Introduction: POB Question Of The Week #1

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

Hello Brainies,

We come from all over the world, speak many different languages and have very different lives.I find that absolutely fascinating and would love to know more about you all!

So I decided to create

POB Question Of The Week!

Question Of The Week.png

Every week on Wednesday I will pose a question which you can answer in the comments. The liquid rewards from the post will be evenly split and distributed to everyone who answers the question in the comments.
So you have until the payout of the post to reply!
Super fun right?

Payout will happen on Thursday of every week.

A nice and easy way to get to know the members of our tribe don’t you think?


So for the very first question is going to be :

How did you find Proof of Brain?

Question Of The Week (1).png

Looking forward to seeing your responses in the comments!

Over and out,


I will be upvoting this post aswell to up the rewards.
This is the only post series I will self-upvote.

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Hi! I had not published in Hive for about a year and when I returned I was curious about the new and when I saw a publication of Proof Of Brain I inquired and I liked what I got

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Whoop whoop! Welcome back :)

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Thank you!

Thank you!

Dont worry about the self votes if its something you don't usually do. I'll sponsor this weekly with 50 POB liquid if you just ping me a message on Tuesday to remind me to send it over to you.

Looking forward to seeing how the community reacts to the questions!

(I'll hold off my vote until later when I'm back home, because of the curation trail following behind me)

Aaaah Calumam! You are too too kind!
Self-voting does feel weird haha
Thanks :)
You are a good egg!

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We had just started on Hive and then we saw this thing called proof of brain and it sounded like a sci-fi thing so we kind of got involved. Did not really know what it is but we like it!

Animated GIF-downsized (9).gif

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I totally forgot to answer the question for myself. HAHA.

For obvious reasons, I will not include myself for the slice of the liquid rewards.

Loving the community and very happy to be doing my bit here!I found Proof of Brain through @sinistry. I had posted that I was struggling to find my way around Hive after having been absent for 2 years and he sent me a whole list of tribes and communities to look at. Such a good egg. So here I am!

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Thanks for the mention! 😊

The funny thing is with all the options I’m still having a hard time settling someplace myself. I’m glad you found a place to put down roots. 😊

Haha I get that! So much going on and so many different interests, it can be hard to choose.

I discovered POB on LeoDex and decided to investigate this tribe further. I like it as it has an active community, their token has value in the market and they have a team that works towards what is right for the users.
Long live PoB!

Yesss!!! POB till eterny and beyond :P

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I had been away from Hive for a few months now when I noticed @wiseagent posting on Proof of Brain. I noticed this on twitter and decided to know more about the community. It's been a month now, and here I am. (:

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Yay! I've been thinking about how we can gain more visibility and I thought Twitter would be a good place to start. Perhaps @wiseagent, you and I can have a chat about that if you are interested :)

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Undoubtedly, it would be very interesting to discuss the best ways to spread the word about POB. I'm in.

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Yay! :) Will start a chat with the three of us soon. Step by step right? :)

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Through my brother, I normally posted my content on peakd because I had not know pob existence. So one particular day my brother was on my page checking my performance on the platform, he sent me a link , he told me I could post my content here and also make comments. That's was how I found pob.

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Cool! @edystringz also found POB through her brother :)

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Smiles....@iamchucks, I guess we are a twin...hheheheh

I found proof of brain via a post on LeoFinance. I think it's a great community and have been really impressed by the token's performance since joining.

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Good to hear! :)
Have you joined the Discord?

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I have not. Mostly use discord for work stuff.

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Oh! Well if you want to connect with the community, the discord is the place to be :)

I found it because it was dropped in my wallet probably from curating a random post

And then you decided to start posting on POB aswell? :)

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I found it after one month of it's inception. I was told about it by trumpman then I started using the tag and finally started using the interphase as well.

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I initially heard of it via discord but I did not take it seriously. Then my boyfriend explained what it was to me and helped me find my way here.

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Well done boyfriend!!!

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"How did you find Proof of Brain?"

This odd pal of mine called @penderis reblogged one of @proofofbrainio's first posts. I liked the simplicity of the idea (although we now know how far from the truth "simple" is, lol) and I hopped on board within a couple of days of returning to the blockchain after a 2 year break (give or take 6 months).

Talk about good timing. Its been an incredible learning opportunity so far.

I didn't realize you had a 2 year break! I did the same. Feels good to be back ey?

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Oh yeah, just taking it slow and steady, not planning to burn out this time around!

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I was so so so burnt out. My goodness :)

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I saw a post that we should include it in our list of tags. Not sure who made that post but I started to and then got a few here and there. I think that was almost two months ago. Time flies.

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And now you are posting regularly! Yay!

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Haha I think it is time for a break soon.

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How come?

