With the Covid-19 onslaught and the fallout since, many of us have been forced to reassess what we truly value in our lives and find, to our dismay, or comfort (as the case may be) that our foundational beliefs have either been rocked to the core or strengthened (as the case may be.)
As for me, my faith in God and His Word has not wavered and to experience that 'peace that passes understanding' in the midst of such chaos (much of it prophesied in the Bible) is a gift from God that I truly treasure.
Blessings to you and your family as you continue to "support your family in the "real world" because as you say, that "will always override anything here in this "virtual world.A poignant and beautifully written post @roleerob
Amen @trudeehunter ...
... as this is "right in the bullseye!" 🎯 What do we truly value indeed ...
As I have written in my earlier posts on COVID-19, we believe God has ordained what we are now experiencing. The only "control" we have over it is how we choose to respond to that truth.
Up well before 🌄 (here), thank you for your words of encouragement. And thank you for stopping by and adding value to this post!