in GEMS3 years ago


Cuando parecía que lo había visto todo, de pronto y ante mi, pude ver un halo de libertad.
La sensación que me invadía era de autentico bienestar.
Agarré la botella y tomé un sorbo, era una delicia. Su sabor amargo pero, sólo lo suficiente, y esa textura refrescante recorría mi garganta, haciendo que la experiencia fuera incluso, más placentera.
Por cada trago que daba, mi cuerpo me pedía repetir esa experiencia, una y mil veces.
Estaba sentado en una terraza de un bar, habría unos 26ºC y las olas del mar se escuchaban como un susurro de tranquilidad.
Comencé a pensar en lo feliz que era, disfrutando el momento, e intentando grabarlo en mi mente.
Aún me acuerdo sin remordimientos, de aquella vez que tuve que pedir dinero para completar un vuelo que me llevara a casa.
Ahí estaba yo, en un aeropuerto, sin nada de dinero. Sin poder comer un triste bocadillo, mi vuelo se iba y necesitaba 60€ para poder llegar a mi destino.
No tuve más remedio que pedir a todo el mundo que pasaba por ahí.
Me sentí el ser más infrahumano que existía en la tierra.
Me veía en esa situación tan caótica y no sabía cómo había llegado hasta ella.
Poco a poco e intentándolo una y otra vez, tratando de ser amable, creíble, e incluso dando pena, conseguí juntar algo, aunque no era suficiente dinero para completar el billete, aún me quedaba conseguir 50€ en menos de 25 minutos , antes de que el vuelo despegara.
Los nervios a flor de piel, si no conseguía meterme en ese avión quedaría atrapado a miles de Km de mi casa. No era ninguna broma.
A la desesperada seguí intentando conseguir esos dichosos 50€.
De pronto, vi a una mujer, me pareció ver que se quejaba sobre su pierna y se frotaba con su mano, como si de un calambre se tratase.
¿Está usted bien? Le pregunté
Si hijo tranquilo me dijo. Es que de tanto estar aquí sentada esperando el vuelo se me ha dormido la pierna.
Seguimos conversando un rato.
Como no podía ser de otra forma puesto que el tiempo se me acababa, terminé exponiéndole mi problema a la señora.
Desde el primer momento fue reticente, yo pensaba que estaba todo perdido.
Le dije, no pasa nada, yo la entiendo a usted. No se preocupe.
Me disponía a seguir cuando de repente, al parecer, la señora se arrepintió, y me dijo: ¿Cuánto te falta?
50€ le conteste.
A lo que la señora saco su monedero del bolso muy rápidamente y me dijo:
Toma hijo corre, que no me vea mi marido, y me dio un 1 billete de 50€ ¡!!!
De verdad que casi me pongo a llorar, le di mil gracias, esa señora, donde quiera que esté, se ha ganado el cielo conmigo.
Hice el trámite del pasaje.
Ya tenía el vuelo. Ahora faltaban 40 minutos para el embarque.
Me podía comprar un bocadillo y una cerveza, recordad que no llevaba dinero y no había comido nada en muchas horas.
Me sentí feliz delante de mi bocadillo y mi cerveza.

Su sabor amargo pero, sólo lo suficiente, y esa textura refrescante recorría mi garganta, haciendo que la experiencia fuera incluso, más placentera.


Para los buenos, y para los menos buenos ratos, CERVEZA.

Photo by Wil Stewart on Unsplash


When it seemed that I had seen everything, suddenly and before me, I could see a halo of freedom.
The sensation that invaded me was one of genuine wellbeing.
I grabbed the bottle and took a sip, it was a delight. It tasted bitter but, just enough, and that refreshing texture ran down my throat, making the experience even more pleasurable.
For every sip I took, my body was asking me to repeat the experience a thousand times.
I was sitting on a terrace of a bar, it was about 26ºC and the waves of the sea could be heard as a whisper of tranquility.
I began to think about how happy I was, enjoying the moment, and trying to record it in my mind.
I still remember, without regrets, the time I had to ask for money to complete a flight to take me home.
There I was, in an airport, with no money at all. Without being able to eat a sad snack, my flight was leaving and I needed 60€ to get to my destination.
I had no choice but to ask everyone passing by.
I felt like the most subhuman being that existed on earth.
I saw myself in such a chaotic situation and I didn't know how I got there.
Little by little and trying over and over again, trying to be kind, credible, and even being pitiful, I managed to collect something, although it was not enough money to complete the ticket, I still had to get 50 euros in less than 25 minutes, before the flight took off.
My nerves were on edge, if I didn't manage to get on that plane I would be trapped thousands of kilometers away from home. It was no joke.
Desperately I kept trying to get that 50€.
Suddenly, I saw a woman, I thought I saw her complaining about her leg and rubbing it with her hand, as if it were a cramp.
Are you all right? I asked her
Yes, son, don't worry," she said. It's just that I've been sitting here so much waiting for the flight that my leg has fallen asleep.
We continued talking for a while.
As it could not be otherwise since time was running out, I ended up explaining my problem to the lady.
From the first moment she was reticent, I thought that everything was lost.
I told her, it's all right, I understand you. Don't worry.
I was about to continue when suddenly, apparently, the lady got cold feet, and said to me: How much do you need?
50, I answered her.
To which the lady took her purse out of her purse very quickly and said to me: "Here, son, run, don't let her see me:
Here son run, that my husband does not see me, and gave me a 1 bill of 50€ !!!!!
I really almost started to cry, I thanked her a thousand times, that lady, wherever she is, has earned heaven with me.
I did the paperwork for the ticket.
I had my flight. Now it was 40 minutes to boarding.
I could buy a sandwich and a beer, remember that I had no money and had not eaten anything for many hours.
I felt happy in front of my sandwich and beer.

Its bitter taste but, just enough, and that refreshing texture ran down my throat, making the experience even, more pleasurable.


For the good times, and for the less good times, BEER.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Photo by Wil Stewart on Unsplash


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