Corona Got Me

in GEMSlast year

So it finally happened

I have Corona. I could have sworn I have had it before since I have had some pretty nasty colds in the last few years. But none of the tests came out positive - until some days ago. The last three days were pretty tough: fever, severe limb pain, nose running. But strangely enough I am not coughing a lot and I don't have any throat ache. Yesterday evening strangely enough (colds usually get worse in the night) I suddenly felt better. If that was the worst of it, I honestly have to say that this wasn't all too bad. I mean sure I would have been totally okay not getting this infection, but for now it feels like it was just a usually bad cold.

I used to cover the pandemic and how it affected society. I am glad that we have normalized Corona and I only very rarely see someone wearing a mask outside. I guess all the people that are hypochondriac are now just making themselves visible to others. But that's okay, everyone should be able to do what they want. It's clear on hindsight that forcing people to comply with all of the mandates was ethically wrong. We can only hope that the herd consciousness has realized that and it won't happen again. Although I am quite skeptical of that...

Oh yeah, and I never had any vaccination. Not that that would have really made a difference since it usually only protects for several months and I remember reading a study that actually suggested the more vaccinations one had had, the worse the protection got (in fact, the effect even went negative). I suppose I also can't compare this infection with the early variants of Covid. They really did seem more serious, but it also shows that the infections from viruses usually get less severe with time.

Anyway, what is your experience; have you had Corona? Did you get vaccinated?




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I believe I had the first three iterations of the virus. The first was very early on in the con, before the illness even had a name. I was quite sick, and actually went to a doctor (which I rarely do) and told him I had the flu. He said "I don't know what you have, but it isn't the flu."

That first time, I was in a chorus that had a concert scheduled for late January 2020. I went to perform in the concert, obviously ill and even coughing, and my fellow chorus members thanked me for coming! Gone are the days of "the show must go on." Not surprisingly, NO ONE ELSE IN THE CHORUS, THAT I HAD BEEN SINGING WITH IN SMALL ROOMS, GOT ILL.

I refused to do any of the measures that we were being told to do: no masking, no isolation, no quarantine (other than staying home when I was sick and for a day afterwards, like we used to be told to do), no sanitizing, no testing, (the tests are crap shoots anyway, they show nothing), and especially no so-called vaccine.

I went on to get covid-like illness twice more, each time less difficult than the last. The third time I was mildly ill for three days.

At the time, I was 24/7 caring for a chronically very sick person. Even while very sick, fever and coughing and all, I entered his room unmasked, allowed others to enter his room unmasked, I cooked for him without sanitizing my hands. HE NEVER GOT SICK. The only difference between him and me is that he never ever went outside the house.

Have they been spraying overhead where you live? They have been here, and "covid" is back. It's not a virus.

Hehe I had it years ago, same for me a little fever, insane headache and stiffness and joint pain. I used to see people with masks driving alone.. wtf then you are easily influenced.

forcing people to comply with all of the mandates was ethically wrong

Never took the vaccine. The day you obey without question, you give up the most important thing you can have, your freedom.

The more I dived into the subject back then the more questions I had. But the so called experts didn't like questions. Never regretted my decision to not vaccinate either

👍 Hehe

Get well soon, dude. I hope it's not affecting you so much.

Damn, what you said about the vaccinations are wild! What's the best way to protect one's self from this virus, then?

Here's what I suggest, but you do you:

Trust that your own body has the resources to heal just about anything, Do what your body tells you to do, such as get in bed when you are dizzy, stop eating if you are not hungry, allow a fever, and drink fluids. Do not take any over the counter medications. You can add a little zinc, vitamin D3, and quercetin if you feel you have to do something. Drink tonic water. Pine needle tea seems to have good effect. Homeopathic belladonna might ward off long covid. And most of all, do not bother going to a western doctor unless they will prescribe hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, which I honestly do not think a healthy person needs to beat this thing. Covid is the flu, used as a massive marketing ploy. Do not get vaccines of any kind, something is very wrong with that industry.


I took vitamin D3 + zink + quercetin and I really feel that it helped

I did too, but very little of each. I tried the pine needle tea, but it didn't sit well with me, so I listened to my body and discontinued that. Others have found it very helpful - it's loaded with zinc, vitamin C and a few other things that are said to help. If you've got a pine tree, you might wanna go snap some needles off, get rid of the woody end bits, and brew a cup sweetened with honey. It's delicious. Thanks for being among the pioneers, who are really just doing what their grandmothers did. Surreal is our "reality" now.

The great Dr. Zelenko's regimen. He was the very first doctor who got it right. I am so grateful for him.

mostly by maintaining a good health; e.g. exercise, good food, vitamins; with a healthy immune system no one has to fear this virus, ofc older people have it a bit more difficult, but the same general rules apply there as well

Great insights from y'all, @tobetada and @owasco. I know for young people there is nothing to fear, but for older people it's quite scary. I mainly asked because I was wondering what older people can do.

The things y'all have said answers that. It seems they'll have to take their chances with this thing since vaccines that are supposed to be 100% are not. And since vaccines and so many other things are questionable.

I mean there are a lot of different types of vaccines. I would mainly be careful of the mRNA variants. Fundamentally, I think there is no "one size fits all" approach and it needs individual tailoring

I officially had corona once.. Last year in May I think. After than that I might have got it but I wasn't sure since I didn't prove it with the test kit. But that time I got, I remember it wasn't so bad as in the beginning of the corona era, but it was still pretty annoying. Especially, the cough, that had stayed with me for a while. Somehow whenever I got coughing after that, it lasted long time. I wondered if it's really effected by the covid.

Anyway, I hope you get well soon! @tobetada

thank you :))

I had some really bad coughing last year and I have heard of many others that they had unusually long and bad coughing.

in Thailand it really is a thing and we called it "long covid"

Hello @tobetada, I hope your health improves. It seems that you were right not to get vaccinated, they say that these vaccines change genetic codes and make us more vulnerable. Those of us who get vaccinated may have to wait for a miracle.

thank you! I hope it's not as bad as they say

So Sorry about it bro, I can't believe corona is still infecting people.

I'm roaming Around places without any masks like rest of people and not even for a second that thought of corona is crossed in mind. Like people have moved on.

I've only took one dose of vaccine that too was forced to take it where I was doing job. Didn't got two more dozes yet.. doing good without it.

I hope you're feeling better now and wish you a speedy recovery.

thanks a lot! Yeah, it's just that now it's not in the news anymore everyone forgot about it. But in reality the number of infections are probably many times that of previous years...

I was fine the night before then I woke at 2 in the morning, felt like I was lying on Knives.... Heavy body pain.. Especially limbs... But I never really coughed or had a runny nose, I had slime in my throat but that was that... And coffee tasted like shit.... Oh and body pain 😂😂

yep, can confirm that body/limb pain was through the roof! Get well soon!

So sorry about your health

thanks, I already feel better fortunately

Alright, take care of yourself well

Oh My! Get well soon dear. Health is everything for everybody, may God Blessed you with a good health.

Oh dear friend, dont be sick for long. Hoping the treatments you are taking are effective against it. Please get well soonest.

I already feel much better today, thank you!

Great news. We want to stay strong and achieve all our goals

Oh no! Get well soon. I nearly think the vaccinations was for a good course but it seems it is not

thank you!

get well soon

Now here in our country, the cases of Corona are very few, here now most of the cases are dengue, which causes fever and the platelets inside the human body are decreasing and the human body is decreasing. Power is lost within.