Is there freedom in Proof of Brain?

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

For a few days I've been reflecting about how free people are here in the community. It seems to me that there are vigilantes dictating what can and cannot be done and how it should be done. This is a little disappointing.

There is a standard you have to follow here, if you don't, you will be rejected. Most of the time, publicly.

But that's not the only point. It seems that in addition to that there is also a lack of freedom about what I can write... Because it doesn't matter if what I've written is interesting and engaging, or if I tried hard to write a good text, if it doesn't please the right people, it doesn't will have satisfactory votes.

And let's say there are a lot of people who follow these 'Right People' and if they don't vote on their content, no one else will.

I know I'm not the only person who holds this view of freedom in proof of brain, although probably few will comment out of some kind of fear.

For the first time, I'm facing this dark face of Proof Of Brain. And I definitely don't like what I see.


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Isn't what you have written all about freedom? Your freedom to write and others freedom to vote or not to vote! Be yourself, write what you want and be free!

Uploading image #1...

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A short advise from someone who is on Hive 5+ years.
Just do what you have to do.
And don't forget about two powerful tools you always have in your possession:

  • MUTE
    Haters gonna hate.

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Sorry for the delay in responding, my computer was broken. Thank you very much for the advice, I will definitely consider it.

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There is a standard you have to follow here, if you don't, you will be rejected. Most of the time, publicly.

It's a shifting standard and it'll always fall onto those with the largest stake power because this is a DPoS platform. That's why it's important to raise concerns to try and come up with solutions and discussions as a community.

I'll admit, some of my own decisions in the past week have been questionable, but that's on me and no one else. You're touching onto a similar topic as @wiseagent just did in his post. This is where we see the flaws of the current model in a clear light as there is a divide amongst opinions and points of view. This is extremely complex as we're all individuals with different experiences and trains of thought.

Without expression and freedom to say as we please, we may as well be prisoners to this platform.

here. It has given me a lot to think about (and I'll be replying to it when I have the brain power), it's a superb comment and point of view.@mykos just left me a fantastic comment

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the weakness is that there is no written standard that is based on consensus. Personal perspective is different. That is why a consensus is very important. Another solution is that we have to make middle men connection that respect other posts by supporting each other. No post is bad as long as the post is an original idea.

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I always thought that a written standard was necessary, but the more I am present here in the community, the more I realise how important it is to not close ourselves off. There are definitely some main principles and morals that we want to see and be expressing, but we can't expect and assume that from all, that is just not realistic.

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In my opinion, the written standard is for trending posts. Upvotes are free for all members.

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Well that would technically mean that all posts would have standards because we can't just have standards for whales and no standards for others.

Personally, I grade posts on a set of standards every week, and as helpful it is for raising the bar, it still amazes me how many people don't think for themselves. That's the main issue. If people don't think for themselves, personal standards go out the window, then someones standards influence all, and I don't think that is healthy for this platform (and I'm saying this in the position of "someone who is setting the standard").

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@calumam @lebah The discussion of you about this is very interesting. This is the moment I am reading and learning.

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I got your points.

Without expression and freedom to say as we please, we may as well be prisoners to this platform.

I agree with you.
I believe that the community is at an important moment of organization... Shedding light on the problems that most see is an important step towards thinking about efficient ways of correcting them.

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O que posso te dizer é que a única liberdade que temos de fato é a de seguir nosso padrão, nossas próprias regras e condutas de curadoria e votos, postagens, etc. O que posso te dizer é que somos livres sim, mas acabamos fazendo muitos papéis. Saiba que eu estarei aqui, curando o que bem entender, sem um protocolo burocrático de como será seus gastos e lucros na comunidade. É lógico que investir aqui dentro ao invés de gastar tudo é uma estratégia inteligente e que todos que querem crescer, entendem implicitamente, mas, indiferente de qualquer coisa. Somos mais livres aqui que em qualquer outro lugar. Sigamos, façamos nosso rumo.

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Eu estou encarando isso tudo como um "teste". Mas não importa o resultado dele, porque o meu direito de usar (como, quando e da maneira que eu quiser) tudo o que eu consegui ganhar até hoje é uma decisão unicamente minha.

Mesmo com toda essa turbulência que está acontecendo aqui na comunidade POB ultimamente, eu ainda acho que aqui é um dos lugares mais democráticos para se escrever sobre o que quiser.

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Mesmo com toda essa turbulência que está acontecendo aqui na comunidade POB ultimamente, eu ainda acho que aqui é um dos lugares mais democráticos para se escrever sobre o que quiser.

Eu concordo com você. O que quis dizer, é que ás vezes parece que existe um padrão que dita quais posts serão mais valorizados... E isso me incomoda um pouco e acredito que tira um pouco da liberdade por causa disso.

Eu acredito que a comunidade está num processo natural, antes da organização, existe o caos... E é importante jogar luz nos problemas da comunidade para que assim possamos enxergar o que podemos melhorar.

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You bring another good point to light as it is a common theme across many tribes. There are certainly extra steps the community can take to address undervalued content in the tribe. I'm not so certain about the dark side of POB as opposed to the reality of it.

