Hello @jin-out ! It's been quite a while and I hope to find you well after all this time 😊
First of all thank you for taking the time to put up together so much information, it really expanded my prespective 🙏
If I'm going to be honest here I must say I do not think I have the right knowledge to analize and interpretate all the information you gave me in a logical and unbiased way. There are a lot of concepts that I do not fully understand. So I confess I cannot refute any of your arguments and maybe I'll never be able to.
However it was, for sure, very interesting listening to some good questions made by that doctor from USA and Andrew's 1st video you send. It didn't change my opinion related to COVID-19 pandemic because liking or not this is reality for now and we must deal with it.
Maybe you're right when you said we are all too busy with our daily lives because I really don't know what to do with this type of information. Even if it changed my point of view I wouldn't be able to do anything about it, so the feeling of hoplesness doesn't help either.
I do think governaments have imposed a lot of restrictions in a way to make everyone follow what they wanted. I realize we are more manipulated than we believe, unfortunately....
But in conclusion, I have to acknowledge I'm going with the flow, possibly ignoring other information other than major health organizations but I do have to choose what to believe. And right know I'm just to tired of dealing with life and everything that's been happening that I don't have the energy or motivation to study more about it.
Take care Jin! 🙌
Take care of yourself and thanks for the follow up.
Give this short vid a watch when you find time