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RE: Introduction: POB Question Of The Week #1

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

I joined Hive in 2017 but I was absent for most of 2019 and 2020. I returned fully in the first week of April this year.

At first I used to see the tag on a couple of posts then one time, I think in the same month April, I saw Trostparadox talk about POB and onboarding a friend of his called Johntamny. That was when I joined POB discord and started using the frontend. I didn't continue after that week, though, but sometime in the second week or so of May I was back and POB has been my mainstay ever since then!

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Oooh another leaver and come back! Same here.
Left in 2018 and then came back just over a month ago.

Do you use the POB frontend to browse through the other communities aswell?

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Yep, I use it for everything, I only go to other frontends if the person I want to read didn't use the POB frontend or the tag 😊.

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