It's a DPOS-based group and has similarities across the board. I don't know that the people here work solely for POB or HIVE for that matter. One or a group of people alone can't search the feeds for valuable content and curate it. It must be a continuous process.

In that regard, we'll probably need written guidance on moving forward with how we manage things and I feel that's coming. Community-based discussion/decision on how to at least guide things along. It's coming.
@lebah & @calumam commented on those very needs in this post.

But that's not the only point. It seems that in addition to that there is also a lack of freedom about what I can write...
I've been there and I'm still there many times. I've written quite a number of pieces that I'm proud of that earned significantly less than what I thought. I was angry at first until some helpful advice.

  • themarkymark commented that I needed to be patient, engage, and build my following.
  • livinguktaiwan wrote a fantastic post on what new people should do their first week on hive. It reflects marky's advice.

Based on the posts I've read about earnings and engagement it's a common theme. I don't think either of us are new, but it has info I remind myself of when I don't perform well. It takes time.

And it's why I keep reflecting on @lebah's thoughts here. A written standard will allow us to establish things like curation/moderation teams and gives the community control over the path we'll follow. It will make things lighter but will have to evolve to meet future challenges.

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And it's why I keep reflecting on @lebah's thoughts here. A written standard will allow us to establish things like curation/moderation teams and gives the community control over the path we'll follow. It will make things lighter but will have to evolve to meet future challenges.

It's a really interesting idea of ​​change. I believe we still have a lot to learn and develop as a community and we are in a natural process for that.

Before organization, there is chaos. And I think that by throwing light on some community issues, we're starting to see better what can be improved.

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O "direito de expressão" é só para alguns temas e ideias. Tem uns conteúdos aqui que beiram discursos alucinados (isso quando não são mesmo discursos alucinados) desconectados da realidade ou de senso crítico e recebem muitos votos, votos inclusive da conta principal, votos que se bem distribuidos poderiam mudar o valor de muitos posts. Estive refletindo sobre isso esses dias, e parece que essa rede tende a ter o mesmo rumo de outras e em menor tempo, vamos ver se com algumas pessoas falando as coisas mudam...

obs: vou votar amanhã que hoje meu poder de voto já foi...

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A desigualdade aqui é grande e é lamentável que posts repetitivos e sensacionalistas recebam tanta atenção enquanto que pessoas que se esforçam pra entregar bons conteúdos diariamente de forma honesta e sincera tenha votos quase que indiferentes. Isso realmente está me incomodando muito.

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There is no such freedom here. I am so outraged with everything that happens, you are so right. Today I find myself, who added me to the plagiarism list and guess why? It turns out that my publication when referring to something scientific had to have a source and for that alone they accused me of plagiarism, they still tell me that they reviewed and it is not seen that they find plagiarism, but because it is technological it is simply plagiarism. a and the other is ... a publication that I write, quite extensive and it turns out that it is also wrong for that, because it is extensive it is plagiarism. What a deficient system, how many are not going through the same and have sincerely worked for its publication.

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I'm sorry for what happened to you. I hope it has already been resolved.

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its a abuse of power just like with everything else

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"And let's say there are a lot of people who follow these 'Right People' and if they don't vote on their content, no one else will." - who do you mean by "the Right People"?

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The people with the greatest voting power.

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Then it is not evil, but "economic expediency". And I think we are all, only to varying degrees, subject to this ..

Why are you so upset? because you were not paid as much as you wanted? .. Did not appreciate your efforts, how do you assess them? Everything is relative, and everyone has their own concept of justice.

I have not seen such a relative and controversial phenomenon as a cryptocurrency social network like Hive for a long time.
And there will always be different people, contented and happy, offended and disappointed ..

There is no freedom here.
All freedom is in you.

I'd just like to point out this post was uv by a lot of those with the greatest voting power but think some of us are more of "freebirds" type ;)

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growing pains and dpos is not a fun mix

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Am yet to see any organization or platform where pple are equal and you see the inferior always look up the the superiors approval. Don't be surprised it's like a contact action. Ofcourse each community on hive has its own standards|protocols so that goes for not able to say what I want to say. Am I making sense??? Your brain 🧠 power determines your upvotes haha...

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There is lots of money to be made here... this is the same as any other place rich in resources. It becomes an occupied territory, with rules and regulations etc. Freedom is found by looking through it (the bullshit) to find yourself. Write what you want, freely. Worry not about rewards. They will come (like they did on this one) with persistence and freely writing. Over time, you will find success, even if it is done very slowly.

I have been writing on LEO consistently for half a year with mixed results. But, those mixed results have added up to quite a decent stake. Stick with it.

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I’m perplexed.

I just scanned through your posts and you are receiving decent returns on your publications.

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This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed going forward.

We should act as some divided faction. I believe there should be freedom as we all can't like the same things

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Tell me what these standards are that limit your freedom?

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I know how that feels... truly there isn’t such freedom here. It’s just something bout the truth. The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off

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