
Yes, I thought that to be an important point to make. There was no complaint from facebook other than simply too much activity in too short of a period. Said they had to make sure I was a human.
No, really! But, the algorithm kicked in the first time at 300 Reactions in two hours. They locked me down and bothered me with some stuff to make sure I was human.
Then it seemed like they let me loose to go viral finally.
But, no... as soon as I hit that 783 the algo kicked in again. And again... no content complaint, merely too much activity.
And again... I had to spend hours proving I was human, which took a week.

that's the Zuckster :)

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That is bizarre.

I had to spend hours proving I was human, which took a week.

How did you finally manage to prove you were a human? That sounds like something we all need to know, lol.

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