Before I continue this post, a big shout out to all the support I've been given (on and off the platform).
There are so many good people on here, and my soul sings from observing it in action...
My silence for this last week was intentional.
My timing was perfect.
(funny how that keeps happening. It must be a coincidence...or something)
Objective 1 : Complete.
That was to show - through actions of toxic accounts - the weakness of the DPoS blockchain structure, and the cult ideology that it promotes - through the abrogation of an individuals moral responsibility. ...First to themselves and then to others - by extension. (the fake shield of 'code is law').
A 100% success.
A victory without any degree of satisfaction whatsoever.
I'd hoped to be proven wrong.
Note to the idiots:
The war is over.
Stop digging.
You've lost - through nothing but your own actions.
Deal with it...
Phase 2 : Coming shortly.
Objective - Now that would be telling - I only say things on here that 'help the enemy' if I want them to react in some way.
I must say, btw....I never thought the 'talent' of being able to follow baited bread crumbs so unquestioningly , could be so enthusiastically taken up!
In actual fact - I would not have believed it even possible , not unless I'd seen it in action, first hand.
...It's far exceeded all my expectations.
To paraphrase...
"Never... in the history of human stupidity, have so few, shown so much of it, to so many..."
instructions to morons: repeat the same procedure , everyday for 90 days - or for infinity, if you're, like.... really clever....
Or to quote a well known song:
Even my very good friend, Karma, has pitched in to help things along...She's so good like that... (well, she is to me anyways).
(funny how that keeps happening... It just must be a coincidence...or something).
Evil is ugly to those who are not evil ( definition of evil = To have NO moral responsibility )....And, as such - it hates exposure to the light...The truth.
Evil can't cope with honesty...
First off....
A BIG shout out to @proofofbrainio ...
I've been following events, matey.
In my opinion had a fantastic opportunity to show leadership with integrity, and you failed.
You didn't fail me, or the pursuit of truth, or the POB platform.
Not one bit, matey.
You failed yourself...(in my very subjective opinion).
Pep talk time !.... for what I see as helping and supporting a fellow truth seeker !
(that's you, @proofofbrainio btw!... lol)
It's not a reason to get all stressed out.
(if this 'failure' is indeed a truth that you recognize to be within yourself).
So don't get down on yourself !!!.. serves no one except the toxic manipulators... Fuck them. That is what they want...
Learn and grow stronger from it.
Beat the evil, beat the stupid.
Be you.
You're much stronger than you realize.
Here endeth 'ye olde wise words' (from an idiot)...
BUT NOT this kind of idiot .... Holy Jesus Christ, fuck no....
And last, but by no means least....
Coming soon..... to a block chain near you....
Still no pennies dropping yet? aroma of delicious brewing arabica beans, floating under the nostrils to wake from your slumber..?
No?....Not even a little?
As @antisocialist said (thanks for the financial support, btw)...
"I'll see you on the flipside"...
Take care people - Keep smiling - it's a jungle out there (and some ecosystems are rife with malevolent predators).
I'm not going anywhere...
Just waiting....And working very hard....
*Me.... working very hard....
"strategic silence", more like you went on a vacation for a week! lol.
Don't be trying to tell me you were doing some 7D Chess in space, you were just getting blasted on vodka compliments of Putin!
You and @frot went on a little vacation and tried to figure out the best shade of purple for your bikinis. YOU ARE IN FACT a GIRL afterall(that's what people keep saying!!!!).
Anyways, go hit the gym to lose that alcohol weight, delete facebook, lawyer up, start eating organic chicken and rice, and maybe just maybe buy the next xbox and pray the new Halo is as good as it looks(it looks good).
In regards to @proofofbrainio
If it was me, I would have simply countered downvotes with upvotes. I have been manually curating for a little over 3.5 years. Getting into any kind of beef or battles with people in my experience is typically counter productive.
I don't like that ONE PERSON can control muting someone and make it so people are unable to upvote/downvote. There are supposed to be Hive Engine Witnesses coming soon, which means they would ultimately be in charge(as are the Hive Witnesses). If all Hive Witnesses colluded and made it so you have 0 coins then you have 0 coins. "at least it is decentralized, lmao!!!!" "we stole your funds in a decentralized way, so its good!!!!"
