we shall see if the multi sig comes through or if it is going to be a "special council" which personally as anyone can see is MORE centralization.
It's funny how alone my voice was yesterday in discord while spelling out basic biz questions which resulted in some who have a bit more of spine (not talking of people in here, I'm well aware of your spinal cords )...also chiming in like what the literal fark happened. You move all the 'company' money to your wallet ,won't answer (for weeks,month,months) basic biz questions then slam me for doing it because ffs, SOMEONE HAS TO!!!!!
anyhow, it will be interesting,
gonna chime this in again, Freedom isn't "free"you have to fight for it and same goes for some other things.
Peace and Pancakes,
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Was this in the PoB discord that the issues happened and people pushed back on you? Can you send me an invite link to it? I would like to start talking to the creator. I think he needs a bit of help ;)