You are never alone. I believe in all I do that God is always with us. We human put our hopes and sometimes our entitlement on people we feel are family, friends thinking they will stand by us come rain come shine.
it's not as we think. I've grown to a point where I do things believing I have God only in this journey, that has helped me overcome disappointed cos I wasn't expectant in anyway. If things work out for me or I get help from people, fine and Glory to God, if it didn't work or I didn't get assisted from people, fine and Glory to God.
I understand your way of looking at things and your faith in God.
I can't give my opinion because when it comes to religion and faith, my way of seeing and filling things is very different.
But as I said, I understand you and respect your beliefs and that's what matters to have a civilization in the world at peace... Which is not what we see happening in the world recently =\