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Have a couple of other projects and certifications that I've been meaning to work on and also I think it is time for a break. Maybe it is just my general inability to focus lol.

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I get it. Sometimes you just need to let something go so you can focus on other things! Don't be a stranger though! 😉😊

I am recently on Hive, and although I noticed posts in the Proof Of Brain group, I became seriously interested only when I found 8 POB tokens in my Engine wallet. It turned out that my first trial post to the group brought 16 POBs, and I didn't know) .. I liked the concept of this project, it is tailored to create more value and quality of content, and this is close to me.

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Interesting to see how when you find it in your wallet, it gives you incentive to go look for what it is!
Happy that you are here :)

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I was gifted my account by shepz1 who also told me about POB. He's been my guide and mentor here. So happy to have been introduced and now a part of this. It's very exciting stuff.

Yay!! Whoop whoop.
It's a good place to be :)

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I found proof of brain through a good friend of mine. I think it's a great community and have been really impressed by the token's performance since he joined. I hope my earnings will commence soon.

I joined Hive in 2017 but I was absent for most of 2019 and 2020. I returned fully in the first week of April this year.

At first I used to see the tag on a couple of posts then one time, I think in the same month April, I saw Trostparadox talk about POB and onboarding a friend of his called Johntamny. That was when I joined POB discord and started using the frontend. I didn't continue after that week, though, but sometime in the second week or so of May I was back and POB has been my mainstay ever since then!

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Oooh another leaver and come back! Same here.
Left in 2018 and then came back just over a month ago.

Do you use the POB frontend to browse through the other communities aswell?

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Yep, I use it for everything, I only go to other frontends if the person I want to read didn't use the POB frontend or the tag 😊.

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Great initiative to get some onboarding insights from peeps! I joined Hive recently but had to wait 1-2 months for my keys as they weren't provided upon signup. I looked for communities focusing on business, health and scuba diving, however I found nothing to my liking. While searching I came across proofofbrain; read a few articles and joined.

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Oh? You had to wait months to get your keys?? What's that about?
See? I have the same. POB felt like home pretty straightaway and the others I just struggle to find my place within them.

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Yep. Signed up through 3Speak and received no keys. Reached out to support and had to wait until they got some syncing done with the Hive blockchain... at least that's what they told me. Eventually I got my keys, so here I am ;)

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Oh woah. I didn't realize that that was a 'thing'. Good to have you here!

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I saw the tag on a lot of posts and got curious.

And curiousity killed the cat ;)


Good to hear! Interesting how everyone finds POB in a different way

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@trumpman wrote a blog few months back. That's where I heard about POB for the first time. Now time to check it out and see if I can add some value.

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You are more than welcome Hetty! Well done @trumpman for getting the word out!

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I only found out about this amazing tribe about a month ago when another user @gillianpearce suggested i add the POB tag. Thanks. 😉

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Well done @gillianpearce :) I really love your name Elric.

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Thanks 😂 im loving the hole idea of qotw. Its a great way to get people talking. Ive come to realise i need to engage more here and in other tribes on hive. Makes it much more fun. I need to write some decent posts now !! Graham.

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Oh I didn't even think of qotw. Perhaps it could be a confusing for people because of Calumam's WOTW. :P Yes!! Engage, engage, engage. We don't bite 😁

What a great initiative, I like these interactive posts. I discovered POB by reading the first post of the administrator of the account @proofofbrainio, who shared his idea in the Leofinance community where I usually share my writings. Reading and understanding what it is about I was very interested in participating in this idea from the beginning, I agreed to delegate some Hive to that account to at the same time get some POB and in this way I started to share my ideas in here, with the "human BTC".

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Human BTC. Love that phrase!! :)
I love reading your posts Nirvana!

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I discovered POB because @vempromundo suggested to me and other people to use it.

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@vempromundo is great at networking! Welcome :)

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Yes! Thanks!

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I was using PeakD as my first frontend just a few weeks ago and @offgridlife mentioned it to me in the comments about it. I had seen posts from the POB frontend already but didn't really know what to make of rule 1. I flippantly pointed out that my cat could walk across my keyboard and meet the requirements. He invited me to try that out if I wanted to but would probably do better writing real content... So that's what I've been doing!

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Yay!! Glad you are here Dibblers. :) And I'd love to see a post about your cat I am a self-proclaimed crazy cat lady

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I found out about POB on the day of launched through one of the Discord channels I believe. When hearing about how it was structured and holding the real POB values as well as throwing some Bitcoin reduction into the mix(even though over 3 years away till the first reduction) It seemed like a interesting project. Pretty much like getting in ground floor on the first day of Hive. Wanted to see what would come of it all :)

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Nice! Really felt like being at the start of someting potentially great right?

It really is a great place tbh

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I got to know about proof of brain when i began to research on the different tribes that exist on Hive and i began to see posts with footer saying posted using so i checked it out and have been using it since then.

