I believe this would be my first ever birthday post on Hive and I am glad to share it with this community. Although, I am not celebrating it but its worth being grateful to see another year.
Creo que este sería mi primer post de cumpleaños en Hive y me complace compartirlo con este complejo. Aunque, no lo estoy celebrando, pero vale la pena estar agradecido de ver otro año.
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I was born 12 years ago on the 24th of January, alive and healthy without sickness and with Hive. What more can I not be grateful about.
Nací hace 12 años el 24 de enero, vivo y sano sin enfermedad y con Hive. ¿Qué más no puedo estar agradecido.
So to celebrate my birthday on Hive, I would share some of my throwback pictures taken in my birthday last year.
Así que para celebrar mi cumpleaños en Hive, compartiría algunas de mis fotos de retroceso tomadas en mi cumpleaños el año pasado.
This picture was taken last year by my brother after I had arrived from work. That cake was a surprise cake my mum planned for me before getting home. On a norm, I don't celebrate birthdays but last year came as a surprise.
Esta foto fue tomada el año pasado por mi hermano después de que yo había llegado del trabajo. Ese pastel fue un pastel sorpresa que mi madre planeó para mí antes de llegar a casa. Según una norma, no celebro los cumpleaños, pero el año pasado fue una sorpresa.
Yeah, that's me and my brother. We wore the same clothes that day to work and many people were asking if we were twins. Lol, I didn't know why they think so.
Sí, somos mi hermano y yo. Usamos la misma ropa ese día para trabajar y mucha gente preguntaba si éramos gemelos. Lol, no sabía por qué lo creen.
That's my sweet mum beside me, I am her carbon copy. I don't really care what people say either but I remain mama's boy.
Esa es mi dulce madre a mi lado, soy su copia de carbono. Tampoco me importa lo que diga la gente, pero sigo siendo el hijo de mamá.
I took this picture last year when I went to work on an Elevator. Quite an Irony that last year, I spent most of the day of my birthday at work while this year, I haven't left my apartment or gone out to see the sun. I have been in doors all through since yesterday evening.
Tomé esta foto el año pasado cuando fui a trabajar en un ascensor. Toda una ironía que el año pasado, pasé la mayor parte del día de mi cumpleaños en el trabajo mientras que este año, no he salido de mi apartamento o salido a ver el sol. He estado en las puertas desde ayer por la tarde.
I think this was the first picture I took last year and I look really cute. Funny enough that this year, I haven't taken any single picture. Don't know why I am too lazy to.
Creo que esta fue la primera foto que tomé el año pasado y me veo muy linda. Es lo suficientemente gracioso como para que este año no haya tomado ninguna foto. No sé por qué soy demasiado perezoso para.
Here is a little confession, the truth is I planned or let me say thought that I would celebrate my birthday today but the unexpected resumption for school spoilt the plan. The money I planned to spend for enjoyment, I used it to pay school fees 😅😂.
Aquí hay una pequeña confesión, la verdad es que planeé o permítanme decir que pensé que celebraría mi cumpleaños hoy, pero la reanudación inesperada para la escuela arruinó el plan. El dinero que planeé gastar para el disfrute, lo usé para pagar las cuotas escolares 😅😂.
Moreover, its not the first time I am spending a birthday like this. I am quite used to not celebrating or going out for fun on my birthdays. Probably, next year could come different.
Por otra parte, no es la primera vez que voy a pasar un cumpleaños como este. Estoy bastante acostumbrado a no celebrar o salir a divertirme en mis cumpleaños. Probablemente, el año que viene podría ser diferente.
I use this last picture to end this post. I appreciate you for visiting my publication and reading through. I wish myself success on Hive and probably growing to become one of those Hivers whose autovote worth $15 - $20 on a post.
Utilizo esta última foto para terminar este post. Te agradezco que visites mi publicación y leas. Me deseo éxito en Hive y probablemente creciendo para convertirse en uno de esos Hivers cuyo autovote vale $15 - $20 en un poste.
Yeah, that's definitely my wish and if you are reading this and is very capable of granting this wish, please don't hesitate to. The rewards I earn here is used to pay for me leases which I use to support other authors and part of it is shared to support newbies in my newbie initiative.
Sí, ese es definitivamente mi deseo y si estás leyendo esto y es muy capaz de conceder este deseo, por favor no dudes en hacerlo. Las recompensas que gano aquí se utilizan para pagar por mí contratos de arrendamiento que utilizo para apoyar a otros autores y parte de ella se comparte para apoyar a los novatos en mi iniciativa de novatos.
