CHARY News: +++ We have a problem +++ New Stats +++ PLEASE DONT BUY CHARY AT THE MOMENT

in Charity4 years ago

Dear friends of CHARY, friends of HIVE and all others,

in this posts I want to give you the latest stats about CHARY and the problem, that is shows.

The stats from March 2021 and our problem


This picture shows our greatest donator. And surprise, for the first time it is not me, it is:
Thank you very much!!!
All in All he has spend 2029 HIVE. What a great donation!!!:


I started downvoting him consequently last month. When you watch his account, you can see that he should (nearly) not earn any HIVE nor CHARY:And it is a big pitty to see, that the very most part of our money flew to @hakeemshah96, who is obviesly abusing the system.


But he was still able to claim CHARY in big amounts:


And he could sell it:

Here are the top 10 CHARY owners:



My Question

@hakeemshah96: We need your help:

  • Please tell us, what do yo do to get these amounts of claimed CHARY every day.
  • Please send at least 1500 Hive back to @charityball.
  • Please stop abusing the CHARY system!

If you don't do this, I need to stop the CHARY system. It was made to help people and not to make single users rich.

@all: Can someone explain, why @hakeemshah96 is able to claim these amounts of chary? @holger80 Do you have an idea?

My Advice to all CHARY users

As long as we don't know, why a single person, that is blacklisted, can claim that amounts of money: AT THE MOMENT PLEASE DON'T BUY ANY CHARY

This month I will not buy any chary. This leads to a price reduction. At the moment, the price is already down to 0.01 Hive/CHARY


You can use this top 10 Chary list as a advice to support people directly with HIVE (except the blacklisted person on 1 place):

SellerSum of CHARYSUM of HIVEAverage Price

The Chary Rules

  • Don't upvote yourself in comments or other accounts from you!
  • Use the chary tag for charity content only!
  • use the chary tag only once a day!

Call for Action

What is CHARY?

$CHARY is a subtoken of the Hive system (like the beercoin). One can exchange it on the Hive-Engine.
When you use the hashtag "chary" and get upvoted by people that have staked $CHARY, you will get some $CHARY.
But you only will get upvotes, when you write about your charity project, where you give us a good proof of charity. This means, we need pictures, where we can see, that people in need are really helped by you.
So please don't abuse the hashtag!

The Chary system can be reached via Hive (i.e. or directly via

For more details see

Achim Mertens


It’s a great pity to see @hakeemshah96 keeps ripping off the Chary system but there should be a solution to this. The Chary tribes are kind of centralized so I believe the user token can be frozen and blacklisted from earning Chary token by the tribe developer team.

A big thanks to @charityball for the great contribution!

Why we sold the Chary token will be posted during the weekend. We want to use the fund to print numbers at the back of our jerseys.

Great job using the tokens to support DFA. Please use the chary tokens however you see fit for the academy including selling them whenever. DFA and @homeless-city are here to stay and so is charityball


Hopefully DFA will continue growing until an entire league (a group of teams scrimmaging each other) is reached. Possibly lessons for the sportsmen to post about their academy day and earn personal sports and/or chary tokens for their families to thrive. Some thoughts ✨ and thank you for listening. You're in command of DFA and we love you here at Hive

They say that one should not do to others what one would not do to yourself.
This guy that is bleeding the system, especially a decent charity system, is condemning himself.

Our job in the charity world is to "Be a Blessing to Others" and this guy obviously does not understand that. But when the bad luck strikes him, no amount of money will help him.

To steal from charity for self enrichment is suicide.

Thank you for the hard work @achimmertens 🌎 and for everyone in this thread providing good information. It will work out fine as I'll stop voting for him permanently

I'm reminded of the story from the east of an enlightened master who was robbed one night meditating. After the bandit left the master thought "I wish I could have given him the moon"

For all we know the money went to relatives who needed to be fed. I'll stay closer to the whitelist from now on though @achimmertens thanks for looking out for the investors. As the tribe leader say let's sell the project and not just the token when posting on other social media. I just banged out a 5-star review for on trustpilot for example

thank you!
You have a good heart!

Please checkout the development of the new hive crowdfunding platform @thelogicaldude is creating so we can develop a partnership with him for mutual benefit @achimmertens.

Charity tribe + crowdfunding platform = 💖


I don't ever vote for hakeem btw. If @hakeemshah96 ever does surface like a man and is convinced to give chary or hive back, I'll give that to the @anobel account to burn 🔥


is chary end? or their a future update @achimmertens

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's not the end.
I am working on a better monitoring.
Let us wait until this guy has has sold it's chary and then we can go on again.
In the future, I want to blacklist people earlier, before they destroy the price.

Well good luck with that hope you update system soon so we can enjoy doing great charities


Hey @achimmertens,

thanks for your insights about this problem! I really like how you are able to show data as graphics.

It's really sad that users like him are abusing the system.
I've often seen how he posts something without any context - so there was just a headline but nothing else.

I really don't know how it's technically possible that he claims so much CHARY since the amount has to come from somewhere?!

I think the blacklist option is, even when it sounds "centralized", a good option. In my eyes, this has nothing to do with censorship then - more with taking care of the project and doing "administrative work" so the project is well.

I can admit @elkezaksek that many users (like she mentioned) do not post any Charity content. I honestly have to say that I often upvoted such posts (i.e. about sports etc.) too, because I thought that these people were in need and they should earn for their "content". But the more I look at their posts, the more I see that most of their "work" isn't even real work. Just collecting some prices for example and posting them.

I will take care of my CHARY-votes from now on! Thanks for the whitelist - that's an orientation!
But every user should still double-check the posts anyways! That's the best solution.

I will do some downvotes on this guy too - in my eyes, he should be "punished" by getting a low (or even negative) reputation so it will be hard for him to earn on the HIVE main system.