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The footer works!! @proofofbrainio are you seeing this? :) Good that you are here Emmanuel

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Our differences in life, contexts and emotions are unique.! Here we all bring the platform to life in one way or another, a lovely fact.

From my side, I found POB through comments from @celi130, who encouraged me to inquire more about the community. So here I am!

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Cool! And what do you write about?

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Just like I said to @ calumam (no intention of bringing it here): My brain is more of a cook than anything else. I generally write about food. Because I love cooking and baking, so my posts are tutorials. I also have skills with sewing and children's fashion, whenever I have orders, I put them on my blog (I have made my collections). And specifically for POB I write about something more intellectual, soaked in the feeling of life, I add more personal meaning.

I'm basically weird. haha 🤣

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I love weirdos!
I am one myself ;)
Glad to have you here!

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Great competition idea!! I found POB mentioned in a random post my second week in HIVE and thought the concept of a space to put anything that shows a proof of Brain was great when struggled with communitys. Then i found out how fun the community was!

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Thanks Failingforwards!! Oh that's so great to find it right at the start of your blockchain social media journey! Whoop whoop

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Knowing this community was indeed, an awesome experience for me and my friends on the hive blockchain.

Over 2 months ago, I received an airdrop of proof of brain tokens in my wallet on the hive engine and decided to make my findings about the community that gave the token. I click the dotted space "i" containing information about the tribe's and token distribution and limit of 21million pob token. So i decided to clicked the link positioned below the analysis and discovered it was a new community. When i got in, i saw a post by @proofofbrainio and @madstack, @regenerette and few other authors. I read through and got to understand more about the new community before i made my first and subsequent post on the community frontend.

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Cool! Good to have you on here :)

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Thank you @ashleykalila, it's good to have you too😊

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It was good to see you around, my friend.

I was introduce to me my friends @dwayne16 and @mavinix and I have been enjoying it since then getting more experience

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was hanging out on and found a link to a post by @friendlymoose describing popular coins and hashtags on Hive, read the description and started using :)


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Ha, cool! Glad you found it useful!




$PIZZA@friendlymoose! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @drunksamurai.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (3/10)

Well done you! :)

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Cool! Posting about Hive and other tokens on other websites works then :P

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$PIZZA@ashleykalila! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @drunksamurai.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (4/10)




$PIZZA@ashleykalila! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @drunksamurai.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (5/10)



$PIZZA@ashleykalila! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @drunksamurai.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (2/10)

I was curating in hive and saw a Proof Of Brain token created. I was happy about that because when I joined 4 years ago I liked the concept of proof of brain on the blockchain. I liked to be rewarded from my ideas and experience in life and on the web as well ! That's why I joined here and I'm even now among the most rewarded members here. ☺

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Whoop whoop!!! :)

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I was hanging around the LEO comment section, hoping somebody would drop some leo and then I got POB in my rewards. Which was worth a ton more, than all the LEO I had gotten by then. So I checked it out and fell in love. :)

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Whoop whoop. And here to stay aren't you? :)

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Oh yeah. It's the first time I'm doing something I like. It would take a huuuuuuge and very long dip to get me out of this project.

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Good!! We need pro active citizens of the Brainieverse :)

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I come from another community related to music and I saw that everyone used the tag of pob and I did not understand what it was and then I went in to see and I stayed XD. What I still don't have clarity about is what cannot be published in the community. !PIZZA

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@pablodare, sorry!

You can call the PIZZA bot a maximum of 10 times per day.

As long as it's not plagiarism, everything is welcome. You have a brain right? :)

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maybe I'm a robot XD ... thanks for getting me out of doubt

Hhahahah Maybe.
Maybe we are all robots? :P

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I know the proof of the brain from a friend who is steeped in the world of crypto, I discussed and invited him to join one of the platforms where we work and paid for using coins, it was very interesting for me @ashleykalila

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Cool!! Welcome!

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i have been on hive for about 6 months and i am active in several communities. i host a guess the shadow contest in shadow hunters on ecency and i look into the activities of those who reply to the contest. thus i got acquainted with @harpreetjanda. when i looked into his posts i noticed he posts on proofofbrain. i was immediately curious what pob was all about so i read many posts and started participating in some, such as this post here

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Cool!! What's your contest about?

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I discovered Proof Of Brain only after receiving some tokens in my wallet. From here my research began, I read the WP and then I started interacting and posting in the community.

My interest has grown in the last few weeks, after seeing how much the community has grown. on Hive every week new communities and new tokens are born but very few manage to be successful. POB literally took a huge leap, to the moon!

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Yup!! It's a great place to be :) Welcome!!

