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Question. How do people stay consistent? As in what can be done on daily basis to get past the disappointment, sadness, depression and still have heart to stand strong and stay consistent in the bad days? What is the formula or say mindset required for this? How do you wake up everyday with something to look upto in near future?
P:S - I have low resource credit I apologize for not able to comment or vote on every post :(
As bad as things can get-- and there are times when they can be absolutely bad-- we still decide how to approach adversity and bad times. It wasn't always bad, and the time will come when it's no longer bad; while we're in a bad time we just have to accept it and keep moving forward. It's bad enough to deal with bad times, we shouldn't make it worse by feeding our minds with negativity or bad thoughts.
Bad thoughts enter the mind and pass through the mind quickly-- we can't avoid that. What we can avoid is dwelling on bad thought longer than necessary. If the bad tought enters the mind, let is pass through as quickly as possible. Let it get flushed out.
Just as incoming bad thoughts take up space in our minds, so do good toughts. We need good thoughts to take up valuable mental real estate so that bad thoughts don't find a home there. The more good thoughts we have-- memories, questions, inquiries, experiences-- the better prepared we will be to handle bad thoughts. If you're not at a level where you can do that, the time to start is now so that you can grow stronger.
One of the reasons Rocky Balboa has been a worldwide phenomenon for 35 years is how he handles bad times and adversity: the brutality of boxing, defeats in the ring, insults, death of those close to him, financial ruin, family disappointment, even government bureaucracy. In the 2006 movie Rocky Balboa, Rocky has words of wisdom for his son based on his hard-fought life and experience:
Source: SucceedFeed.com (emphasis added)
Other people have said similar things, but this is what I go back to.
This is a big question is always very hard to keep your mind off from something that trouble you a lot.
firstly I will say if you except some thing to happen mean if you know that something will bad will come but you don't know when exactly it will happen,though if such thing happened it will be painful but not as touch as when it wasn't prepared for.
Just for example you have a boy friend that womanise and you already knows he can dump you at anytime, and it happen as you thought..it will be painful ul beacuse it happen at the time you never except but it will be out of your mind why because you have been seeing a traces like that alot of things like that I just take this as an instant
Wise idea. Meaning we should always prepare for situations like this because they are bound to happen as soon as we get a traces of it occurrence
this is a good question and i so much love this ,because alot of people have loose focus in the race of success, one of the reasons to be consistent is to have a goal or responsibility, it is your responsibility that will keep pushing you even when you want to give up ,you really don't want to fail
By facing my fears and accepting that i have a problem that only me can fix..
I love the point, but not only you God can fix
Hmm true,i totally agree with what you just said..
I do not want to sound too religious,but as for me what keeps me going is reading my bible and having strong faith in GOD because with him i am able to overcome my challenges via prayers and faith...
thank you ,you are very right but upon reading your your bible you have to have a responsibility that is what will motivate you to keep reading your bible and continue have faith in God .
Prayer and reading the bible also needs action,i will prefer to see a psychatrist...
No mate you're not sounding too religions at all and it's good when we stand by our faith and believe what God can which man cannot do for us .
Through prayers and supplication God hears our voices and attend to our needs, so I urge you as a brethren to keep strong in your faith.
Yes i totally agree with you,prayers do alot of wonders in our lives..
Definitely I want to say ,you are right and I want to say doing that too is a very good idea as it has a way of helping you to grow more maybe in the spirit.
But as I don't see that as the total solution as the place of work too is very vital and I think if I am not quoting this wrong or doing it to suit my point,their is a Bible verse which say
Which means irrespective of how will work pray in life or read the scriptures in life their is a place of work in all will do ,it is our work and prayer that will give us a good end results
I always remind myself that everything comes to an end. That includes bad days/moments.
Maintaining coherence is not an easy task like many things in our life, the key to overcome any obstacle (sadness, disappointment, fear among others) is to face them regardless of the results, I think they will undoubtedly make us stronger.
Honestly this is a big question that so many rush into it but the truth is that if one has not been in the shoe it is easier to judge than facing the issue in a real life senerio.
The basic solution for this to be say happy and over look whatsoever circumstances one might be facing. Of a truth it is not truly easy especially when one is seriously hurt but let just stay calm each time and believe there is problem without solution.
