This post is a reflection I make on my entrepreneurial journey that started back in 2013. The year I took a reality check and my mind opened up in ways I had never seen before.
Every start with something new, exciting and especially when it seems to be the "solution to your problems" and that you discovered and realized that it would be great not only for you but for many people, it is normal for us to "deceive" too much.
I remember that in 2013 I met a Network Marketing company (legitimate, no scheme hahaha), but they worked with great perfumes, of incredible quality (I still use it today so you have an idea). I started making a lot of money selling the perfumes. Customer acceptance and repurchase were very good.
I soon asked to no longer be a regular employee of where I taught and just earn tuition hourly (my salary dropped a lot at the time, as I had few classes) but I made up for much more by selling the perfumes and repaying the even higher value in the the end I had time. This was WONDERFUL.
But when I showed it to my friends and especially to my family, nobody paid attention or believed. For you to have an idea of my family taking away my parents, almost no relatives bought any of my products. My parents seeing me sell and earn money they started selling too. I sold a lot of time on the street from commerce to commerce with my father. I met many people in that time and cities that I never thought I would go. I loved making new friends, talking to strangers and having clients so loyal than my family.
In the meantime a lot of things happened to me. Many projects and investments and the most recent that are my Mugs products, I come back to have the same "problem" from that time. Hardly ANYONE in my family buys. Although in this case compared to the time of perfumes I even had more sales for them, but even so no one likes my posts on my store's instagram, or even less follow the page or "help you" in any way.
This also happens with "such friends" (who I don't consider, but they call themselves friends), that when they started in their business before me, I was a person who helped, enjoyed, shared and did everything. I'm always helping whoever I see starting and needing "my friends". Then I saw that when it was my turn and they were "okay" with their own business they never asked me for any product (even if they needed it), much less following or enjoying it. And even though I know this would be normal to happen, we get more upset when we really see it happening. I am a very reciprocal person. I like to help, be nice, but if later I see that it is much more ME than the other person in question, I stop, delete and forget about my life. As I said in a post these days, I walk away from anything that will take away my peace of mind.
Today I'm fighting, working all day (I'm more than 12 hours today, practically non-stop) and nobody sees it and I don't want to, it's not important. Only I know where it hurts and what I need to do. And when I get there I know that many will want to reconnect or ask how you do it or just say I HAD LUCKY. And I won't mind. I will be happy because I did it and I won.
Alone fighting every day and believing only in you. That's how you win day after day.
Lembre-se: Você esta sozinho
Esse post é uma reflexão que eu faço na minha jornada empreendedora que começou lá em 2013. O ano que tomei um choque de realidade e minha mente se abriu de maneiras que eu jamais tinha visto.
Todo começo com algo novo, empolgante e principalmente quando parece ser a "solução dos seus problemas" e que você descobriu e percebeu que seria ótimo não só para você mas para muitas pessoas, é normal a gente se "iludir" demais.
Lembro eu que em 2013 conheci uma empresa de Marketing de Rede (legítima, sem esquema hahaha), mas que trabalhavam com perfumes ótimos, de uma qualidade incrível (uso até hoje para você terem ideia). Eu comecei a ganhar muito dinheiro vendendo os perfumes. A aceitação dos clientes e a recompra eram muito boas.
Logo pedi para não ser mais funcionário fixo de onde eu dava aulas e apenas ganhar por hora aula (meu salário caiu muito na época, pois eu estava com poucas turmas) mas eu compensava muito mais vendendo os perfumes e repondo o valor ainda maior e no fim me sobrava tempo. Isso era MARAVILHOSO.
Mas quando eu mostrava para meus amigos isso e principalmente para minha família ninguém dava atenção ou acreditava. Para vocês terem ideia da minha família tirando meus pais, quase nenhum parente comprou algum produto meu. Meu pais me vendo eu vender e ganhar dinheiro começaram a vender também. Vendi muito tempo na rua de comércio a comércio com meu pai. Conheci muitas pessoas nesse tempo e cidades que jamais pensei que eu iria. Eu adorava fazer amizades novas, falar com desconhecidos e ter clientes assim fiel do que minha família.
Nesse meio tempo muitas coisas aconteceram comigo. Muitos projetos e investimentos e o mais recente que são meus produtos de Canecas eu volto a ter o mesmo "problema" daquela época. Quase NINGUÉM da minha família compra. Se bem que nesse caso comparado a época dos perfumes até tive mais vendas para eles, porém mesmo assim ninguém curte minha postagens no instagram da minha loja, ou muito menos seguem a página ou "lhe" ajudam de alguma forma.