Thanks for reading, please kindly reblog my post so it can reach my helper out there 😊
Gracias por leer, por favor amablemente reblog mi post para que pueda llegar a mi ayudante por ahí 😊

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i had to read the 12 years old part again and again to check if i am having eye problem lol, happy birthday man
Lol. Your eye is working well brother. Thanks a lot man.
Happy Birthday...! 🎊
I don't know about where you live, but in this part of the world it's still the 24th of January 😅
Also no shame in staying in on your birthday. Sometimes that's just what you need, no fuss, because of the long and busy hours.
Hope your wishes do come true and enjoy the new week 😊
Lol, yeah no shame in staying in at all. But seriously Hive made my birthday. I really do appreciate your comments 😊🤗
Haha I know what you mean. For me Hive is an outlet at the moment and a place to learn. For everyone it may differ on some fronts, but also be the same on other.
Lol! Are you twelve years old for real? Or I didn't read that well? 😄
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 🎂🎉.... And it's back to school! Thank God for the gift of another year. I wish you an amazing one and may all your dreams come true! God bless you sir! ☺️🥂
Noo he´s nooot hahahahahah i think he made a mistake in the post😂
😂 I guessed as much or maybe he's pulling our legs
hahahah yeah
Happy birthday friend. Wish you long life and prosperity in good health and abundant wealth. Cheers to you!!!🍾🍾🍾
Thanks a lot brother. 😊🤗🤗
12 years old? hahahahahaha
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAAAAAAAAAAAAIN. Even if you are not where you want to be right now, I wish you a good day full of friends, food and blessings!
I'm so glad to have met you, and I hope we continue to grow and create as good projects as we have done so far!!! I wish you many blessings, and may everything you set your mind to be fulfilled.
With love,
Jajajaja eso dije yo ¿12 años? Y la traducción al español está un poco graciosa, pero se entiende.
I am more glad to have met you too ❤️. Truth is, I had fun today even if I spent 16hrs of the day in my room abs not stepping a foot outside. I had little fun.
Thanks for everything dear. I do appreciate them so far.
happy day and blessings to you.
Thanks a lot. Really do appreciate
God bless your path, today, tomorrow and always, I wish you the best and that your goals are fulfilled, happy birthday my friend.
Happy birthday big man. You're such an inspiration to many both far and wide. You are an example for Nigerian youths.
I always though I knew you from somewhere. Your brother, did you go to ayedere senior high school?
Hahahah... Our man is 12 years old.
Wow... Happy Birthday Bro
This is a very nice event and it's good that you are celebrating your first birthday as a member of this platform because by the time you'll be celebrating it again next year, a lot of things would have changed and this platform must have been known all over the world.
Congratulations to you
We are still waiting for the main cake because nobody eats a throwback cake on somebody's birthday 🤣🤣
Despite everything I hope you have a great day today and don't miss a cake!! Nice t-shirt btw! :D
Cheeeerssss! 🍻
A little Dominican bird named Amelia told me you had a birthday, sweetheart. I wish you the best of the universe. May this new year of life be full of the best things and all the positive energy that will help you achieve your dreams. A big hug from Venezuela. @starstrings01.
My vote does not reach much value but I give it to you with all my affection and best wishes from my 💖. I love.your flannel and the pictures you shared. Try to have more fun and try the pizza. Don't miss out on those good things in life hahaha another hug. Happy Birthday!🤗😙🎂🍮🍰
I had to edit the 12years ago I read😒🙄 from my mind lol.
Look who's birthday is and I wasn't even aware, you didn't want me to ask for cake and wine baa? Better come and share your birthday cake. I don't mean last year's cake o, 😒
Come first, your brother eh🤭 tell him an anonymous person is crushing o. Make sure this gets to him😂
Why does it seem we have the same wish as per autoupvote😁
I am sure someone out there would read this and make our wish, oops no! Your wish comes true lol.
Happy Birthday to a wonderful soul😉
I wish you everything good and pleasant and of course more hive and HP to your wallet.😎
Lol.. My brother is taken actually 😅😂
No cake this year actually. Yes oh, I hope our wish come true. Thanks for everything.
Moreover, I am 12years old truly.
Wait first, how can you be 12 in university, shift please...
Of course, I know he will be taken na, crush is crushing lol
Lol.. Okay then.. He is on Hive too.
