Security

Of the liberties you have known all of your life, how much of them are you willing to surrender for the promise of safety and security?

● Search for the Truth! ● Losses Continue to Mount ● The "New Normal?"

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What I see is the same people that have created the problem is now offering the solutions and blaming nature for the challenges she imposes to us. We are surrendering even the willing to say something different from what the majority is speaking, at the risk to be taken as crazy and anti-scientific. The obvious is the most difficult to see.

Some say we are in a World War, while nobody has realized because the invisible enemy are all of us. Of course, we are not prepared, and they know everybody fears sickness and death, that's why they will decide and provide security for us.

Many people don't know about the Georgia Guide stones, I think they are being followed right now, as you say it's the beginning.

I wish the best for you and your family, @Roleerob, specially for the one whose roots have been unearthed in a blink of the eye!!

Much Love and Light!!

You are perceptive, my dear friend, ...

"What I see is the same people that have created the problem is now offering the solutions ..."

... as I agree with this, although you are well aware this is a "minority report" opinion. Most of my long life, I have been a "contrarian," however, so I am used to it ... 😉

God only knows what those "behind the curtain" have in mind, in manipulating us all through this mess, but we can rest assured it will all "come to light" in due time. Along the way, we can count on the "campaign" to obscure what is true to continue ...

God bless you and yours in these difficult times @leveuf. ✝ 🙏 And all the best to you, as you continue to work to figure out how to provide support for your students, in this "new normal" world ... ❤

With the Covid-19 onslaught and the fallout since, many of us have been forced to reassess what we truly value in our lives and find, to our dismay, or comfort (as the case may be) that our foundational beliefs have either been rocked to the core or strengthened (as the case may be.)
As for me, my faith in God and His Word has not wavered and to experience that 'peace that passes understanding' in the midst of such chaos (much of it prophesied in the Bible) is a gift from God that I truly treasure.
Blessings to you and your family as you continue to "support your family in the "real world" because as you say, that "will always override anything here in this "virtual world.A poignant and beautifully written post @roleerob

Amen @trudeehunter ...

"With the Covid-19 onslaught and the fallout since, many of us have been forced to reassess what we truly value in our lives and find, to our dismay, or comfort (as the case may be) that our foundational beliefs have either been rocked to the core or strengthened (as the case may be.)"

... as this is "right in the bullseye!" 🎯 What do we truly value indeed ...

As I have written in my earlier posts on COVID-19, we believe God has ordained what we are now experiencing. The only "control" we have over it is how we choose to respond to that truth.

Up well before 🌄 (here), thank you for your words of encouragement. And thank you for stopping by and adding value to this post!

This real life story makes me sad. 😢 This really is happening because of the pandemic that caught everyone offguard. Everyone has been hit--some harsh, some moderate, some mild--but everyone is affected.

I do not know how to be of comfort to you actually. I don't know what to say. But if we look at it in the positive side, at least they are still alive. They may be uprooted but they can replanted somewhere else. (I'm thinking of those whose family members have died because of the virus, and they can't even see the corpse of their loved ones. I think that one is the most devastating. 😭) Please don't get me wrong, I am not in any way downplaying your situation and your pain, I am just saying that there is still hope for them, and if compared to others, they are really still very blessed--they have a family, they have you! ❤

This pandemic is really difficult to deal with. Your family is not alone. 😭

Yes @gingbabida ...

"Everyone has been hit--some harsh, some moderate, some mild--but everyone is affected."

... there is no question we all have experienced loss. The nature and to what degree varies, of course, but it doesn't change the truth. Personally, we do not believe we are anywhere close to the end of it either ...

The fundamental question before us all is whether the "Almighty" State's reaction actually has "saved" anyone. Versus simply delayed the inevitable, at a staggeringly high cost to us all ...

At no time in history has this ever been the response to times of pestilence and disease. At the end of it all, we will all have our own opinions about how effectively this "new normal" is going to be in "saving" anyone.

Not to worry about any concern of uncertainty on what to say. Thank you for your response "from the heart." I really appreciate you writing it and adding value to this post.

I really don't want to comment about what the government is doing, each has taken actions a little differently.

With our government, a Third World country, although they are doing all they can for the people, but a lot, and that is, millions, are suffering and left with nothing to eat, not just for the next week or next month, but TODAY! It's really painful to see. But what can we do? If lockdowns are not implemented, with our hospital services that can never be called a world standard, things could be uncontrollable. I don't even want to think of it.

So, with your government doing their thing, maybe it is for the good of more, if not most, but there would be people who would be severely affected. Sad to say. This is the harsh reality of life in this system. 😭

For me, there is truth ìn these words: "Do not put your trust in princes nor in a son of man, who cannot bring salvation." Human government cannot be trusted 100%.

I still wish you a good day, despite this seemingly insurmountable problem you are facing. ❤

As mentioned in this post @gingbabida ...