What do you think about the downvoting idea?

Let me know!

Thanks for making this project possible!

Much love

@achimmertens additional information:

I checked the newest CHARY posts. Then I saw another guy (@haseebullah11) which also has some suspicious posts with nothing more than links and emojis in it.

Maybe it's his other account or a friend of him and they are upvoting each other or something?When I checked who upvoted him, I also saw our suspect @hakeemshah96 upvoting him.

Take a look:


Maybe this can help finding the reason for this problem - I hope so!


WTF is this sh*t?
Self commenting and self upvoting.. wow..


Thank you.
This guy was already donvoted so often, that his reputation is -1.
Usually you cannot see his content.
But he does self voting and upvoting his other account(s).
I will check the chary blacklist option.

The problem is, if you go to, it is very difficult to find any charity....
Very sad....

Man that's bad we need to get together for this I will too down vote him and I think we can improve the quality of content by adding a filter 😯

Mensch Achim,
was für eine Freude!!!
Da schaue ich gerade nichtsahnend in meine Wallet und dann das.....
Wir freuen uns sehr!!!!
Das gibt eine Menge Licht! Herzlichen Dank!!
Jetzt muß ich mal sehen, daß ich die Hive zu Euro mache...

Und zu @hakeemshah96, es ist traurig, daß solche Leute, die sich nur selbst bereichern, dein schönes Projekt gefährden. Aber ich bin sehr froh, daß du in diesem Fall deine Gutgläubigkeit an den Nagel gehängt hast..

Nochmal herzlichen Dank, frohe Ostern und alles Liebe

du kannst Hive entweder auf eine Krypto-Wechselbörse schicken. Z.B. nach Bittrexx. Ich kann dir gerne dabei helfen, dir zu erklären wie das geht.
Die Auszahlung kann dann auf ein Giro Konto erfolgen, oder wie ich es mache, auf eine Krypto Debit Karte, z.B. bei Bitpanda. Das ist eine Visa Karte, die du überall (Aldi, Tankstelle, Getränkeladen,...) einsetzen kannst. Du bezahlst dann mit Euro, der Betrag wird aber von einer Krypto-Währung, die du auf dem Bitpanda Konto hast, abgebucht. Das macht sehr viel Spaß, wenn gerade eine Währung gehypt wird ;-)
Hallo @elkezaksek, Der effizienteste Weg aber, Hive nach Uganda zu bringen, ist, es dort von einer Bank abzuheben. Also nicht erst in Euro konvertieren, sondern direkt in Uganda-Schilling. Wie das geht, kann dir sicherlich @jaraumoses oder erklären.

btw.: Das Aussperren von Hakeemshah scheint geklappt zu haben. Er hat seit 3 Tagen keine Chary mehr erhalten.

Gruß, Achim

I have read the post and comments above and its really sad that many people are abusing the system.

Maybe you can pause Chary system until the devs give you a solution.

As with the transfer of the money.
It's easy, she can send Hive to the beneficiaries Hive or Binance (if they have one) and the Hive on Binance is easily converted into UGX and withdrawn using either bank or an easier option which most of us use called Mobile money.

Mobile money works this way, each of our simcards here work as a can be sent and recieved on our simcards.

If any help is needed I am around

Thank you very much!
For us the best and easiest way is to make it from Germany via bank-account,
because we need the bills and documentation...
The money does not go to the people, it is going to a company...
Kind regards

Hi Jarau,
thank you very much.
I have found a way to blacklist people. I did it now with hakimshah. He cannot get chary any more (from anobel).
At the moment I will use chary only to observe the the posts and people.

Hallo Achim,
danke ...
Ich habe das längst umgetauscht....
Ich muß das über den Euro-Umtausch machen, denn ich bestelle die Solar-Anlagen in Kampala
und bezahle sie auch per Banküberweisung via Xendpay.
Ich brauche auch für alles Quittungen, weil ich alles abhefte....
Für uns ist das der einfachste und klarste Weg.
Wir haben gestern 10 Solar-Anlagen bestellt.
Sechs davon hast du bezahlt. Die Posts kommen natürlich....
Sehr interessant finde ich die Sache mit der Visakarte.
Das habe ich letztens schon in deinem Post gelesen.
Und was Hakeemshah sind ja auch viele andere....
Du hast ja wahrscheinlich gesehen, daß ich einige angeschrieben habe....
Schönes Wochenende und lieben Gruß

Hi Elke,
gern geschehen. Euer Projekt erscheint mir immer noch am glaubwürdigsten.

Gruß, Achim

as I had similar issues, there might be an easy solution.Hi @achimmertens

The solution 1

Block the users at the account which transfers the chary token. You can do it with in the frontend.

The solution 2

Go to the delivery script from Holger and add a blacklist of users. Than this users never ever get a token again.

we had and have similar topics with the BEER token. With this community project, we see again and again people try to farm tokens for their own stupidness

Hi @detlev, Danke für die Tipps. Ich schaue es mir mal an.

Wenn das nicht klappt - Einfach mal hier Fragen.

es hat anscheinend geklappt. Ich habe am Mittoch Hakemshah mit dem anobel-Account gemuted. Seitdem hat er keine Chary mehr erhalten.
Noch mal besten Dank für den Tipp!!!
!BEERHi @detlev,

Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...

Wow, this particular user has been spamming not just this system but Sportstalksocial as well and he needs to be reprimanded for this abuse. It is better to block him from gaining access to the system so he does not destroy or bring down this place.

Thanks for the mention.

I want to know too!

You are also on the list of the TOP TEN CHARY EARNERS.
What is your charity-project (maybe I can upvote you..)
I can't find it in your posts.

y porque no lo sacan de una ves