Really? That's nice. I even thought he wasn't on this planet lol
Happy birthday man...haha
Our twelve years old sensei😳😳😳
I see the cake and it looks really sumptuous..
Lol brotherly, that cake is last year cake oh not this year's own but thanks man.
Happy birthday my dear friend! I hope you have a blast today and enjoy that delicious cake with your loved ones!
Lol.. The pictures are last year pictures. I would share the one I took today by tomorrow maybe but I didn't eat a cake.
Un ingeniero de elevadores de 12 años, eso sí que nunca se ha visto... Deberías tener un récord Guinness o algo así jajaja.
Feliz cumpleaños Emmanuel, espero que a pesar de las circunstancias puedas pasar un agradable día recibiendo tu nuevo año ❤❤❤. Te deseo lo mejor y espero que tus sueños se cumplan 😍❤. Gracias por ser un buen amigo de Hive 💕
Thanks a lot dear. Funny enough, I have my name in the Guinness book of record as one of the most brilliant kids.
Thanks again for your wishes, I really do appreciate them.
Muchas gracias querida. Curiosamente, tengo mi nombre en el libro Guinness de los discos como uno de los niños más brillantes.
Gracias de nuevo por sus deseos, realmente los aprecio.
Happy Birthday 🥳🥳🥳🥂🥂 my friend...
Muchas gracias, realmente te lo agradezco.
Thank you very much 😊☺️
12 years old? hahahaha I never imagined you were so young haha.
Happy Birthday, my good friend! I hope you have an excellent day and that your wishes come true. I loved your family photos and your shirt looks great.
From Venezuela I send you my best wishes and a huge hug.
Lol. Thanks very much, I really do appreciate your wishes.
They are last year photos though. I send you hugs too 🤗🤗
OMG! 12 years? Now I'm curious hahahaha.
Happy birthday to you, a year that will surely add great experiences. Although the plans for the celebration with balloons and cake have been frustrated, the community celebrates and my hope is that you receive that wish from your heart because you deserve it, somewhere is the helper and we will find him!
Many blessings, enjoy, enjoy and keep growing.
Lol.. We don't know if the helper is in your followers, so help a brother with a reblog.
Thanks for the comments, I really do appreciate. 🤗😊
Happy birthday to you, wishing you grace and the wonderful things you desire for yourself. One thing I'm still contemplating on or rather disagreeing with is your age, you said 12 years ago you were birth.
Lol. I am actually 12 years old. Thanks a lot brother for the wishes.
Uhm, and I was thinking 27
Nah.. I am younger than that but not far from that.
Lolz. I can believe this one
I wish you a happy birthday and many blessings!!
Thanks a lot dear 😊🤗
Happy birthday dear starstrings01, may God fill you with blessings today and always. You are a baby haha, could you be my son, you are the king of the house then haha, God bless you.
Lol, I would appreciate you as my lovely Hive mama then 😊🤗. Thanks so much for your comments 😊
Happy birthday bro, it's amazing how we meet strangers every day and slowly they become a part of our lives. Thanks for being an amazing person, I really celebrate you today, many more years to you, I wish you the best on this day, may God continue to grant you all you wished for.
Happy birthday!
Yeah it is very amazing. Thanks for being a good friend as well. I appreciate your comments.
You're welcome man, many more celebration to you.
Happy birthday 😁 gosh you're growing up sooooo fast... and celebrating your 12th birthday!!! Wonderful!! Did you blow all 12 candles? 😆 kidding
Wish you many many happy returns of the day ❤
Smile. Funny that there was no candles because someone who I thought would be the first to remember my birthday disappointed 😒. But anyways all is fine. Thanks for the comments, I appreciate.
oopsies.... sorry... you'll always remember two people, one who wished first and one who wished last lol.... glad i'm one of the two lmao
Lol... You are very funny 😅😂😂.
Thank you so much 😅
I wish you a happy birthday! And may the work and success continue, you deserve great things.
So do you also deserve great things as well. Thank you, I appreciate your comment.
Greetings friend happy birthday
Thanks a lot man. Really do appreciate your greetings.
Que tengas un feliz cumpleaños en unión con tus familiares y amigos. No importa si no celebras hoy, seguramente este fin de semana alguien te sorprende con un agasajo. Jehová te bendiga.
Muchas gracias, realmente lo apreciamos. Jehová también te ama.
Happy birthday! Best wishes!!
Thank you very much!.
Thanks dear, I really appreciate.