It’s A Horrible World: Agenda 2030 Accelerated! Burning Man, Burning Maui

in GEMSlast year
Authored by @Dollar Vigilante

by @dollarvigilante on The Dollar Vigilante
View my bio on Vigilante.TV: It’s A Horrible World: Agenda 2030 Accelerated!  Burning Man, Burning Maui

Clearly, “climate change” is shaping the narrative. Clearly, Google is a filter for consciousness. Clearly, Blackrock owns everything. So what do we do about it?

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***** Sources for this video *****

Intro vid: What a Horrible World (Louis Armstrong Parody):

TCV Summit on the 15th of September:

Game Changers:

Woopi Goldberg Has Covaids:

Israeli Ministry of Health orders all hospitals to conduct PCR Covid tests for all admitted patients:
~~~ embed:1699125246647771574?t=9IE1u3ZTVWrWZH_cyVAs8Q&s=19 twitter metadata:RHJFbGlEYXZpZHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9EckVsaURhdmlkL3N0YXR1cy8xNjk5MTI1MjQ2NjQ3NzcxNTc0fA== ~~~

Tap water tests positive:

Check out today’s video..!


So that's why Burning Man is held at BlackRock City.

The Jan. 6th protest had hundreds of federal agents in the crowd, SS, FBI, DOJ, and more, and an unknown number of PMC mercenaries. The whole event was entirely the creation of the, and the Capitol Police provably opened the doors and literally escorted them through the Capitol building. No more blatant entrapment has ever occurred.


Meditation while it is sometimes a thought of taming your mind, it is actually about exploring it. You find memories that you don't want to find. Which is where training your mind comes in. This is why most can't get past this point, but you have to train your mind to remember that memory so you can accept that memory for the other actions. When people get that memory, they stop meditating and then "do something" to occupy their thoughts so that the memory is pushed back out of their inner sight. But the solution is to make it front and center, so that when you do accept it and resolve or forgive your "reactions" that made it be MORE of who you are, it becomes transparent or just part of the serenity of life. Which is what you want to achieve in the ZEN of meditation.

I've finally convinced my wife to not get on her phone and drink coffee first thing in the morning. What you feed your eyes, mind and body first thing in the morning, sets the precedence for the rest of the day. Everyday I start by grounding with my feet in the Earth and taking in nature, while focusing on my breathing. I follow this up by working out/stretching and I then usually drink a smoothie or eat fruit. Next I hang out with family before engaging in any social media or work... I normally don't even start any work at all, until 11:00am or later. It took a while for me to figure all of this but I can tell you that I am much better off now at the age of 45, than I have ever been.

Whens jeff going to mention the video game Deus Ex where the story is everything that's happened, covid and what's going to happen.

Like the Jeopardy minds me of a meditative 🍄 trip, lol.
All good and the self work and undoctrination work truly is a must.
Look into emotional tapping training for a quick fix..ya .gotta find what works sans drugs. Thanks for the insight Jeff. ✌

Jeff, I'm so happy to see sweet Lucy feeling better!! 🐕 😊 Thnx again for reading my Looong-ass-pirola of a comment & implementing my advice for doggy-zymes! (It REALLY made my day!!!) It was 1 of 3 of my theories for possible causes...The 2nd had to do w/ 'Taco-Time' or feeding-time settings. Most of the time you're feeding her w/ her siblings (@ least @ 'Taco-Time' for most of your vidz)...Maybe it's different for 'main feedings?' Maybe you'd realized this & did it differently in this video. She looked so calm & alert being fed alone! I loved the close up of her @ the end!! She's so adorable!

There's been a few other occasions recently where you were having a fiesta de cumpleaños & she was skittish & uneasy. Maybe too many of these situations is enough to make her feel uneasy, queasy, & disrupt her digestion?
Thirdly, maybe she might as you've mentioned @ the many construction sites you pass, could actually get some 'baaad tacos.' If that's ever the case, you could give her ACTIVATED CHARCOAL capsules. Activated charcoal is excellent @ adsorbing many toxins & is good for poisonings, food poisonings, & overdoses. It's a must have to always keep some on hand in any of these situations. That goes for hu-mans tambíen!
Con sus perros, you could put the capsule(s) in some protein bar or peanut butter, etc. If they won't take, break it open and put it on food or in H20.

Jeff, you're also on your way to becoming a decent holistic health coach/life coach! Keep giving your peeps GR8 holistic health advise & MOTIVATING THEY ASSES to quiet the ADHD (Attention Dialed into Higher Dimensions), monkey-mind & just

¡Adiós for now amigo!

PS: I also replied to the 'Hu-man w/ no ego' asking me if I'm in the VIC (aka, The REAL 'GOOD CLUB') in the last video 😉

PSS: ONE Last thing: A request for your Videographers to find & incorporate again the 2 AWEsome 'Mega-mixes' of the dancing "Covid-19 preacher man" & the one w/ Greta Thorn-in-my-side-berg that was a short mega-mix too...
💓 those!


Nice show! Hope the harem works out for you ;Đ