sostrin cross-posted this post in GEMS 5 years ago

Horses and Marraige

in #thealliance5 years ago (edited)


I am a city boy. Born and raised in New York City. I met this woman and decided to move out to her family farm in PA. She had always told me how much she loved horses and wanted to have one. We built a barn and a couple of pastures and I bought her two horses for her birthday.

Well, I thought I was good. You know a hero. I bought my wife a horse. Now I could go back to my crypto, reading, writing, blogging etc.. She was passionate about horses. Me? Not so much.,


So now my wife has horses and no horse friends. I am not a hero. Even though I got here some chickens. I am not too passionate about the chickens either. She loves them. They all have names.. BTW We don't eat our pets, especially if they have names.

I guess I am going to go out and shovel horse poop with my wife. Because I love her