.To remain consistent and go past them negative emotions or setbacks, feeding your mind with inspiring music, or choking the heart with the Word/Scriptures will help in staying hopeful and getting past any setbacks that present itself.
Also reminding yourself of why you started in the first place can be a good one in determining how much you desire to succeed.
Just seeing this and I felt like I should at least do some little add on to it,even thou have read lot of comments from others user's and have seen how they have all pieces the issue and settled it to a length and am forced to say they have said it all,which whatever am going to say now is just like an additional tip to what as been said or I should say a different view from another angle.
First of all I want to say I read @magnacarta and I was moved that what a way of bringing solutions to answer,it was perfectly sorted by him,but that won't stopped me from contributing too as I have said earlier.
Let me start by taking it one after the other, staying consistent in life is a choice to me and it is like setting a goal vans chasing it,it is very important that I let you know that distraction in the way if being consistent is normal,to me I call them a means at which our level of prudency is Ben tested.
Been consistent in what we are doing bus not all about doing it well or doing it often,but it entails how will handle what comes in the process of doing it, or how we react to situation that arises in cause if doing them
Life on the other side as teo Way's,the good dude and the bad side, which means that are days that are going to be bad, while some other days will be good,but it is vital that we know to manage this thing's,let me shop in this that it will not keep on getting the juicy all the time, their are some times that our ability and capacity will be tested with the issue's if life.
That is why us it pleasant to find joy in whatever we need doing,even most especially during the bad days, cause the energy will out in place when will comes across disappointment or difculties will help the more to overcome it
That is the same mindset i have too
This is a great idea, getting to read books and most especially audio songs to get thought left behind and focus your attention I'm the melody of the song.
Having good friend is another this that keeps us going, when you have people that motivates you and support in times of bad and every struggles.
I don't say no to your idea of reading of books,but I see it a bit the major way to actually put consistent in place,we should all know that what will do the more is what we are perfect at and this thing's beckmeo what we can't do without,that is the place of been consistent
Our frequent engagement on those project or how will see those things as task that we should carry out on daily basis is the key to get results
Hello Friends, How are you doing? Greetings 😊🙏
don't play that game
In which winning is fixed,
Because the fun of winning is even better,
When there is a risk of losing...
Engage and Have a Great Day 👍
when you engage in a game were wining is fix I don't think their is a need to put head in there because no matter what you do it will be too hard to win
Indeed. There are will be no more motivation. It is good we have some level of challenge or obstacle so it becomes more real. Has a victory or accomplishment without going certain rough roads isn't more cherished. The sense of having to fail or a form of risk gives us the drive to put in more work and go against the tides. When all seems easy. It doesn't come with a sense of fulfilment.
Just like in the game of football. Having to sweat it all out and the hardwork and all it takes to clinching victory makes it more memorable and exciting. There's no fun where everything is all made out like if it's a fixed match. Like one in which a game has already planned out both teams will find it inviting her for me as they were just playing according to your script.
It is important to accountant some level of risk in anything we find doing in business in work in career and life in basically everything in life. Without the Tennessee of risk and loss we may all just be playing a simulation something in which you already know the outcome which isn't fun or exciting as it should be. The more the risk the more the better
you are right when you play a game in which is fixed the fun is limited and you will get tired of the game easily but when the chance of losing is even more prominent you will give it all it takes to win then you will approve your self as a winner
When you play a game where winning is fixed there's no need of bothering yourself because you can never win.
I can understand the point you are drawing to but the most important thing is that always make research before getting into a game if not losing will be certain and winning will not be sure
What is the best way to handle a boss at office that is requesting for sex from you and you are not interested and you do not want to loose your job too??
The best way if you don't intend to lose your job is to have a leverage over him by setting up him and getting the required evidence to nail on those charges. For you seek to this, you must prepared for anything and I believe other option such as making your stance on your disagreement would have been communicated before now. If you don't want to go this route, offering your resignation might be a good idea. You can always get another job.
In my opinion, you should let the boss know that you aren't willing to do such. Do not be rude in your manner of communication. Let him or her see reasons why it won't happen. Also avoid talks that will be leading to romance or sex.
The way you can handle your boss, firstly you put it in prayer that God should help you and give you wisdom, knowledge to handle the issue with out loosen your job.
