Sorry for my delay in responding.
This weekend I had a visit from my best friend and so I was kind of "off" from the hive.
Answering your question:
I see you have no problem reading and understanding me. And that's great! I've always had a bit of a fear.
I believe the biggest growth and interaction here is English. As the main language. I see many people from all over the world doing this.
I have some Brazilian friends here and so I leave the text in Portuguese too.
Now, I always write in my language. The Brazilian Portuguese language. The tip is to write the text as formally as possible, without abbreviations and mainly "slang" of places.
I use google translator myself. Today the algorithm is very intelligent to construct sentences and even understands some cases of "slang and sayings" although I don't suggest writing like that.
My writing English is not very good. In some cases when I see that the translation is not quite like that I correct it myself. But that's small cases. More than 90% I use google translate the text in Portuguese that I made following the tips I gave you!