"strategic silence", more like you went on a vacation for a week! lol.
Don't be trying to tell me you were doing some 7D Chess in space, you were just getting blasted on vodka compliments of Putin!
You and @frot went on a little vacation and tried to figure out the best shade of purple for your bikinis. YOU ARE IN FACT a GIRL afterall(that's what people keep saying!!!!).
Anyways, go hit the gym to lose that alcohol weight, delete facebook, lawyer up, start eating organic chicken and rice, and maybe just maybe buy the next xbox and pray the new Halo is as good as it looks(it looks good).
In regards to @proofofbrainio
If it was me, I would have simply countered downvotes with upvotes. I have been manually curating for a little over 3.5 years. Getting into any kind of beef or battles with people in my experience is typically counter productive.
I don't like that ONE PERSON can control muting someone and make it so people are unable to upvote/downvote. There are supposed to be Hive Engine Witnesses coming soon, which means they would ultimately be in charge(as are the Hive Witnesses). If all Hive Witnesses colluded and made it so you have 0 coins then you have 0 coins. "at least it is decentralized, lmao!!!!" "we stole your funds in a decentralized way, so its good!!!!"
"that makes us clever"
But seriously, the more decentralized the better and Idon't see that happening here on Hive. The big power people are getting more power and seem to have a lot of money and powering up.
It is concerning to see more centralization happening.
I think the only logical path forward is making our own community(which we are working on and sorry it got delayed because of some life events with me and v, it got pushed out by like a month).
So, soon(TM) and all that fun stuff for our thing.
Please give me credit for being the one who traded up 3,000 bee tokens so I can make three more attempts at this
I was there being myself being critical and humorous at the same time, but I think some people really missed the point I was trying to make about decentralization and distribution being the most important step, we just learned the lesson the hard way.
POB should hardfork away like Hive Hardforked away from stinc
There is one already devoid of down voting and whale wars it is called blurt.
we shall see if the multi sig comes through or if it is going to be a "special council" which personally as anyone can see is MORE centralization.
It's funny how alone my voice was yesterday in discord while spelling out basic biz questions which resulted in some who have a bit more of spine (not talking of people in here, I'm well aware of your spinal cords )...also chiming in like what the literal fark happened. You move all the 'company' money to your wallet ,won't answer (for weeks,month,months) basic biz questions then slam me for doing it because ffs, SOMEONE HAS TO!!!!!
anyhow, it will be interesting,
gonna chime this in again, Freedom isn't "free"you have to fight for it and same goes for some other things.
Peace and Pancakes,
Was this in the PoB discord that the issues happened and people pushed back on you? Can you send me an invite link to it? I would like to start talking to the creator. I think he needs a bit of help ;)
Blurt already solved all the Hive problems. It’s working well. No evil Downvoters over there. Https://Blurtter.com
If there is no downvotes, or no way of taking away "potential payouts" from plagiarizers/content thieves/and abusers then blurt will never amount to very much.
I've already been on multiple platforms on bitcoin cash and other chains where it was very similar to Blurrt, and some projects died off and some other ones are still going with barely a few dozen daily users. Let's be real here, Blurrt basically copied other failed projects and changed their logo to look cool.
I don't do vacations....Well, not since 1992. After that, life's been one long vacation, interrupted by a few months of work and annoying things like that.
I stopped my 'serious drinking' 3 years ago - so I might well really be a girl, after all !
( had a couple f bottles a beer no too long ago , and really didn't like it anymore - so yes, science now tells me that I am , in fact, a girl!)
If my life ever gets so jaded that I start seeing xbox as a worthwhile use of my time, you'll be the first to know.
I'll patiently await your project .... (seeing as I don't really have much choice).
Hey xbox and gaming is a good time if you're really good at equations ;)
As evidenced here by yours truly.
LOL , moving a cross on a screen tell's your good at equations , i suck at them ,.. but i can no scope and shit ,.. at least ,.. some time ago ,.. on a PC .
I do have a xbox now , having no clue on controls in shooter games with it do . ;-)
If the occasional use of my time is a PlayStation, not an Xbox, does that still made me jaded? If so, then my excuse is that it's my mother daughter time. She lured me into it. 😉