Thanks so much for writing this. It was long overdue. No member should pay hard-earned Hive to access an upgrade, then be subjected to downvoting, unless the objection encompasses the items you mention below:
Downvotes should be reserved for things like Spam, Plagiarism & Phishing.
I believe enough negative vibes exist on the platform. If ListNerd's approach to the blockchain is to be transparent, then disclosing info on the DV is appropriate. If someone is not afraid of the power of his/her CLICK to downvote, then own it and bask in that power! Show Thyself!
No member affected should have to calculate any number on any rich list to determine who's the culprit!
I've dealt with such people and been exposed to consequences for many years. As such, c'est la vie
However, I will seriously consider if the benefits outweigh the negative in continuing my upgrade.
Take care, and have a good weekend.
For sure! The problem is, when simply downvoting without an explanation, especially if everything is structured correctly, there's no lesson to learn from it.
Thanks for popping around.