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RE: When is the best time to withdraw POB? A sincere doubt not to harm the community.

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

There probably isn't one answer as everybody's situation is different. I would say if selling POB makes your everyday life more sustainable then you should do it. If you can also stake some away while selling some even better. In my opinion that is what crypto is for. To use or stake and save for what works for you not what anyone else thinks.

Personally I sold a little POB for some computer maintenance and to get my initial investment back in case POB goes south. So now I am pretty much stake everything every day. Of course I have some retirement income and can live comfortably without crypto. I can afford to HODL and see where things go. :)

Just my $.02. ;)

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It is a very selfless way of thinking. And I agree too much. I believe that we should do what is best for us, and if our lives will be positively changed by selling POB then we do. However, I confess that I have a certain concern if there is a mass sale and POB may lose much of its value.

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