"that makes us clever"
But seriously, the more decentralized the better and Idon't see that happening here on Hive. The big power people are getting more power and seem to have a lot of money and powering up.
It is concerning to see more centralization happening.
I think the only logical path forward is making our own community(which we are working on and sorry it got delayed because of some life events with me and v, it got pushed out by like a month).
So, soon(TM) and all that fun stuff for our thing.
Please give me credit for being the one who traded up 3,000 bee tokens so I can make three more attempts at this
I was there being myself being critical and humorous at the same time, but I think some people really missed the point I was trying to make about decentralization and distribution being the most important step, we just learned the lesson the hard way.
POB should hardfork away like Hive Hardforked away from stinc
There is one already devoid of down voting and whale wars it is called blurt.
we shall see if the multi sig comes through or if it is going to be a "special council" which personally as anyone can see is MORE centralization.
It's funny how alone my voice was yesterday in discord while spelling out basic biz questions which resulted in some who have a bit more of spine (not talking of people in here, I'm well aware of your spinal cords )...also chiming in like what the literal fark happened. You move all the 'company' money to your wallet ,won't answer (for weeks,month,months) basic biz questions then slam me for doing it because ffs, SOMEONE HAS TO!!!!!
anyhow, it will be interesting,
gonna chime this in again, Freedom isn't "free"you have to fight for it and same goes for some other things.
Peace and Pancakes,
Was this in the PoB discord that the issues happened and people pushed back on you? Can you send me an invite link to it? I would like to start talking to the creator. I think he needs a bit of help ;)
Blurt already solved all the Hive problems. It’s working well. No evil Downvoters over there. Https://
If there is no downvotes, or no way of taking away "potential payouts" from plagiarizers/content thieves/and abusers then blurt will never amount to very much.
I've already been on multiple platforms on bitcoin cash and other chains where it was very similar to Blurrt, and some projects died off and some other ones are still going with barely a few dozen daily users. Let's be real here, Blurrt basically copied other failed projects and changed their logo to look cool.
I don't do vacations....Well, not since 1992. After that, life's been one long vacation, interrupted by a few months of work and annoying things like that.
I stopped my 'serious drinking' 3 years ago - so I might well really be a girl, after all !
( had a couple f bottles a beer no too long ago , and really didn't like it anymore - so yes, science now tells me that I am , in fact, a girl!)
If my life ever gets so jaded that I start seeing xbox as a worthwhile use of my time, you'll be the first to know.
I'll patiently await your project .... (seeing as I don't really have much choice).
Hey xbox and gaming is a good time if you're really good at equations ;)
As evidenced here by yours truly.
LOL , moving a cross on a screen tell's your good at equations , i suck at them ,.. but i can no scope and shit ,.. at least ,.. some time ago ,.. on a PC .
I do have a xbox now , having no clue on controls in shooter games with it do . ;-)
If the occasional use of my time is a PlayStation, not an Xbox, does that still made me jaded? If so, then my excuse is that it's my mother daughter time. She lured me into it. 😉
@proofofbrainio is a fucking HERO ,sticking his head out like that , where we all know what could happen , but non believed to be true while not daring to give it a try ,.. stand up against stupid dictatorial behavior from big stakes on the platform . @proofofbrainio provided a place to land the bomber safely after it's mission . As a simple back-seat gunner , unknown of the final mission goal , ( lol , the captain warned me before take of , last change to get out ,.. this could be a suicide mission ,.. i stayed for the @lols on going RATATATATA... RATATa.. ) i enjoyed the adventure . Saw the roof of the bunker wide open after the drop , got some damage from flak and fighter-plane attacks . But he' would fly @lucylin air anytime again with captain #Patriot-reloaded to see such wonderful fireworks again . ,.. ;-)
Not advocating any form of war with actual bomb's and planes here , it's all analogy and make believe.
Where make believe is the faith i have in freedom for others and all .
lolol- appreciate the support, matey ! (like the piccy!)
The war is over - no need to keep bombing. Mission accomplished.
Now onto other missions.
I like missions.
Not too keen on emissions though...