Isso também acontece com uns "tais amigos" (que eu não considero, mas eles se diziam amigos), que quando eles começaram nos negócios deles antes de mim, eu era uma pessoa que ajudava, curtia, compartilhava e fazia de tudo. Eu sempre estou ajudando quem eu vejo que está começando e precisando dos "meus amigos". Depois eu vi que quando chegou a minha vez e eles estavam "bem" já com seus próprios negócios eles jamais me pediram algum produto meu (mesmo eles precisando), muito menos seguindo ou curtindo. E mesmo eu sabendo que isso seria normal acontecer a gente fica mais chateado quando realmente percebe isso acontecendo. Eu sou uma pessoa muito recíproca. Gosto de ajudar, ser legal, mas se depois eu vejo que é muito mais EU do que a outra pessoa em questão eu paro, deleto e esqueço da minha vida. Como eu disse em um post esses dias, eu me afasto de tudo que vá me tirar minha paz mental.
Hoje eu estou lutando, trabalhando o dia todo (estou a mais de 12h hoje sem parar praticamente) e ninguém vê isso e nem quero, não é importante. Só eu sei onde dói e o que eu preciso fazer. E quando eu chegar lá eu sei que muitos vão querer se reaproximar ou perguntar como faz ou simplesmente dizer que eu TIVE SORTE. E eu não vou me importar. Estarei feliz porque eu consegui e venci.
Sozinho lutando todos os dias e acreditando somente em você. É assim que se vence dia após dia.
I hear you and feel for you. It can't be easy when the ones we love and support on a daily basis don't reciprocate when the flow is needed the other way around. Having said that, unfortunately we can't demand or expect loyalty or support from someone just because they are family or close friends. Whilst their encouragement would definitely help to instil and build confidence, it is not something that we should be dependant on. It may be that they just don't like the product set and it has absolutely nothing to do with you personally, or they don't have need for these specific products at this time or at all. Perhaps they don't fully appreciate just how much effort and love you pour into your business and are too tied up in their own lives to realise the hurt they are causing by their seeming indifference. Whatever the case may be, I agree that you need to focus on doing what is right for you, despite the support or lack thereof of others around you. Otherwise the hurt will just continue to distract and consume you and detract from your end goals. What is most important is that you believe in yourself, your products and your business plan and you can see it working for you in practice. Be proud of your accomplishments; as you said, you have already built up a loyal following across the country, and remember to have the "serenity to accept the things (you) cannot change." :-)
Oh! no, no!
When I talk about the products because they never bought from me is the fact that they are products that they are using frequently and buying from other people and showing. But not me. And I never forced anything, I just showed the product, quality and great price hahaha
Of the custom products today I see "friends" buying and making their custom products and promoting them too... Even though they know I work with it and do it. And they are "friends" who were with me when we decided to move up, grow in life and each one to follow their entrepreneurial life. In which I always helped, publicized and even dished them...
And some of those when they need help from whoever they turn to? ahahaha
It's that question. The person doesn't need the product or doesn't like it that's normal, and I don't care.
I hear you, sorry I misunderstood a little ;-)
Do not worry. It's all right ;)
You are never alone. I believe in all I do that God is always with us. We human put our hopes and sometimes our entitlement on people we feel are family, friends thinking they will stand by us come rain come shine.
it's not as we think. I've grown to a point where I do things believing I have God only in this journey, that has helped me overcome disappointed cos I wasn't expectant in anyway. If things work out for me or I get help from people, fine and Glory to God, if it didn't work or I didn't get assisted from people, fine and Glory to God.
I understand your way of looking at things and your faith in God.
I can't give my opinion because when it comes to religion and faith, my way of seeing and filling things is very different.
But as I said, I understand you and respect your beliefs and that's what matters to have a civilization in the world at peace... Which is not what we see happening in the world recently =\
hi @hranhuk, am reaching out again on this post as I wanted your advice on something. a little light went on in my head just now when I was suggesting to someone that more Hivers whose first language is not English, should post in multiple languages using a translation service or software, in order to reach English language readers too and thereby extend their connections within the community. It struck me that as an English first language member, I should be heeding my own advice and looking to post some articles in multiple languages too in order to expand the reach of my creative works and to make new more diverse connections across the community. To this end, may I ask which programme / software/service you use to translate your posts, or do you do your own translation? And out of interest do you write in your home language first and then translate into English or vice versa? Your input and guidance would be much appreciated.
Sorry for my delay in responding.
This weekend I had a visit from my best friend and so I was kind of "off" from the hive.
Answering your question:
I see you have no problem reading and understanding me. And that's great! I've always had a bit of a fear.
I believe the biggest growth and interaction here is English. As the main language. I see many people from all over the world doing this.
I have some Brazilian friends here and so I leave the text in Portuguese too.