If you have a finance, you telling him, but not the one that he will go and fight your boss, but for him to trust you.
You will tell your boss with respect that you are not interested and you must be rude to him. And make sure you do your work perfectly, so that there won't be room for him to advantage that or excuse to sack you.
And don't collect any gift from him or allow him visit your home. And you continue praying.
Try and pretend like you are ready for it...then use that to get an evidence of his sexual harassment ,then report him to the police..
This is definitely good advice, it is a good strategy, although if things can be fixed in a more subtle way, it would be much better. Tell your boss clearly that you have no interest in having sex with him, in the same way that it is not the only job that exists on the face of the earth. Let's value our honesty and don't let a slob come to force us to do things we don't want to.
Have say this before and I will say it again once you have this at back of you mind that no one can help you except he or she is being sent from God and also have it in mind to receive disappointment from every human,i don't know if you really get what I'm saying.?
Putting this two things in mind will help a lot because if someone you trusted so much do you bad you won't be move why because you have a mindset to except evil as far as the person is from man..
Although we still have some people that are still ready to help without any cost, but if it is something else we won't be move
Have say this before and I will say it again once you have this at back of you mind that no one can help you except he or she is being sent from God and also have it in mind to receive disappointment from every human,i don't know if you really get what I'm saying.?
Putting this two things in mind will help a lot because if someone you trusted so much do you bad you won't be move why because you have a mindset to except evil as far as the person is from man..
Although we still have some people that are still ready to help without any cost, but if it is something else we won't be move
Yes I love the point but is possible she mighty still loss your job
Yeah you have a valid point,but i think at least the boss will get punished
Definitely I totally agreed with you on this,no one should try to take advantage of you just because of job issues, setting him up is the best thing
This types of act self should be stopped in our community ,it is a mean of misusing power or authority that won't last
Yes it is a foolish act and i am planning of leaving..
Boldly express your opinion. And you need to know what you stand for. If he refuses leave the place for him.
It is really unethical and uncalled for, for a boss to be demanding for sex in an office.
Yeah that is a good advice..prevention is better than cure..
is Only God that will help us, a lot of issues like this are very common..and many as fall victim just because their don't want to loss their job..
This same issue happen to me very sister her boss what trying to ask her out she refuse and tell him that can not work, on faithful day when she was try to clean up the office the man just came and grab her from behind and that was what break the cow back after several warming she gave the man a dirty slap and walk out of the office..
And most funniest things is that she was close to the family and the man's wife like this sister,after the issue it was the man the reported to his wife that the lady as being trying to seduce him from the office several times and today he decided to send her away that is life for you.
To me I will advice you go and tell him you are married and in your husband house their is a taboo that no other man must have anything with you but if it happens by mistake both the man and you will die..if you tell him this and he still go ahead then definitely the place is not worthy of working because he can take your life because of having a fun with you
Wow this is a great contribution from you,good response..
What is the better way to get resource credits that will enable me to be able to post more??
To add to what Jersteemit said, As you earn from blogging your HIVE Power will increase. The more HIVE Power you have the more resource credits you will have.
I guess you are newbie in here. The problem of resource credit happen to what face new joiners in their early days. There are two ways to go about. Either you buy hive and power up or you rent hive power delegation from blocktrades with a little hive. I recommend the latter if you don't have fund to power up enough hive
I had touble with Resource Credits my first 4 to 6 weeks here earlier this year. It was after that time that I discovered GiftGiver. GiftGiver lets you do 2 things:
The first time you use the delegation from GiftGiver, the difference in your posting experience is like night and day. Just wait 3 days before you go back for another delegation.
If one of the more-established members of the community knows of your situation, tere is the possibility a delegation can be loaned to you for an indefinite period. A delegation from this source can offer more help, but that the delegation can be revoked at any time for any reason or for no reason. With GiftGiver, the terms of the delegation are clear and fixed.
After you become more established and have sufficient earnings and HP, it's only fair to return the favor to a new Hiver in the situation you're in now.
Yeah i know about giftgiver but do not know much information about it..thanks for sharing
What I wrote in my comment came from the GiftGiver web site. The web site has more information, but there isn't really much more to know about it. . When you're ready to use GiftGiver, it will be there waiting for you.
Okay thanks for the quick info and awareness..
