as I had similar issues, there might be an easy solution.Hi @achimmertens
The solution 1
Block the users at the account which transfers the chary token. You can do it with in the frontend.
The solution 2
Go to the delivery script from Holger and add a blacklist of users. Than this users never ever get a token again.
we had and have similar topics with the BEER token. With this community project, we see again and again people try to farm tokens for their own stupidness
Hi @detlev, Danke für die Tipps. Ich schaue es mir mal an.
Wenn das nicht klappt - Einfach mal hier Fragen.
es hat anscheinend geklappt. Ich habe am Mittoch Hakemshah mit dem anobel-Account gemuted. Seitdem hat er keine Chary mehr erhalten.
Noch mal besten Dank für den Tipp!!!
!BEERHi @detlev,
Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...