Well to keep the analogy , i learned a lot about flying , so after landing i could just afford a little stunt-plane ,.. guns are optional or hidden in multiple layers , just a fun plane for flying free .
Where you took a rest , i took of to create some nice figures in the blue sky's .
Showing 12 sided cubes to all instead of unmovable top 6 sided blocks , ;-)
You deserve more.
Gotta spread the coin to gain the network effect.
As you exposed, that isn't high on the priority list for some people, the exact opposite has been the plan all along.
When does the one that goes unnamed stop abusing us through the proxies of the ones still doing what he did while claiming altruistic reasons?
Their claim of countering his abuse is now just abuse, as it was all along.
They've lost their claim to legitimacy months ago, if they ever had one.
Now the blatant power grab is laid bare.
The cabal scavenges the newbs.
All hail, centralized power!
When does that shizzit stop?
it stops when it's not a council in charge of stuff but the community's say and multi-sig so when all the fund from the front end tax aren't moved around to a personal account without telling anybody whilst claiming no care about money yet the first thing done before anything else seemed to be was the crappiest ads for the most return.
if there isn't the 'promised' change it becomes more centralized imho and think time will tell.
Starting a biz then saying you don't care about it and cursing at the ones who are calling out the elephant in the room says more about the boss then it does about the ones who had the stones to call out b.s. imho. ;)
I've decided to build my own thing and stop trying to convince others to change their thing.
I think this will work better.
yep quite a few are actually and some are well known so it will probably go well
keep me in the loop
It's a God damn socialist Invasion, happening right in front of us on the bloody blockchain. Pull out your guns!!!
You'd think fans of decentralization wouldn't centralize the getting of rewards, but, nope.
And now I can see what the others see.
Same game, new fans.
@lucylin is the messenger.
We all know who is Leonidas.
...the analogy is interesting...even if it's the wrong way around!
I ain't giving feality to an evil behemoth with the the IQ of an amoeba.
As Leonidas said, 'I have my reputation to consider.."
I was seeing it from the angle of you being the messenger because the downvotes were their assault on you.
....yeah, I know, matey...
Do as I do not as I say. Buy loads of bikes and thrash em hard.
hit me up on MeWe matey - have something to discuss...
New pc bro, will look into it, give me 2 mins
This one seems appropriate for today, I like to think it's what Gandalf and the troops are listening to in that last jiffy.
Classic tune !....Gandalf approves of this message.
For someone that writes this good, got me to stick to the final word, even though not knowing what the back story is, you still keep shit really entertaining, hehe. I like that!
Yep after seeing such freedom of expression I have no choice but to liquidate all cryptocurrency and proceeded to a remote location with but a bug out bag and a gun.
We will not survive, you must prepare, everyone is going to kill each other, this is HIVEEEEE!!!!
Well then, not welcome back. A lot of fallout, I even played a little Fallout New Vegas, but not a lot. Some lessons learned, and I am sure some missed.
looks lie Gandalf is going to get metoo'd by a bunch of midgets
have you read Tolkien's letters? he makes a good point about "the long defeat"
that paragraph is almost as good as the trilogy itself
keep the flag flying
So your unwanted counselors days are over ,.. ;-)
lol, it looks like @onealfa.pob is waiting until the final day of payout to downvote your posts, that seems like an intentional act of maliciousness does it not?
I'm still yet to see any downvotes on my posts and I've been receiving 300-400 POB in votes on some content. I'd love to know why my posts don't receive reward adjustments but yours do (/s I know exactly why).
Too busy deciding who should have rewards and who shouldn't, "forgot" to remove his own vote on quite an important comment. The levels of stupidity truly amaze me.
comment here
You can't fix stupid.
... I don't think I was d/v off him ( not once?) until after the faceless poison dwarf stated his intentions re my must be another of those 'coincidences' !lolol ( my d/v on hive are done in the same time frame)
It's pathetic.
It's terrible optics to show the world what this DPoS organization really is (a cartel run tyranny).... And the world will see, that's for sure.
.... if crypto ever becomes recognized 'money' it could even be classed as criminal activity I think.
I am learning and growing stronger and so is POB.
Good on yer, matey !...
Awesome. POB and Blurt to the moon ….. 🧠 🤬 🚀 🌙