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
this is proof of hard work and consistency, this are part of the people that makes this community meaningful keep it up
I am glad to be among the top three yesterday. I look forward to do more and get the best reward.
Thank you
i am new here in this community am yet to understand how things are done but i know i will get used to it as time goes on . @vempromundo.pob thank you for this great work
Welcome here. What is done here basically is interacting with people. Asking questions or responding to questions here. I trust you will have a great time here as long as you visit daily.
The pobdaily is a project which makes people to interact with each other on the platform and you can earn incentives for doing that..
you are at home you are welcome to the familyHello welcome friend @timmzey , we are here to help us and for the feedback of knowledge, do not hesitate to ask any question if you have any specific questions, surely a large group of enthusiasts will be willing to help you.
If you could change one thing about this platform,what would that be??
I would love all posts relating to the POB tags should be posted only via the frontend..
What do you think could be the reason why most altcoins follows the market direction of bitcoin??
Because they are all somehow tied to BTC been the main and well known cyptocurrency in the digital space. BTC has certain level of dominance control, I believe about 46 percentage of the total crypto market, so it's for other coins to go down on any attack or fud of Bitcoin
Alright thank you for the great response..
Most altcoins are created to benefit from the gains made by Bitcoin or another well-established cryptocurrency such as Ethereum.
Ethereum itself was made to be a development platform, while Bitcoin itself was just meant to be a payment system. As a development platform, Ethereum made possible the creation of a large number of other altcoins, tokens, and other services such as DeFi. Ethereum is at a point now where it no longer depends on the Bitcoin price for its own price performance.
For an altcoin to be less dependent on the Bitcoin price for its own price performance, it needs to offer use cases which solve problems that exist with other altcoins or with Bitcoin itself. The more utility an altcoin has, the greater the chance its price can go up even if the Bitcoin price goes down. It takes time to reach that stagge, but to reach that stage the altcoin has to be useful.
Hmmm thanks for this wonderful information...i appreciate it
Would you still be on proofofbrain if you do not get rewarded for your contents?
That's a tough one. I sure would but certainly not be as committed as I am today . Getting rewarded no matter how small for doing what you like has a great way of getting one to stick around.
No. Then again, I would not be on LeoFinance or Hive either. Being rewarded for my time and content is the number one reason I joined Hive and later discovered LeoFinance and Proof of Brain.
I came for the crypto, but I stayed for the social. For me it boiled down to this: no crypto, no social. I would be lying if I didn't admit this.
Any pet owners here?
If so let me know what you have.
Pet: Dog
Hello good evening everyone I hope you all have a wonderful Monday.
Mine was busy as usual and I'm signing in here to make my day complete.
I can't let the Monday stress swallow me all, interaction with you guys make me feel at home.
Hello anyone in Pob talk?
Once again this morning let me throw this out to talk about.
I woke up with an heavy heart this morning,not just because I have a bad night or maybe that something went wrong overnight or at any point in time,but something drops into my mind and I thought about it ,that could this concept really be true or is it just a fallacy.
>QUE SERA SERA(what will be will be)
This concept as got me worried as have also tag it with the concept of fate,cause mere looking at it they work hands in hands base on the understanding of human being (correct me if am wrong)
In the look of this concept this morning, I remember two my friends that I love some much,one happens to be hard working and he fact he does more job than everyone else,but still things are not really working for him and I thought about it this morin, could it be fate the que sera sera concept or what?
Also another one happens to always do things in a slow way and even at time the negligence on his part towards work is much,but things keeps working well for him even without putting much effort and I asked again ,is this fate working so well for him(que sera sera)
With the above Illustration am still very worried and I asked myself just like am asking you mates.
Have a nice day mates
Oh sorry for the heavy heart , definitely what will be will be and it with works fate , because God have plans alot for us.
When a child is born, God as know what the child will become on earth, and there is actual time, he will fulfill his or her purpose on earth.
The time God want him to become great in life, it will surely be, sometimes it can be delay by enemies, but it sure they can't stop it for manifest.
Because is what will will be and fate will always come to pass.
But some do cause problem for themselves, by walking out from the fate and it as lead to regret, because they allow their to make away their glory.
In the name, I want to make it on time and disobedience to God or they said the time of God is too late for them.
And they have forget that God time is best.
