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RE: Life is short. Start fresh.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Hey Daisy!

It's been my pleasure sharing my thoughts with you. If you have time for another response then please follow me, but I must warn you that it may not be something you want to read. And no hard feelings taken because we have the freedom of mind to choose what we believe or disbelieve.

About the video i linked you, it's from a youtube channel of an Australian bloke by the name of Romley-Stewart, who's channel is dedicated to understanding how the system works. In the video he basically speaks about the system of law that the whole world runs on; in Europe it is Roman Civil Law, in England it is Statutory Law/Legislation, and in other parts of the world it has a different name, yet it is all the same...being the law of the Sea, or Admiralty-Maritime commerce.

In the video Romley breaks down the fact that all countries are run by Corporations masquarding as Governments, whilst in truth they are private off-shore business entities made soley for profit, and that to bind the people of the land they were born on to their foreign takeover, they have had to deceive us into consenting into being a citizen aboard their Ship (citizenship) on the sea of Commercial Laws (admiralty-maritime). Initially they have no jurisdiction/powr over us, because they are a foreign company/corporation not part of the land we are born on, but being as they need us to create for them the profits they desire, they have had to entice us into being a citizen on their ship, and the way they did it was by pinning something called the legal person onto the real individual; the method is in being registered with the system via the birth certificate and all other "ID" documents that come with it. One someone consents into becoming part of a foreign Ship/private corporation, they are bound by their legal rules and have duties and obligations to their Captains/Masters, in other words the flesh is bound to a fictional legal person (that exists only on paper and only in the legal realm), and so are bound to all their legislations (which are no more than business/commercial rules).

I can understand your stance on Covid19 and I empathise with you, nor do i blame you for taking that stance. You and I, and the whole world, have been severely mislead and misinformed, and this has not been by coincidence nor an overnight venture. It's literally been generations in the making. I hope the next things i will present to you doesn't cause me to lose an online friend, as i'm only doing it because you are sharp of mind and spirit. Yet it is not easy to digest.

Covid19 was not man made, as there is no such thing as Sars-Cov-2 that has caused the disease called Covid19. Sars-cov-2 was never isolated (as it has not passed the gold standard of the Koch's Postulates), no full sample nor complete genome for such a virus has been proven to exist (only a computer generated sequence based off a half-complete mashup of other gene sequences); the so called variants therefore does not exist either.

The proof? Firstly the big dogs themselves (CDC, WHO) all admitted in their documents that they do not have a quantifiable method of identifying this so called Sars-Cov-2 they are talking about. Secondly there has been FOI (freedom of information requests) submitted by people all over the world (177 and counting), asking the major health organizations, insitutions, Universities, Governmental bodies to produce the evidence that Sars-Cov-2 has been isolated via the world standard of Koch's Postulates and purified, and that computer generated sequences of a half complete gene sequence must not be included, in order to produce a live complete sample. You may see the official responses here:

The PCR testing method used for testing for this Covid19 is a fraudulent test. Inventor of this test, Karry Mullis, who won the nobel price for it, states it himself that this is not a test and cannot be used to detect any viral infections. Karry died right before Covid19 was introduced into this world, right before the pandemic started.

I'm not sure if you know what the World Economic Forum is (they are the organization behind the "UN AGENDA 2030 FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT")? In their website, under the COVID19 section, they have an extremely intricate mapped out action plan of how they wish to achieve their aims of global governence, in which all countries and cities in the world have been taken into account. Have a look under their COVID19 section:

When you click on one link, there are numerous tentacles for each topic. When you dig deeper there are more than 200 links PER tentacle. It is never ending. It just keeps going and going. You can spend days on this site and not even scratch the surface. And everything is connected. Why? Because it is an entire, comprehensive, meticulous plan for changing our entire world. No detail has not been addressed. And guess what? Everything is linked to COVID19. It cannot be a coincidence that all of this meticulous planning was achieved within the two years of this pandemic...and more over....why is all of this linked to a so called Virus? Think about it, how can this alleged virus, which according to W.H.O has a 99.73 recovery rate, would need all of this?

And lastly this is an 1hr 30mins vid by Dr David Martin with German Lawyer Reiner Fullmich, whereby the Dr brings forth the evidence that these so called "vaccines" for the Covid19 has been long planned, patented over 70 times, before this whole pandemic even took place: . How can you give a solution to something and patent this solution that hasn't even occurred yet? Yet it has been done and we have all been swindled.

With all such irrefutable evidence, can this still be called conspiracy theory...or conspiracy fact?

Take care Daisy.


Hello @jin-out ! It's been quite a while and I hope to find you well after all this time 😊

First of all thank you for taking the time to put up together so much information, it really expanded my prespective 🙏

If I'm going to be honest here I must say I do not think I have the right knowledge to analize and interpretate all the information you gave me in a logical and unbiased way. There are a lot of concepts that I do not fully understand. So I confess I cannot refute any of your arguments and maybe I'll never be able to.

However it was, for sure, very interesting listening to some good questions made by that doctor from USA and Andrew's 1st video you send. It didn't change my opinion related to COVID-19 pandemic because liking or not this is reality for now and we must deal with it.

Maybe you're right when you said we are all too busy with our daily lives because I really don't know what to do with this type of information. Even if it changed my point of view I wouldn't be able to do anything about it, so the feeling of hoplesness doesn't help either.

I do think governaments have imposed a lot of restrictions in a way to make everyone follow what they wanted. I realize we are more manipulated than we believe, unfortunately....

But in conclusion, I have to acknowledge I'm going with the flow, possibly ignoring other information other than major health organizations but I do have to choose what to believe. And right know I'm just to tired of dealing with life and everything that's been happening that I don't have the energy or motivation to study more about it.

Take care Jin! 🙌

Take care of yourself and thanks for the follow up.

Hello dear Jin! Thank you for your repply and I'm leaving this comment because it's gonna take me a while to analize all the info you gave me, in order to give a sustained response to you.

I'm currently focused on a lot of other things and contests on Hive and I want to direct my energy to that right now. I didn't want to leave without a response so you don't think you have lost an online friend, because no matter how our opinions differ from each other we can still be friends and interact with one another.

Here, thankfully, we are free to speak whatever is on your minds, share our beliefs as long as we respet each other 😊 I will get back at you as soon as I'm able so don't you worry and in the meantime I hope to read more of your #ttt posts ^^

Take care and have a lovely week 😊

You da man!!!