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RE: I never went away.....I was just waiting....Why?...Because I'm free, to do what I want , any old time...Including this post.

You deserve more.
Gotta spread the coin to gain the network effect.

As you exposed, that isn't high on the priority list for some people, the exact opposite has been the plan all along.

When does the one that goes unnamed stop abusing us through the proxies of the ones still doing what he did while claiming altruistic reasons?

Their claim of countering his abuse is now just abuse, as it was all along.
They've lost their claim to legitimacy months ago, if they ever had one.
Now the blatant power grab is laid bare.
The cabal scavenges the newbs.
All hail, centralized power!

When does that shizzit stop?


it stops when it's not a council in charge of stuff but the community's say and multi-sig so when all the fund from the front end tax aren't moved around to a personal account without telling anybody whilst claiming no care about money yet the first thing done before anything else seemed to be was the crappiest ads for the most return.
if there isn't the 'promised' change it becomes more centralized imho and think time will tell.
Starting a biz then saying you don't care about it and cursing at the ones who are calling out the elephant in the room says more about the boss then it does about the ones who had the stones to call out b.s. imho. ;)

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I've decided to build my own thing and stop trying to convince others to change their thing.
I think this will work better.

yep quite a few are actually and some are well known so it will probably go well
keep me in the loop

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It's a God damn socialist Invasion, happening right in front of us on the bloody blockchain. Pull out your guns!!!

You'd think fans of decentralization wouldn't centralize the getting of rewards, but, nope.

And now I can see what the others see.

Same game, new fans.

@lucylin is the messenger.

We all know who is Leonidas.

...the analogy is interesting...even if it's the wrong way around!

I ain't giving feality to an evil behemoth with the the IQ of an amoeba.

As Leonidas said, 'I have my reputation to consider.."

I was seeing it from the angle of you being the messenger because the downvotes were their assault on you.

....yeah, I know, matey...

Yar ya fucking land luber

If we should ever cast a wake to the Steemfest / Hive Fest, I vote we use pirate speak only yar...