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Without knowing what it was about I started to use it: When I discovered Hive Engines I saw the token there and decided to look for what it referred to and so here I am, sharing with this community in which I think interesting topics are discussed without being so stretched, ie "brains with relaxation"...hahahahaha
I haven't published yet from the front-end but from PeakD; yesterday I tried but I got a bit tangled because I activated keychain and it wouldn't let me...but I'm sure I'll be able to do it...hahaha...I'm insistent. I also want to change Hive for POB, and I'm looking for a guide on how to do it (I read that through Leodex you can do it for less commission). That's my story. Here you will see me.I am an avid reader and a few weeks ago reading posts I noticed that the hashtag #proofofbrain was repeated in some of them. I had already seen references to something called "brain testing" which I didn't understand but I didn't associate it with a community.

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Welcome!!! Have you joined the POB Discord? I am sure you'll find all the answers you are lookin for in the FAQ channel!

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Ahhh...I didn't think to look there. Thanks for the suggestion.

Hey @ashleykalila! Good work here. Keep it up!

How did you find Proof of Brain?

just have a brain!I'm a member of The Terminal, checked into the discord when POB just launched then. There was @stayten talking about a new tribe that deals with brains! I was like huh? We chatted and he made me understand that all contents are allowed on the front-end and the rule is

I looked into it, found it true, delegated some hp and here I am! 😀

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And here you are! :wave:

Thanks for referring people to POB.
I am interested to find out how you found POB.
coughs so I can give you a slice of this post coughs

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@ashleykalila, storytime?

I cough and I lurk a lot, so, one day I was lurking through the shadows of the valley of Hive-Engine Tokens, and then I found a GEM; POB is a pure, and that was catchy asf, so I held the GEM (no I did not) and I kept running and hiding from the monsters on my way to the Pure house (Profile) ...BANG, found a funny a meme hanging on the wall stating that POB is Pure and that I should have a BRAIN to stay in the house, otherwise (well, you know..) then finally I plugged in my BRAIN back in my head and went straight to the Terminal house, told my folks about what happened, then @kemmyb smirked at me and... That's it...

...What was that?



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...What was that?

Good question! 😏
You sure know how to spin a tale 😂.... Lurker!

Whooop whooop!

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I found it through the Hive Engine interface, I did not know the function of the tokens and decided to study it in depth. After that I decided that I would put all my tokens in stake to support the blockchain and in that process I found the interface and I loved it so although I am still organizing myself in my work with this community, it is one of the ones that has caught my attention and why not show that I have a brain?

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Yessss, we love brainsssss!

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after returnig to HIVE after some time, i saw it mentioned so much. however after reading two gloom prediction articles, i went to check it out, have been a lurker / occaisional poster ever since.


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Cool!! How long were you away from Hive?

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I got to know proof of brain community just few days back when a user made a post introducing the community. I wished I had know it earlier, I realized there's a lot i have missed.

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Don't feel like that. You are right here in the beginning!

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I believe so, and I'm here to stay

i didn't find proof of brain, proof of brain FOUND ME

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To be honest, many peoples are not active for a couple of months I'm one of them I just join hive and I saw people using proofofbrain tag then I start learning about this community and it's my 2nd month on pob

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Whooop whooop

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How on earth did I miss this post?

Thank God I found it

How did I find POB? Well, I went home one day from school, and my slibling told me, I should start using POB as tags on my posts

I did. I did not know why, I just followed instructions because they had been here a while longer than I was, and I was blindly following every tip they gave me

Fast forward to 4 or 5 weeks ago, my brother came to visit me in school, and while discussing HIVE, he told me there was a contest organised by @calumam, and the word was Persistence

I told him I had written something on persistence before, so I would not have problem writing again. That evening, I subscribed my phone, went to school, and used the power supply to create my post, engage with the rest of the other folks

Once @calumam rewarded me with 20POB for engagement after the contest. I fell in love.....heheheh

And I have been here ever since then

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Aaaah that's lovely!!
Is your sibling also writing on POB? :)

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Yes my slibling is here on the platform, and that person is a fan of POB too.

We currently recruit the other sibling of mine, and yesterday I saw her engaging on our beloved

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I was introduced to Proof of Brain by my clan leader in the splinterlands game, he indicated that here I could learn a lot, besides learning about POB, like value, stake and other things

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Cool!!! Nice to see how people are recommending POB!

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I know about pob from my social media friends. he is a writer and digital marketing, he is a good writer I admire him and he invites me to join a community, namely hive and pob, thank you @ashleykalila

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Crismanto, you've already posted your answer here! Was this your sneaky way of trying to get more POB? :P

no , i just follow your advice , to be more active and communicate with many people in this community , and what i tell you is the truth

Okay okay!! Good 😊

heheheh I'm sure sis one day I will be like you, become popular in this community.

hahahahhahahahaha it did indeed

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