"... despite this seemingly insurmountable problem you are facing. ❤"

... as difficult as parting has been, we clearly know the impact could be far, far worse. Your post cites examples of how that is the case in your country. And in many others, all over the world.

So ... We do not face an "insurmountable problem," but simply experiencing the heartache of loss of the closeness of a loved one we have been blessed with for years.

As you say ...

"Do not put your trust in princes nor in a son of man, who cannot bring salvation."

... we are in agreement.

God bless and keep you and yours in these troubling times!

Thank you. 😊 You too! ❤

They can never be so far, they are in your heart, and they are just a video call away! 😍😍😍

Have a pleasant evening! 😊

For me, there is truth ìn these words: "Do not put your trust in princes nor in a son of man, who cannot bring salvation." Human government cannot be trusted 100%.

Wow, that's a wonderful saying. Is it a sentence from the Bible?

This morning, my beloved life-mate and I are waking to the reality of a nearby family member being "gone," as they have had to move away against their wishes. For many years, we have greatly enjoyed them being part of our lives. That ended Friday morning, when they left with all of their earthly possessions for another state.

Dear @roleerob, most Koreans are unable to move to other provinces, so they are getting support from the Korean government.

I guess you will be sad that some of your family members have moved to other provinces because of financial difficulties.

Still, I'm glad your family is alive and healthy without dying of the corona virus.
When economic difficulties are resolved, they will return.

Yes @silvergrifin007 ...

"... so they are getting support from the Korean government."

... this is the "standard" approach to nations all over the earth. "We will save you!" Right ...

In the midst of whatever is coming, in this "new normal" world, we will all have plenty of opportunity to decide how effectively the "Almighty" State's promises of "salvation" have been delivered.

Thank you for stopping by, my Korean friend, and adding value to this post.

Sad to hear about your relative's experience @roleerob. Being uprooted is a difficult thing to go through especially in these times. In a way, the Covid-19 pandemic uprooted all of us, from our ideas and worldviews of the world and the so-called leaders you were talking about. We have to take note and hold them accountable when the right time comes. All the best to you and your family. Keep safe my friend. :)

Yes @juanvegetarian ...

"In a way, the Covid-19 pandemic uprooted all of us, from our ideas and worldviews of the world and the so-called leaders you were talking about. We have to take note and hold them accountable when the right time comes."

... if any of us retain enough of our historic liberty to do so. The economic disruption suffered by all of us is already well underway. As the reality of what it represents continues to unfold, we'll all find out soon enough what the response to the resulting "cries for help" requires ...

Thank you for your well wishes, my friend, and stopping by to add value to this post!

You're welcome @roleerob, I haven't been posting more than I should as I have been busy with other things also. Good point you made, the U.S. should be casting ballots in November, which is less than five months away so we will be able to see the results before the year ends. Here in my country, it's still two years away and bad actors will have time to prepare but I believe that liberty and democracy are not empty ideals we hold in society and the people still have a say in what happens in government. It will be interesting to see how everything turns out in the political-economic sphere.

It is interesting to me, my friend ...

"... which is less than five months away so we will be able to see the results before the year ends."

... that you would know this about America. In reverse, I do not know when your elections there will be held. I wonder about what this represents.

If it is an indication of the importance you and others place on what happens here, then I will tell you there is great concern about this coming election. The word "unprecedented" has been used so many times over the last 3 months (since the "lockdown" began ...) that we are starting to become desensitized to it. Synonyms for it are not readily available either ...

Anyway, it is "unprecedented" in the view of this American, to experience the "war" on the Truth currently underway. In our long lives, my beloved and I have never seen anything remotely close to it. We have grave concerns, mostly for our children and grandchildren, about what it represents.

"... liberty and democracy are not empty ideals we hold in society and the people still have a say in what happens in government."

No, they most certainly are not empty, but ... There is a vital aspect to this foundation of all we have known which many do not acknowledge. And what is that? The responsibilities associated with preserving liberty. Far too many of my countrymen "abandoned the field" long ago. I wrote about this in my Memorial Day post of 2018 - Liberty: Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.

That's enough out of me, as the sun rises 🌄 on a new day ... Until next time, I hope you and your loved ones have a good day "over there" @juanvegetarian! 👋

It's not unusual to see what's happening in the world these days @roleerob. With the prevalence of social media and the news channel's 24-hour news cycle, we have come to live with an avalanche of information, some of which are the opposite of truth.

I think that the elections in America will have far reaching effects around the world, especially here in the Philippines. For example, if the next U.S. president decides to shift where it will buy raw materials and goods to say Africa rather than Asia will be felt by the ordinary folks here. We also have tens of thousands of people working in the U.S. so they will be affected by the immigration and other policies that the American government will put in place. Not to mention the security situation in the West Philippine Sea, which is an important trading route in Asia and can be affected by the U.S. Navy's presence, as well as many other examples that I can offer as to why the election in America will greatly affect my country.

