There has been a lot of talk lately related to emails being downvoted. Heck, I’ve been on the receiving end of downvotes too, and it’s an inevitable part of the journey.
I do sometimes wonder though, whether those downvotes are justified, malicious, or simply being used in the old-fashioned manner of pushing others down to get to the top.
Here’s my take on the matter.
Everyone has a right to their own opinion and can do as they please. As with anything, and as the ancient adage goes, “With great power comes great responsibility.” This is something to keep in mind when casting those downvotes, especially when it lands on quality content. With that being said, quality content is subjective, so each to their own.
In my opinion, those on the ListNerds platform should look at it in a similar way that the Hive Community does. Downvotes should be reserved for things like Spam, Plagiarism & Phishing.
If, for any other reason, you want to downvote someone’s content, by all means, go for it. Then, you should at least have the common decency, courtesy, and kahuna's to mention it to them on their blog. As things currently stand, there’s absolutely no communication to the individual as to why you downvoted their content. If it leads to someone else’s post, you can still easily find your way to one of their other blog posts and mention it there.
Here's an example of someone who got a bee in their bonnet and downvoted 3 of my mails sent on the same day.
There’s no real logic involved here. It’s simply been downvoted by the same individual. It’s clear by the amounts being the same, and I calculated it, so I know it’s directly linked to one user. I’ve done this with various downvotes and will continue doing so.
At the end of the day, if you’re finding something wrong with my emails or content (including other individuals), by all means, downvote it. Just have the courage to mention to us why you’re doing so. I, on the other hand, am being selective with my votes, since I have a limited amount, and upvote emails that leads to content I enjoy and don’t really downvote. That’s the better approach, in my humble opinion. That’s the way the Hive community works too. In fact, I don’t believe I’ve ever had a downvote on my Hive content, since it was still the other, unspoken of platform.
Oh, by the way, most of the downvotes tend to be from single individuals and it’s really easy to track it by checking the amount the downvote adds up to, unless there’s more than one downvote. If you’re getting downvotes from the top 50, you can link it to an individual.
The formula is as follows:
Amount of Staked LISTNERDS / Number One’s Staked Amount * 10.
That will give you the individuals voting value, unless they powered up or down somewhere inbetween.
ListNerds is still a young platform when it comes to crypto and community. I’ve learnt, that in this space, it’s all about building, encouragement, learning, teaching & community. If someone does something wrong, explain it to them. If someone doesn’t understand something, there’s always someone willing to lend a helping hand.
So, in conclusion, my point is that as opposed to breaking others down by downvoting their content without an explanation (shame, I’ve seen brand new users getting heavy downvotes), rather don’t upvote it and mention their mistakes to them, if possible. Then, if it persists, well, the ball is in your court. Something like this could put new users off completely since they don't know what they did wrong. We want to build, not break.
Here’s a link to sign up via my team or you can go directly to ListNerds:
Affiliate Link - https://listnerds.com/@therneau
Direct Link - https://listnerds.com/
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Thanks so much for writing this. It was long overdue. No member should pay hard-earned Hive to access an upgrade, then be subjected to downvoting, unless the objection encompasses the items you mention below:
I believe enough negative vibes exist on the platform. If ListNerd's approach to the blockchain is to be transparent, then disclosing info on the DV is appropriate. If someone is not afraid of the power of his/her CLICK to downvote, then own it and bask in that power! Show Thyself!
No member affected should have to calculate any number on any rich list to determine who's the culprit!
I've dealt with such people and been exposed to consequences for many years. As such, c'est la vie
However, I will seriously consider if the benefits outweigh the negative in continuing my upgrade.
Take care, and have a good weekend.
For sure! The problem is, when simply downvoting without an explanation, especially if everything is structured correctly, there's no lesson to learn from it.
Thanks for popping around.
Very nice and informative post my friend. This is happening with me and with a much larger scale :( Don't know who is doing this to me...
Alphashot from listnerds
Thank you, I'm glad you appreciate the post. As for the downvotes, I've had substantially larger downvotes too. I chose to highlight those 3, since it's clearly one individual that decided to just spam downvote.
I guess it's part of the platform, and we just need to deal with it for now 🤷♂️
This is exactly how I thought it would go. When I check back my posts and downvotes those got, seems like there's no logic. Good ones get more downvotes and not so good less.
Yeah man, I've noticed a similar trend. Sometimes, even Freddy The Flea got downvoted. I mean, it's Freddy The Flea 😂
I haven't been able to draw any rational conclusions 🤷🤦🏼
Whaat!? Freddy The Flea!? Ok, that got to be a mistake, the buttons are too close together. There is no other explanation.
Bwahaahahahaaa! Thanks for the laugh.
😄 Always here to help!
I agree with you 100%. I have not downvoted anyone as yet. I simply do not upvote a post if I do not appreciate it. Your suggestions are also spot on. The preceived anonymity of voting is most likely why someone would downvote so easily and freely. However if no reason is given - it is truly discouraging. I have been there .
Thanks for your great post. I hope everyone will see it and consider their actions,. power and impact.
Indeed! If there's no apparent reason, then where's the lesson?
I've received some heavy downvotes, which I couldn't make sense of. Since this post though, it stopped 🤷
So true.
