There is a standard you have to follow here, if you don't, you will be rejected. Most of the time, publicly.
It's a shifting standard and it'll always fall onto those with the largest stake power because this is a DPoS platform. That's why it's important to raise concerns to try and come up with solutions and discussions as a community.
I'll admit, some of my own decisions in the past week have been questionable, but that's on me and no one else. You're touching onto a similar topic as @wiseagent just did in his post. This is where we see the flaws of the current model in a clear light as there is a divide amongst opinions and points of view. This is extremely complex as we're all individuals with different experiences and trains of thought.
Without expression and freedom to say as we please, we may as well be prisoners to this platform.
here. It has given me a lot to think about (and I'll be replying to it when I have the brain power), it's a superb comment and point of view.@mykos just left me a fantastic comment
the weakness is that there is no written standard that is based on consensus. Personal perspective is different. That is why a consensus is very important. Another solution is that we have to make middle men connection that respect other posts by supporting each other. No post is bad as long as the post is an original idea.
I always thought that a written standard was necessary, but the more I am present here in the community, the more I realise how important it is to not close ourselves off. There are definitely some main principles and morals that we want to see and be expressing, but we can't expect and assume that from all, that is just not realistic.
In my opinion, the written standard is for trending posts. Upvotes are free for all members.
Well that would technically mean that all posts would have standards because we can't just have standards for whales and no standards for others.
Personally, I grade posts on a set of standards every week, and as helpful it is for raising the bar, it still amazes me how many people don't think for themselves. That's the main issue. If people don't think for themselves, personal standards go out the window, then someones standards influence all, and I don't think that is healthy for this platform (and I'm saying this in the position of "someone who is setting the standard").
@calumam @lebah The discussion of you about this is very interesting. This is the moment I am reading and learning.
I got your points.
I agree with you.
I believe that the community is at an important moment of organization... Shedding light on the problems that most see is an important step towards thinking about efficient ways of correcting them.