This is really good from you if I may say,but of I didn't totally agreed with you on your take and it is not because you have not really touched it well or because am not seeing it the way you are seeing it,but because your take as make it looks as if their is no place for hard work in our day to day activities.
So if am to go by your view or accept your content of understanding about this matter mate.
Yes and no! hard work in life lead to success, and it play alot with your fate if you are doing the right job or you are in the right place of work.
No, insert that if you are working at the place and while did I mean some met be working hard at a big company and it is way.
Such person will hard and hard but nothing will come out for him or her.
I think have answer your question
Im sorry to disagree with you concerning this. I don't believe it is hardwork that lead to success. It is smart work. Hardwork can only one old for nothing. Some believe there are some people that are destined to be rich but i don't really that it is correct. If one is destined to be rich yet refuse to work will that happen?
Intestinal point of view and I must say of all you just said,the word
Duo fate at times can outsmart smart work too,that is one thing about life which I so much believe and understand that no matter how smart we are,we can't out smart life or fate of i may say
The whole thing might be a mystery. If we all look at the whole event, we will observe that we are not in full control of what happen in our lives. We are just a contributor. The outcome of our contributions might not be favorable sometimes and we get the thumbs up at some times.i use to tell people that life is not balance and cannot be balanced no matter the formula you use.
Another thing about your friends in the scenario you mentioned is that smart work is far rewarding that hard work in present times. We should not also neglect the place of Grace.
Thank you
There is something my late dad calls "twist of fate"...and according to him,fate might not always happen the way we think it is or it will..
True talk
The world we live is a cruel world and a wicked one, which goes to tell us we have to be careful and prayerful in all that we do for a better future and success in life.
The ideology you are talking about is so so complicated and needs to be answered carefully before one gets deep into answering more than is required.
The ideology exit but is not with wayward merit or achievement rather it comes as a result of grace and the level of faith you have in God.
In this life we live a lot of thing is happening and it only take the supernatural favour of God to fulfill his plans in our lives but we have to ask ourselves one question are we living according to the purpose of God in our life?
If we are then the ideology which you do not believe will exist but if we do not live according to the will of God then we will live to suffer.
Thank you.
Nice question. The idea of fate is elaborate that we cannot really finish it. But for me i believe it exist...
I will try to explain a bit
The thing is we live in a spiritual World whether we like to hear it or not which can cause some people to work much harder than others and still end up achieving nothing.
For your friend who is putting in lot of work and not achieving much, he may have to alter something in his life if he really desires a shift. If it's not a case of lack of money management or not working smart, He may want to draw closer to God to break off any curse he might fighting against.
About the main question, I believe in destiny and everyone destiny is what we decide it to be. As they say, your destiny is in your hand meaning you have a part to part in making things work out in your favor.
It is another wonderful day again and good to be here and am very pretty sure we are all ready to dig out well again today.
Trust we all enjoyed the 50th anniversary of Pobtalk by @vempromundo.pob yesterday and am sure we are all waiting to see the juicy gift that he is going to shower on us all,but let me welcome you all once again to another talk.
I believed we are all prepared for today's conversation.
A wonderful day indeed, we are ready and prepare well
The gift I thought was the drawing of 50 POB for the indicator and the nominee.
But I will think over the next few days some ways to reward more users around here, I'm still thinking about how, and I'm open to suggestions.
You will be able to compensate the user who participates all week without interruptions, with a stipulated amount of solid pop at their discretion.
Great idea, i will start it next Monday
Thank you for always being at the disposal of our strategies offered by users.
A big thank you for the initiative to give the Pob. It is encouraging. I hope to be among the winner next time
Oh that is interesting to hear..
That is so nice of you sir
I think winners can also be rewarded with delegated POB power for a period of time..
I sure did, yesterday was quite fun with lot of intelligent and thought provoking questions. Especially the that came from you concerning restitution and forgiveness.
I guess we have our winners already. The gifts couldn't go round but it's all good as we all get to show up daily to interact with one another and occasionally get on the daily prizes.
Let's go there. Yeah I am. Hope today gets more active and fun unlike most Mondays
Think and grow rich...napeoen hill wrote the book...
Rich dad poor dad....by robert kiyosaki
Rich dad poor dad is one of the best book i ever know. But i will like to recommend THINK BIG By Ben
Oh okay,i will check out the book