It is great that the upvotes stopped. Sometimes it is good to call things out. I hope that as the platform matures - there will be some positive changes in this regard. Downvoting needs to make sense.
Thanks for the formula. I have no idea how it is calculated but now I know. And dont worry about the downvote. I believe the upvotes can easily overcome the downvotes. I will definitely give you an upvote.
Thank you 😁
For the most part, it doesn't have a negative impact. Occasionally, when someone with high VP comes around and downvotes though, the verification can hang in the balance.
I appreciate the support!
And increase of calculating ensues...
Great piece my dude. When is the next article!?
Lol, indeed! Yeah man, I've been mulling over the SLZTQ... I need to get onto that, Freddy and perhaps a ListNerds article pertaining to the community holding its value. Idk if you wanted to do that though?
Good post and interesting take on the voting process @therneau. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have received a good share of downvotes, especially over the past month. I realize that I am not a writer like you or several others, but I have found no rhyme or reason to some of the votes.
Thanks John. Idk, it seems quite random for the most part. I believe it's mostly nonsensical. Anyway, the platform is quite young, so let's see how it develops going forward.
As for being a writer, we all have our own methods of going about it.
I don't give out downvotes, if I'm not keen on the content, I skip it. As you said, if it's not your cup of tea, it could be good for someone else and people have made an effort to produce it.
Sometimes, even if its not my cup of tea and its good content, I still upvote it as there is a place for all tastes on hive.
💯 I couldn't agree more!
You are correct. There is room for everyone. If something is not your cup of tea...then move on and find your another flavor.
Take care.
I assume they are downvoting everything to use up their votes. Even I with one email a week gets a downvote occasionally.
Idk about that. Some people have more CTP than they could use in a day. Who knows, lol.
Thank you for this article, and the information on how to calculate ... I think we have to all get used to the idea that what we do is transparent on the blockchain, and that there will be no throwing rocks while hiding our hands. I have seen several Listnerds users addressing this, and I hope we can get past this phase in our development. As someone who has been on Hive and its predecessor for three years, I patiently await the day that we recognize there is enough room and reward for everyone who is not abusing these platforms to thrive and we don't have to revert to middle school mean girl behavior.
This right here, is absolute gold!
Thank you ... I teach, so I know what I am seeing ... we just have to all grow into habits of abundance...
Hello @deeanndmathews. I wanted to laugh, except this is a serious issue I feel that definitely needs addressing by those in charge.
When you say,
Don't forget the immature, bully boys as well.
I was of the opinion that all on Hive were adults. In these past 3 years, I feel I need to rethink that. But it just goes to show, as my mom used to tell us (and when I shared it with on LN, she got downvoted) "if it's in you, it's got to come out".
And when it comes out, just like in middle school, the perpetrators run and hide from the consequences or better still, throw up their hands, look around, and shrug, "wasn't me."
Thanks for participating in this conversation. Take care and have a good weekend.
Yes, indeed, there ARE some analogs to immature bully boys ... I just thought of it in those terms because I know those girls all grown up ... and I have banned them from my life. Age is truly nothing but a number... people choose to work toward maturity ... or not. I refuse to be bothered or discouraged ... courage and quality eventually conquers all, so I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing ...
Keep On, Keeping On!
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@deeanndmathews, @justclickindiva
Good maths.....not so good at maths here so will just ignore any DVs lol....

Lol, indeed. I just wish there was more logic and communication involved. I had my say, so it's time to power on!
I disagree with this one:
LN isn't the same as Hive, people take the same share from the same pool when it comes to mails/posts. So, when I read your stories and posts and then see someone's "post" being just 30 new words and the rest is filled by either copy-pasted messages or links to posts they haven't read. They're getting downvoted. There are reasons to downvote mails outside what you just mentioned. Although I could make a case to include those kinds of posts under spam, to be honest.
Regarding letting the downvoted know, here's the issue. The last time I did that, I ended up with 30+ downvotes per mail. I had my rep go from 100 to 0 in the span of 2 hours.
Speaking as a guy who gets 9+ DV average per mail (Not counting Solo)

People have their reasons/criteria to downvote. Maybe if there wasn't such a retaliation culture, we'd have that open dialogue you wish for. But, either way, although people love pretending the downvotes they receive are senseless, I think in most cases it is easy to figure out why it was done whether it is sharing someone else's post, lazy posts, or old posts (the reason I get downvoted), and so on.
Either way, your mail has proven quality, and you should be safe for the most part.
In all honesty, I don't believe older content should be downvoted. There's still some value there, and most of the people on ListNerds, in my case anyway, haven't seen it before, so it's not recycling the same thing over and over.
The fact that you got spammed with downvotes for simply speaking your mind, is wrong on so many levels. I'm sorry to hear that happened and thanks for the update on that end.
I love maths and I am sure you did the check and we now know who did it....and that person is not worth any energy. I got one like that but it´s a shrimp so not yet top50....but great bringing this topic up and having people talk about it and think about their actions. !CTP
Makes me wonder the same thing. I woke up to a big downvote of 8.660 to my yeterday's mail and that only means it will not go verified again. Being new to it, I am trying to learn but the lesson is getting too painful for me.
I completely agree, if you don't like someone else's post don't vote on it. Vote for the post's you like!
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