
Thank you for answering the question and not downvoting me like so many others.

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looks like our are striking a cord with those who down vote. Sad that asking questions is a going away...

You are not allowed to ask questions on Hive. You will be downvoted, flagged, censored, censured, black listed and other wise booted off the island.

You got my upvote. Questions like this need to be talked about, not swept under the rug. The reason we question these things, is because it's really hard to trust those telling us the "facts" when they censor the other side of the debate, instead of you know, debating it. 🤷‍♂️

Thanks. It seems more and more if you ask questions on Hive you get Downvotes.

It's not just Hive, everywhere people are being taught to just accept authority, and to blame those that question things for why things are they way they are. Sadly there is no "are you a robot" equivalent for filtering out sheeple.
Alternatively I feel like there should be some communities where these discussions would be welcomed, rather than downvoted.


Well I only see a Downvoting pandemic on Hive.... nowhere else.

I am allowed to say whatever I want on Blurt .. never downvoted . Ever .

Who are these people Downvoting this survey ??? Thought Police ? ... they don’t want to know the Truth ??

The truth sets people free...but they don't want to be free. They like enslavement control and a small box to be in....Their freedom requires them to be active in life. They are animals in an open air cage wanting to be told to perform a trick so they can get a cheep trinket from the shop that they were told they had to buy. A community of free people is building growing forming...

Where is this community ? I’d like to know...

BC and AB mostly

Ok... Think I'll go out to Alberta
Weather's good there in the fall
I got some friends that I could go to working for

These people are locked in cages. Their lives must be very very sad.