I agree with you, there is also that side of the internet and social media that lends itself to bad actors, trolls and fake news which is, in essence, a war against 'Truth' and really concerning since media ads can be bought and do influence politics and the economy.

So, I guess we can only pray for good things in the coming months and years and do our part in preserving the great ideals which has been borne out of the blood, sweat and tears of our ancestors.

Good day and keep safe @roleerob.

Thank you @juanvegetarian, for providing some detail as to what the election of 2020 means to you there.

Obviously a biased American view, but I do not see any nation on earth able to help America, once it begins "to go down." We think that is underway and the primary source of our concern ...

"... we have come to live with an avalanche of information, some of which are the opposite of truth."

Yes, no question of that. And "some"? ... 😐 Hard to know with any certainty, of course, but part of the "war" on the Truth is the suppression of some information and the "trumpeting" of other information. Who is "behind the curtain" making these decisions? To what end? I have thought about writing a post on this topic, but so far have not found the time or motivation ...

"... we can only pray ..."

Yes, as followers of Christ, that is where we settle the matter ourselves.

Good engagement, my friend. I hope you are finding your "journey" here on the Hive blockchain to be mostly one of encouragement. If nothing else, like our exchange here, at least you get the opportunity to interact directly with others all over the world.

Yes, thanks @roleerob. My HIVE journey has been a welcome surprise. It's great to connect with people online since we cannot socialize in person as much as we want to. I am encouraged by the interaction and sharing that goes on here. Keep safe and stay healthy my friend. :)

It must be a sad weekend for you @roleerob, to part with your loved ones. Selling the property so soon and above the asking price must be the silver lining in all those, though I imagine it would have accelerated their departure, not so good for you....

Let's hope this is temporary, even if it means a few years and they will be back again when things improve.

Yes @livinguktaiwan ...

"It must be a sad weekend for you @roleerob, to part with your loved ones."

... sad for me and even harder on my beloved lifemate. We will all find out soon enough how temporary the "new normal" world we have unfolding before us turns out to be.

Thank you for stopping by, my friend, and writing this warm and empathetic response!

Hi rob I personally believe, though, we are still in the fairly early stages of finding out what the final outcome of this madness is going to be on us all. It will not be good., and that scares the shit out of me, the mother hen of a family of 6., and the not knowing freaks me out, if only

Hmmm. Not sure what happened on your comment @brittandjosie, but it appears to have been truncated. Did you intend for it to end with "if only"?

P.S. What is the father version of "mother hen"? 😉

If only ... is my unspoken desire to have the power to change things for the better. To changes things around but we can’t.

Ehhhh like a Feathered father ??

Okay, that clears it up for me.

We all experience times like that in our lives don't we? Wishing we could change what is happening? This post is about one such experience for our family.

Men are "wired" to protect and provide. And yet ... In this instance, we can do nothing to change what has already happened.

If only we could, .....

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I wish the trees were immortal ...

Respectable senior @roleerob, I can't posting again. I'm ashamed but I need your help again. hahaha


Hmmm. Up well before 🌄 (here) @silvergrifin007 and finding your "call of distress."

Not sure what this error is, but here is my only thought on what it might be. It is an issue with the Node you are using to access the Hive blockchain. They do have difficulties, from time to time, and this is one way we see there is a problem. Most of the time it is temporary ...

Here are the steps to take (no time to illustrate this morning, just words ...) to check:

  1. Under your Profile, click on Tools, scroll to the bottom and click on Nodes Benchmark on the lower left side of your screen.

  2. Click on the Start Benchmark button. Wait until the test completes. Click the Select This Node button, for the one which shows the Best time.

  3. Assuming you have used Hive Keychain, as I have recommended, click on the 3 lines in the upper right, then Preferences. Make sure the RPC Node at the top is set for the same Node which you selected in Step #2. You do not want PeakD and Keychain using two different Nodes ...

Hope this helps!

Senior @roleerob, I followed your instructions, but I can't posting even though I clicked save settings.




Okay @silvergrifin007, did you also make sure you have this same Node set in Hive Keychain?

If you have, then I do not know what else to suggest trying. These types of errors are something I have also seen, from time to time. They typically are temporary and go away after awhile.

Not ideal, but it is unlikely to be permanent.

P.S. With someone who knew more about it than I do, they may find it interesting you can obviously comment, but cannot post ... Other than Resource Credits, which you should have enough of, I do not know what else this might mean. Other than, again, to say hopefully it is temporary ...

Okay @silvergrifin007, did you also make sure you have this same Node set in Hive Keychain?

Senior, I don't know the concept and usage of Node set and Hive Keychain.

What have you used to put your private keys into, so that you can post and engage on Hive? Asked differently, what have you used to log-in to PeakD?

What have you used to put your private keys into,
so that you can post and engage on Hive? Asked differently, what have you used to log-in to PeakD?

I Used Steemit's Private Posting Key to log-in to PeakD.

Private Posting Key Used to log in to apps such as and perform social actions such as posting, commenting, and voting.