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RE: POB TALK 19/07/2021 - #51

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Just seeing this and I felt like I should at least do some little add on to it,even thou have read lot of comments from others user's and have seen how they have all pieces the issue and settled it to a length and am forced to say they have said it all,which whatever am going to say now is just like an additional tip to what as been said or I should say a different view from another angle.

First of all I want to say I read @magnacarta and I was moved that what a way of bringing solutions to answer,it was perfectly sorted by him,but that won't stopped me from contributing too as I have said earlier.

Let me start by taking it one after the other, staying consistent in life is a choice to me and it is like setting a goal vans chasing it,it is very important that I let you know that distraction in the way if being consistent is normal,to me I call them a means at which our level of prudency is Ben tested.

Been consistent in what we are doing bus not all about doing it well or doing it often,but it entails how will handle what comes in the process of doing it, or how we react to situation that arises in cause if doing them

Life on the other side as teo Way's,the good dude and the bad side, which means that are days that are going to be bad, while some other days will be good,but it is vital that we know to manage this thing's,let me shop in this that it will not keep on getting the juicy all the time, their are some times that our ability and capacity will be tested with the issue's if life.

That is why us it pleasant to find joy in whatever we need doing,even most especially during the bad days, cause the energy will out in place when will comes across disappointment or difculties will help the more to overcome it

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