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RE: POB TALK 19/07/2021 - #51

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

This is a big question is always very hard to keep your mind off from something that trouble you a lot.

firstly I will say if you except some thing to happen mean if you know that something will bad will come but you don't know when exactly it will happen,though if such thing happened it will be painful but not as touch as when it wasn't prepared for.

Just for example you have a boy friend that womanise and you already knows he can dump you at anytime, and it happen as you will be painful ul beacuse it happen at the time you never except but it will be out of your mind why because you have been seeing a traces like that alot of things like that I just take this as an instant

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Wise idea. Meaning we should always prepare for situations like this because they are bound to happen as soon as we get a traces of it occurrence

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