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RE: I never went away.....I was just waiting....Why?...Because I'm free, to do what I want , any old time...Including this post.

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

lol, it looks like @onealfa.pob is waiting until the final day of payout to downvote your posts, that seems like an intentional act of maliciousness does it not?

I'm still yet to see any downvotes on my posts and I've been receiving 300-400 POB in votes on some content. I'd love to know why my posts don't receive reward adjustments but yours do (/s I know exactly why).

Too busy deciding who should have rewards and who shouldn't, "forgot" to remove his own vote on quite an important comment. The levels of stupidity truly amaze me.


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You can't fix stupid.

... I don't think I was d/v off him ( not once?) until after the faceless poison dwarf stated his intentions re my must be another of those 'coincidences' !lolol ( my d/v on hive are done in the same time frame)

It's pathetic.

It's terrible optics to show the world what this DPoS organization really is (a cartel run tyranny).... And the world will see, that's for sure.
.... if crypto ever becomes recognized 'money' it could even be classed as criminal activity I think.