Downvotes should be reserved for things like Spam, Plagiarism & Phishing.
I disagree with this one:
LN isn't the same as Hive, people take the same share from the same pool when it comes to mails/posts. So, when I read your stories and posts and then see someone's "post" being just 30 new words and the rest is filled by either copy-pasted messages or links to posts they haven't read. They're getting downvoted. There are reasons to downvote mails outside what you just mentioned. Although I could make a case to include those kinds of posts under spam, to be honest.
Regarding letting the downvoted know, here's the issue. The last time I did that, I ended up with 30+ downvotes per mail. I had my rep go from 100 to 0 in the span of 2 hours.
Speaking as a guy who gets 9+ DV average per mail (Not counting Solo)
People have their reasons/criteria to downvote. Maybe if there wasn't such a retaliation culture, we'd have that open dialogue you wish for. But, either way, although people love pretending the downvotes they receive are senseless, I think in most cases it is easy to figure out why it was done whether it is sharing someone else's post, lazy posts, or old posts (the reason I get downvoted), and so on.
Either way, your mail has proven quality, and you should be safe for the most part.
In all honesty, I don't believe older content should be downvoted. There's still some value there, and most of the people on ListNerds, in my case anyway, haven't seen it before, so it's not recycling the same thing over and over.
The fact that you got spammed with downvotes for simply speaking your mind, is wrong on so many levels. I'm sorry to hear that happened and thanks for the update on that end.