Thanks. As an artist you want to stirr up emotions. They don't have to be positive ones, though.
And I always feel better about all that creepy shit in my head, when others have to suffer through it, too. :)
Thanks. As an artist you want to stirr up emotions. They don't have to be positive ones, though.
And I always feel better about all that creepy shit in my head, when others have to suffer through it, too. :)
You are an artist? I thought that you are a antonym. What a bizarre world... :p
Well I have creep shit in my head too, I think everybody has, but some, maybe the worst ones, try to convince people that they haven't... I do not suffer with these things you expose, not because of you anyways, unless you did some of this things in the days... you are one of the jiggling doctors? Or a owner of a human zoo? But for do that you need to be alive then...
Other day you talk about dying, you are a old person?
What is dead may never die.
No. I'm innocent. It's one of those things you can't unknow once you know them.
Especially the lobotomy shit creeps me out sometimes. Imagining what it must be like to get your brain... jiggled. Trapped in your own head. I start asking myself existential questions. Who am I, if changing my brain changes my personality.
I have this kind of question too, but not exactly in this matter, but when I think about transcendence and such. If my brain and personality were copied by a machine into an android or another brain, this new me would be really me? Or a copy of me, that perhaps with time would do things that the original would never do? The mind is a complex field and we always can wander about what if...
True. The answer is nonduality. We're all nothing but one consciousness. Everything else is nothing but imagination. The Matrix. Platos Cave.Nonduality. Yadayada...
I studied Jed McKenna for a while. In the end of the tunnel of enlightenment is the insight, that it's better to pretend everything is real.
Wow, I didn't know about Jed, I will see his works, thanks for sharing!!