Now, I always write in my language. The Brazilian Portuguese language. The tip is to write the text as formally as possible, without abbreviations and mainly "slang" of places.
I use google translator myself. Today the algorithm is very intelligent to construct sentences and even understands some cases of "slang and sayings" although I don't suggest writing like that.
My writing English is not very good. In some cases when I see that the translation is not quite like that I correct it myself. But that's small cases. More than 90% I use google translate the text in Portuguese that I made following the tips I gave you!
In fact, if you're interested, you can learn the different languages of the world very well now. This is important now, because often in work and in everyday life we have to communicate with people in another language. So I personally decided to go deeper into it and study the information about it here , I highly recommend it. I hope I was able to help and was helpful!
I think you should try sponsored ads and work hard on this great project
Only patience is what earns you money, and with working here, you will find that it is additional work that is distinct
I've been working with it ;)
I do my paid ads and promotions besides sweepstakes and I've been increasing my followers so that they really stay!
I'm not saying I lack "help" from my friends. It's just a reflection of what people are like. You help, encourage, but on the contrary they are not willing to help you and forget about the "friendships" that helped you.
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Isso acontece muito e as vezes desanima. A ideia é continuar quando possível.
Fiquei curioso, porque parou de trabalhar com a venda de perfumes?
Ainda vendo! Mas não faço mais as saídas das vendas. Aconteceram muitas coisas desde que comecei.
Eu investi numa franquia própria no RJ, e depois disso o dólar disparou. Como os insumos são importados o preço do frasco que eu vendia naquela época dobrou o preço de custo. A qualidade continua o mesmo.
Depois entre outros desacordos com a franquia que não foi para frente com meu sócio eu resolvi tirar um tempo disso e seguir no meu jeito.
Agora eu invisto em outras coisas, mas nunca deixei de vender de verdade, apenas não foco tanto como antes.
I train boxing, and there's a phrase there that fits the situation you described: "Champions aren't made in the ring, they're just recognized there." Have no doubt that many will show up when you achieve success. I also think that, as much as it bothers you, you should try to get rid of that feeling of ingratitude in people. The idea is not to let this lack of reciprocity change its essence. I know a little of its history since that time (2013). I was one of the people you helped (again) and I was probably one of those people who didn't give you back as I should... and here I am again being helped by you.
DON'T LOSE YOUR ESSENCE, if I made a mistake before, I intend not to make a mistake now. And if it happened to me, it can happen to many others!
Treino boxe, e lá há uma frase que se encaixa na situação que você descreveu: "Campeões não são feitos no ringue, são apenas reconhecidos lá". Não tenha dúvidas que muitos apareceram quando você alcançar o sucesso. Também acho que, por mais que incomode, você deve tentar se livrar desse sentimento de ingratidão das pessoas. A ideia é não deixar essa falta de reciprocidade mudar a sua essência. Conheço um pouco da sua história desde essa época (2013). Fui uma das pessoas ajudadas por você (de novo) e provavelmente tenha sido uma dessas pessoas que não te retribuiu como deveria... e aqui estou eu novamente sendo ajudado por você.
NÃO PERCA A SUA ESSÊNCIA, se errei antes, pretendo não errar agora. E se aconteceu comigo, pode acontecer com muitos outros!
Hahaha, cara! Nem pense assim hahaha
Você não me deve nada. Fique tranquilo. A minha reflexão são as pessoas próximas a mim aqui e principalmente a família.
Se eu contasse tudo o que eu já ouvi e o desmerecimento de cada, eu hoje não estaria vendendo minhas coisas hahaha
Mas eu sei que os mesmos irão vir atrás de mim e ai chegará minha hora de "retribuir" de verdade xD
Entendo o quanto isso pode parecer frustrante, mas nunca pense que você está sempre sozinho. É claro que o maior esforço sempre vai partir de nós mesmos, @hranhuk... Quem escolhe suar a camisa em benefício próprio tende a levar boas "pancadas" até chegar em um nível de estabilidade na vida (mas sem o incentivo de outras pessoas, como as pessoas da própria família, por exemplo, pode desmotivar mesmo).
Eu sei que pode até não significar muita coisa vindo de alguém que tu nunca viu, mas bixo... Torço pelo seu crescimento, pelo seu sucesso e espero que você consiga chegar onde você quer. Pense positivo, e olhe pra frente... Porque o for teu estará lá.
Obrigado meu caro. Aquela história né: OS verdadeiros eu sei quem são! hahaha
E eu sei o quanto é verdadeiro essa sua torcida por mim. E isso é recíproco, sabe disso também.
Fico feliz em saber que com algumas pessoas eu realmente posso contar de verdade!
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