When is the best time to withdraw POB? A sincere doubt not to harm the community.

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

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Exactly 13 days ago I made my first publication in the Proof of brain. At first I was not very constant in my publications, but I started to be more and more present in the community over the days. Because of that, my rewards have become interesting. And until that moment, everything I won (which is not much) I took a stake, but today I found myself reflecting on when I should start to withdraw POB and how this system should be without me harming the community.

At first I thought I could split my rewards by 50% for stake and 50% for withdrawal, but then I thought that maybe it would be better to accumulate good voting power first, stake everything and only then start to withdraw the winnings.

Honestly, I think it might be too soon for me to think about it, considering that I'm still a little fish project.

But seeing so many people with real POB goals who want to earn to achieve their plans, I wonder what is the best system to adopt for these people to continue working on their goals, (including I also want to create my own goal in the Proof of Brain) But without end up negatively affecting the POB price because of that.

So my main question is: What do you think about this? How do you do or intend to do to withdraw POB without the price of the token being affected?



Qual o melhor momento para sacar POB? Uma dúvida sincera para não prejudicar a comunidade.

Há exatos 13 dias fiz minha primeira publicação na Proof of brain. No início eu não fui muito constante em minhas publicações, mas passei a ser cada vez mais presente na comunidade no decorrer dos dias. Por causa disso, minhas recompensas tem se tornado interessantes. E até esse momento, tudo o que ganhei (o que não foi muito) fiz stake, mas hoje me peguei refletindo a partir de que momento eu deveria começar a sacar e como deveria ser esse sistema sem que eu prejudicasse a comunidade.

Primeiro eu pensei que poderia dividir minhas recompensas em 50% para stake e 50% para saque, mas depois eu pensei que talvez fosse melhor acumular um bom poder de voto primeiro, fazendo stake de tudo pra só depois começar a sacar os ganhos.

Honestamente, acredito que talvez seja cedo para eu pensar sobre isso, levando em conta que ainda sou um projeto de peixinho.

Mas vendo tantas pessoas com metas reais de quantidade de POB que querem ganhar para atingir seus objetivos, eu me questiono qual o melhor sistema a adotar para que essas pessoas continuem trabalhando em suas metas, (inclusive eu também quero criar minha própria meta na Proof of Brain) Mas sem que acabem afetando negativamente o preço da POB por causa disso.

Então meu questionamento principal é: O que vocês pensam sobre isso? Como vocês fazem ou pretendem fazer para sacar POB sem que o preço do token seja prejudicado?


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There probably isn't one answer as everybody's situation is different. I would say if selling POB makes your everyday life more sustainable then you should do it. If you can also stake some away while selling some even better. In my opinion that is what crypto is for. To use or stake and save for what works for you not what anyone else thinks.

Personally I sold a little POB for some computer maintenance and to get my initial investment back in case POB goes south. So now I am pretty much stake everything every day. Of course I have some retirement income and can live comfortably without crypto. I can afford to HODL and see where things go. :)

Just my $.02. ;)

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It is a very selfless way of thinking. And I agree too much. I believe that we should do what is best for us, and if our lives will be positively changed by selling POB then we do. However, I confess that I have a certain concern if there is a mass sale and POB may lose much of its value.

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That's an interesting question, if you look at this environment and almost all cryptocurrencies are driven by supply and demand.

It's something I personally have been thinking about.
What will happen when everyone who accumulates, decides to sell?

I hope that when that time comes, the community is not only consolidated, but with strong foundations, hand in hand with a price at least 7 times the current price.

In this way it will be enough for the majority to withdraw only a % and continue to let the rest sit!

This will ensure price stability, and will not negatively affect our community!

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What will happen when everyone who accumulates, decides to sell?

It was this exact thought that made me reflect and write about it.

Of course, I hope that POB will only prosper, however, if a large proportion of people adopt the practice of selling more than they keep, how will it impact everyone? I don't have the answer, I'm just an apprentice, but I wanted to leave this question for everyone. (:

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You do whatever you feel is best, the market price is only really reflected by the shifting of larger sums into the thousands. When the regular buyers dry up the price will change, so until then you decide what's best for you.

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I get it. The reflection was precisely in this context: What if a culture was created within the community in which people sell more than they invest in the community?

Well, I really hope it doesn't. And I had sincere reflections on how much my relationship with POB rewards and sales can influence this.

My main objective with this post is to try to understand the behavior of people around this subject to mirror me in the best conduct inside of proof of brain.

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The reflection was precisely in this context: What if a culture was created within the community in which people sell more than they invest in the community?

Some people do (see the comment I left for @brainylady), and it doesn't go unnoticed. It's all about how you want to be viewed here in the community, and that has to come from you, no one can tell you how to manage yourself.

You've got nothing to worry about, it sounds like you aren't here to milk the system and are looking to be part of the community in a genuine way. If you need any help or want to ask any questions feel free to send me a comment anytime.

My comment about "milking the system" is generally directed at those who take and give very little back. It's usually further backed with disingenuous engagement and spam.

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I saw the comment and could understand it better.

Thank you very much for the support and availability @calumam

I'm really enjoying participating in this community and my goal is to grow together with it.

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No time is too soon or too late,it all depends on your goals on POB,if you decide to continiously stake POB so be it,and i think it is a good idea though..

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and i think it is a good idea though..

to stake?

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@calumam yes sir...

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If @aiuna looked at your wallet, they'd see that you are not staking anything, and if they looked at https://he.dtools.dev/@brainylady?symbol=POB they'd see that you've sold most of the tokens you've earned, so I am not sure how accurate your opinion is for them to use as the deciding factor of whether to stake or sell.

Noticed a few accounts like yours that don't stake any POB yet always go around recommending others to do it. Hopefully people wise up and realise the game that's being played here.


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I think it depends on the needs of each one, doesn't it?

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I was also thinking about this myself. I'm not even probably as crypto-savvy as you either. I was wondering if i will be poss to buy other crypto's from the Hive bank instead of opening an outside account to do it. I'm interested in manero and pirate right now but haven't even really started the process of buying and selling. It's a bit daunting. I did speak to my bank today tho about setting up the payment to Kraken coz it just didn't work on their online form as they don't deal with 'Lichtenstein' hahaha. Woman on the phone didn't know anything about cypto except to say they were 'the competition'. Hmmmmm

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Interesting question, aiuna and I suppose there's no one good answer but let me give an analytical perspective:

Hive has 50,000 users and is valued at $200 mil. That works out to a price of around $4,000 per user.

Let's assume POB will be valued along similar lines. If we get to 20,000 users, that would mean a valuation of $80 mil. With 21 million tokens out there, we get to a value of $4 for the POB token.

But of course these are idealistic projections and often even the best laid plans do not come to fruition so no one knows. If you don't want to affect the price too much, you can set a sell order at a price higher than the current market price.

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Thanks for the perspective, it certainly added to my vision and learning about this community.

Stumbled on this post. I was thinking that same thing. I'll start selling when I reach a personal goal in staking. Not sure how to do it though as I've only been staking since I joined. I'd like to do it regularly, but I also don't want to take so much out the prices tank.

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